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li bai是什么意思 li bai的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:31:48
  • 193

li bai是什么意思 li bai的中文翻译、读音、例句

"Li Bai"是一个人名,是唐代著名诗人李白的名字。


读音:lǐ bái


1. 李白是唐代最著名的诗人之一。

Li Bai is one of the most famous poets in the Tang Dynasty.

2. 《将进酒》是李白的代表作之一。

"Drinking Alone by Moonlight" is one of Li Bai's representative works.

li bai在中文中有"李白"的意思,还有李白的意思,发音音标为[libai],li bai常被用作名词,在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到66个与li bai相关的句子。

Li Bai的翻译


例句:Soon after being summoned to Chang'an by the emperor, Li Bai was banished due to slanderous talk of crafty officials. (李白在被玄宗召至长安待诏翰林不久便由于奸佞毁谤而遭贬谪,壮志难酬。)


li bai一般作为名词使用,如在Li Bai(李白)、bai(女士 夫人 对妇女的敬称 同,美 印 意 鲍伊 人名)、Li([医] 锂(3号元素))等常见短语中出现较多。

Li Bai李白
bai女士 夫人 对妇女的敬称 同,美 印 意 鲍伊 人名
Li[医] 锂(3号元素)
Maryal Bai[地名] 马里亚勒拜 ( 苏丹 )
Tak Bai[地名] 达拜(答眉) ( 泰 )
Yen Bai[地名] 安沛 ( 越 )
bai U梅雨,影视星空
Dragon Li[网络] 狸花猫
doctor li李医生
jet li[人名]李连杰


1. This is online map of the address "Li Yuan Tun Zhen Qian Bai He Cun , Weihui City, Xinxiang City, Henan Province, China" . (翻译:这是地址“中国河南省新乡市卫辉市李源屯镇前白河村”匹配的在线电子地图。)

2. Li Yani: Yes, I am . The reservation is under the name Li. Li Yani. (翻译:是啊,是很累。我是用李,李亚妮的名字预订的。)

3. " Li Bai laughed loudly: " How could such a thick rod be sharpened into a delicate embroidery needle? (翻译:李白大笑:“这么粗的铁杵怎么可能磨成那么细的绣花针呢?”)

4. In the video, Arabella appears wearing a traditional qipao and stands on a table to recite works by famed poets such as Li Bai. (翻译:在视频中,阿拉贝拉穿着中国传统服装旗袍、站在一张桌子前背诵李白等著名诗人的作品。)

5. No, not the sister. I mean that Ratti Bai. (翻译:不是,不是那个护士。我是说拉蒂·巴苡。)

6. Zhang Heng invented Armillary Sphere and Seismograph here; and the great poets Du Fu and Li Bai left their ever-lasting poems here. (翻译:章呵嗯发明经纬仪和地震在这里和伟大的诗人杜福,李白留下了持久的诗在这里。)

7. Bai, I've come for the bedpan. (翻译:巴姨,我来取那个便盆。)

8. Such a causal poetry of the great poet Li Bai has brought us into a heaven on earth. (翻译:唐代大诗人李白不经意的吟诵,把我们带进人间仙境。)

9. One day, while defending Li Mu Bai in battle he was killed by another man's sword. (翻译:有一回,在一场打斗里 孟思昭为了救李慕白,死在对手的刀下)

10. As Li Zhen reports, Avril left her fans eager for more. (翻译:Li Zhen报道,艾薇儿令她的歌迷渴望看到她更多演唱会。)

11. Siuil go doras agus ealaigh lium (翻译:♫Siúil go doras agus éalaigh liúm♫)

12. If Li Mu Bai doesn't talk straight next time you see him, let me know, and I'll give him an earful! (翻译:下回遇了他,他要是再不肯明讲 告诉我,我去跟他说)

13. This dissertation aims to study the relation between Bai Yuchan and Wuyi Mountain, and focuses on searching Bai Yuchan and his local society activity history. (翻译:本学位论文主要是研究白玉蟾与武夷山的关系,重点在探讨白玉蟾在武夷山的活动及其遗迹。)

14. we suggest you not to meet with Lady Bai tomorrow. (翻译:我希望你明天不要去见贞娘 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}we suggest you not to meet with Lady Bai tomorrow.)

15. Yang Liping is Bai. (翻译:杨丽萍是白族。)

1. Etymology - 'Li Bai' is a Chinese name that refers to a famous poet from the Tang Dynasty, while 'LI' is also an abbreviation for various other terms such as Lithium or Long Island.

Example sentence:

- I'm reading a book about the works of Li Bai, one of the greatest poets in Chinese history.

- The LI-ion battery in your smartphone is what powers it.

2. Pronunciation - 'Li Bai' is ounced as "Lee Bye" in English, while 'LI' is ounced as "ell-eye".

Example sentence:

- The correct unciation of Li Bai's name is important for honoring his legacy.

- The abbreviation LI is commonly used in scientific contexts.

3. Significance - 'Li Bai' is significant because of his contributions to literature and poetry, while 'LI' is significant for its usage in various fields of science and technology.

Example sentence:

- Li Bai's beautiful poetry has inspired countless generations of Chinese people.

- The element lithium (Li) is used in the production of batteries, ceramics, and other materials for various industries.

4. Cultural Context - 'Li Bai' is a symbol of Chinese culture and traditions, while 'LI' also has cultural implications in different contexts.

Example sentence:

- In China, the legacy of Li Bai is celebrated every year during the Mid-Autumn Festival.

- Long Island (LI) is known for its historic landmarks and beautiful beaches.

5. Usage - 'Li Bai' is used in literary and academic contexts, while 'LI' is used more broadly in everyday language.

Example sentence:

- My favorite poem by Li Bai is "Quiet Night Thoughts" because of its vivid imagery and emotional depth.

- I'm going to grab a LI-brary book over the weekend because I need some new reading material.

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