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red line是什么意思 red line的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:31:43
  • 155

red line是什么意思 red line的中文翻译、读音、例句

英文单词:red line


读音:/rɛd laɪn/


1. The company set a red line on the amount of money they were willing to invest in the project. (这家公司设定了一个投资这个项目的金额的红线。)

2. Crossing the red line in this relationship would mean betrayal. (在这种关系中越过红线就意味着背叛。)

red line通常被翻译为"红线"的意思,其中文解释还有"红线"的意思,在线发音:[red lain],red line是一个英语名词,在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到27个与red line相关的例句。

Red line的词典翻译


例句:Lay it all on the line, Harry. (Lay it all on the line, Harry.)


red line一般作为名词使用,如在red coronal line(日冕红线)、red line characteristic(红线特性)、red line clause([经] 红字条款)等常见短语中出现较多。

red coronal line日冕红线
red line characteristic红线特性
red line clause[经] 红字条款
in red穿红衣
in the red[经] 赤字, 亏损
into the red[英国英语]负债;财政情况欠佳
the red[网络] 红领巾侠;裴涩琪;红色的
line by line[网络] 逐行;一句一句地唱;一行行的
line to line两线间


1. Red Octoberwas built for that purpose. (翻译:Red October was built for that purpose.)

2. Power surges, on-line shutdowns... (翻译:on -line shutdowns...)

3. ♪ Put it all on the line ♪ (翻译:♪ Put it all on the line ♪)

4. What line of work are you in? (翻译:Really? What line of work are you in?)

5. And the red line is the treatment as usual -- medication with a medical doctor. (翻译:红线表示采用惯常的治疗手段—— 也就是药剂师开药。)

6. And the red, red rosy tree (翻译:# 还有一棵红红的玫瑰树 # # And the red, red rosy tree #)

7. Because the blue line is a better line. The red line is way downhill, the blue line is a good line. (翻译:因为蓝线表示更好的身体状况, 红线表示在走下坡路,而蓝线表示状况良好。)

8. Are you directing me to red-flag it? (翻译:Are you directing me to red -flag it?)

9. That's the scale. The red line is obviously halfway to the pole. (翻译:这个比例尺 很显然这条红线表明往返南极的半程。)

10. If you see the red line, you are seeing the trail of the pigeon; if you don't see the red line, you are the pigeon. (翻译:如果你看见那条红线, 那就是鸽子的飞行轨迹 你看不见红线的时候,你就是那只鸽子。)

11. Subtitles by Red Bee Media Ltd (翻译:Subtitles by Red Bee Media Ltd)

12. That last downward notch in the red line is not actual data. (翻译:红色线条中最后的下降曲线 并非真实的数据, )

13. Ellis, your feet are all red! (翻译:your feet are all red!)

14. Celebrated breaking ground on the Red Line extension and the imminent production of a major Hollywood movie. (翻译:庆祝红线延长工程破土动工 Celebrated breaking ground on the Red Line extension 以及一部好莱坞投入制作之时 and the imminent production of a major Hollywood movie.)

15. City link bus 290 originated at the red line depot at 7 a.M. (翻译:城市专线290路早上7点 从Red Line总站场发车)


red line作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有s、red、lines等。


1. 指代禁区

Red line可以指代某个禁止进入或超越的区域。例如,在国际关系中,红线通常涉及关键的安全利益、战略利益或价值观等。在商业合作中,红线也可以指代双方商定的不能过度侵犯的条款。


- The use of chemical weapons is a red line that should not be crossed.


- The CEO made it clear that there were certain red lines when it came to corporate governance.


- Taiwan is a red line for China, and any attempt to achieve its independence by foreign forces is unacceptable.


2. 指代限制条件

Red line也可以指代某个事物的限制条件,例如在规章制度上的禁止条件、交通标志上的停车禁止线等。


- Please note that exceeding the speed limit is a red line and could result in a penalty.


- The red line in front of the bus stop indicates where cars should not park.


3. 指代瓶颈

Red line也可以指代某个系统或者过程的瓶颈,即限制整个系统或者过程发展的瓶颈。


- The traffic congestion at the intersection is the red line of this road network.


- The old equipment has become a red line for our production line, and it needs to be updated.


4. 缩写词RL

RL扩展成Red Line,可以指代地铁某一条线路名称。例如伦敦地铁的红线代表Central Line,芝加哥地铁的红线代表Red Line。


- The Red Line will take you directly to downtown Chicago.


- If you need to transfer to the Red Line, get off at the next station.


5. 指代警戒线

Red line也可以指代某个警戒线。


- The soldiers were ordered not to cross the red line.


- The police set up a red line to stop protesters from getting close to the government building.


以上是对'red line'这个单词或者缩写词的五个方面的解释,包括指代禁区、指代限制条件、指代瓶颈、缩写词RL和指代警戒线。希望能对需要的人提供帮助。

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