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precursor是什么意思 precursor的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:34:19
  • 197

precursor是什么意思 precursor的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. The invention of the printing press was a precursor to the spread of knowledge and ideas.


2. The dark clouds were a precursor to the storm that was about to hit.


3. The discovery of fossils was a precursor to the development of the theory of evolution.





例句:By taking that chain off, it would give the precursor to Orkid that Kasatka was coming in. (解开链条 相当于给了欧吉一个先导 卡萨特卡游进来)


例句:Diosgenin is the hydrolyzed material of dioscin and the precursor substance of several important endogenous steroids. (薯蓣皂甙元是薯蓣皂甙的水解产物,它是许多重要甾体激素的前体物质。)


例句:In addition, researchers found that the magma is made of dacite, a type of rock that's a precursor to granite. (另外,研究者发现这里的岩浆的成分是英安岩而不是构成夏威夷主体的玄武岩。英安岩是花岗岩的前身。)


例句:Error is often the precursor of what is correct, but conceit is the prelude to a fall. (翻译:错误往往是正确的先导,骄傲是跌跤的前奏。)


precursor一般作为名词使用,如在earthquake precursor(地震先兆现象)、enzyme precursor(酶的前体)、elastic precursor([网络] 弹性前驱波)等常见短语中出现较多。

earthquake precursor地震先兆现象
enzyme precursor酶的前体
elastic precursor[网络] 弹性前驱波
gel precursor凝胶前驱物
hypertensin precursor[医] 血管紧张素原
labelled precursor标记前体
lignin precursor木素原体
milk precursor乳前体物
pigment precursor色素母体


1. In addition, researchers found that the magma is made of dacite, a type of rock that's a precursor to granite. (翻译:另外,研究者发现这里的岩浆的成分是英安岩而不是构成夏威夷主体的玄武岩。英安岩是花岗岩的前身。)

2. Error is often the precursor of what is correct, but conceit is the prelude to a fall. (翻译:错误往往是正确的先导,骄傲是跌跤的前奏。)

3. Synthesis and Characterization of Nano-NiMgFe-HTLC as Catalyst Precursor (翻译:NiMgFe纳米层状复合氢氧化物催化剂前驱物的合成与表征)

4. Crazing is the invariable precursor of brittle fracture. (翻译:出现小裂纹必然是脆性断裂的前兆。)

5. HRTEM Microstructural Evolution of Polyacrylonitrile Precursor Fiber during Thermal Stabilization Process (翻译:聚丙烯腈原丝在预氧化过程中的HRTEM组织演变)

6. They alter the way it cleaves amyloid precursor protein. (翻译:它们改变了这个酶切割淀粉样蛋白前体的方式。)

7. REM behaviour disorder can be a precursor of neurodegenerative disease including Parkinsons. (翻译:快动眼行为失调可能是例如帕金森氏症的神经退化性疾病的先兆。)

8. Early scribbling is one precursor to early writing which can lead to reading. (翻译:幼儿的涂鸦是一种书写,也是阅读的前兆。)

9. Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition of GaNAs Alloy Using Dimethylhydrazine as Nitrogen Precursor (翻译:采用二甲基肼为氮源进行GaNAs的金属有机化学气相沉积生长)

10. This is but one: this is Frank Gehry the architect's precursor to the Guggenheim in Abu Dhabi. (翻译:举一个例子: 这是建筑师法兰克·盖瑞完成阿布扎比的古根海姆美术馆的雏形。)

11. Conclusion Adult human myoblasts can be induced into neural precursor cells in vitro. (翻译:结论成肌细胞在体外一定条件下诱导能够转化为神经前体细胞。)

12. REM behaviour disorder can be a precursor of neurodegenerative disease including Parkinsons. (翻译:快动眼行为失调可能是例如帕金森氏症的神经退化性疾病的先兆。)

13. It's a precursor from everything, from JFK to de Gaulle. (翻译:它开创了历史,从纽约肯尼迪国际 到戴高乐)

14. It was a precursor to India, a messenger from Gondwana -- a lost paradise of dinosaurs isolated for millions of years. (翻译:它是印度的先导,是来自冈瓦纳----恐龙失乐园--的信使,与世隔绝了几百万年。)

15. A large cell of the bone marrow that is a precursor of the mature granulocyte of the blood. (翻译:髓细胞骨髓的一种大型细胞,是血液成熟的有粒细胞的前身。)



1. 词汇意义


2. 语境运用


3. 类似词语



1. The steam engine was a precursor to the combustion engine. (蒸汽机是内燃机的先驱)

2. The discovery of DNA was a precursor to modern genetics. (DNA的发现为现代遗传学铺平了道路)

3. The researcher synthesized the precursor for a new drug. (研究员合成了一种新药物的前体)

4. The decline of the Roman Empire was a precursor to the Dark Ages. (罗马帝国的衰败为黑暗时代奠定了基础)

5. The early works of Shakespeare are seen as precursors to his later masterpieces. (莎士比亚早期的作品被视为他后期杰作的前身)

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