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insignia是什么意思 insignia的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:14:37
  • 160

insignia是什么意思 insignia的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. The soldier proudly wore his insignia on his uniform.(这位士兵骄傲地在上佩戴着他的徽章。)

2. The insignia on the company logo represents their commitment to quality.(公司标志上的标记代表他们对质量的承诺。)

3. The detective identified the suspect by the insignia on his coat.(侦探通过嫌疑人外套上的标记识别出了他。)




例句:Could you tell the jury what the insignia on his shirt says? (你可以告诉陪审团 他衣服上的标志是什么吗)


例句:If this insignia survived all these years, then perhaps my brother's satchel did as well. (这军章至今完好无损 那我哥哥的包或许也还在)


例句:as well as chairman, he wore on his coat collar only the two red bars that are the insignia of the ordinary Red Soldier. (他虽然除了以外还是红军的一个指挥员,他所佩的领章,也不过是普通战士所佩的两条红领章。)


例句:In other words, Mrs. S. Governance wields the insignia of power, at least concerning the corporations' SOA. (翻译:换句话说,治理女士至少在公司的SOA方面有着几乎至高无上的权利。)


insignia一般作为名词使用,如在flagstaff insignia(旗杆顶饰)、grade insignia([网络] 年级徽章)、insignia of rank(un. 等级标识)等常见短语中出现较多。

flagstaff insignia旗杆顶饰
grade insignia[网络] 年级徽章
insignia of rankun. 等级标识
national insignia[法] 国徽
rank insignia[网络] 官阶徽章;勋章军衔;阶级徽章


1. as well as chairman, he wore on his coat collar only the two red bars that are the insignia of the ordinary Red Soldier. (翻译:他虽然除了以外还是红军的一个指挥员,他所佩的领章,也不过是普通战士所佩的两条红领章。)

2. In other words, Mrs. S. Governance wields the insignia of power, at least concerning the corporations' SOA. (翻译:换句话说,治理女士至少在公司的SOA方面有着几乎至高无上的权利。)

3. The Roots x Douglas Coupland club jacket sports patches of Canada-inspired symbols and insignia. (翻译:根系x道格拉斯库普兰体育俱乐部夹克补丁加拿大启发的符号和标志。)

4. And it turns out the royal insignia has a rectangle within a rectangle within a rectangle, and the path through that palace is actually this spiral here. (翻译:后来我才知道,他们的皇家徽章图形就是由嵌套的方形构成的, 而宫殿的走道也是类似的螺旋形状。)

5. The doors still open on hidden hinges and the "Skylark" insignia is still visible on the sill plates but they are now chromed. (翻译:门仍然开启在隐藏的枢钮和“云雀”上勋章仍然是看得见的在海槛上屏但是他们现在被铬。)

6. This is a bonfire filled with effigies and insignia from the people that they hate on the other side. (翻译:这是一个“篝火”, 里面满是他们憎恨的 另一边的人们的肖像和徽章。)

7. Domitia I has met another ten year old also decked out in the insignia of betrothal. (翻译:Domitia I遇见了另一个十岁的孩子 也戴着订婚的标志。)

8. The red star was the national insignia of the USSR. (翻译:红星是的国徽。)

9. And it turns out the royal insignia has a rectangle within a rectangle within a rectangle, and the path through that palace is actually this spiral here. (翻译:后来我才知道,他们的皇家徽章图形就是由嵌套的方形构成的, 而宫殿的走道也是类似的螺旋形状。)

10. But peace of mind - that is His final guerdon of approval, the fondest insignia of His love, he bestows it charily. (翻译:但是安心-这是他的最后的批准,他的爱的徽章。)

11. Andie, do you see any patches or insignia anywhere on my clothing? (翻译:我要了解这家伙 安蒂,你有看见什么金属片或证章)

12. He collected rice from his land and, thinking the river might be crowded, made bold to borrow your family's official insignia. (翻译:因从庄上运些租米,怕河路里挤,大胆借了老爷府里官衔。)

13. The Captain, always a giant swinging ego onboard ship, wore his own color - green, with the insignia worn swaggeringly low on his hip. (翻译:船长总是船上的老大,摇他的颜色是绿色,这权威的颜色一直低垂到他的下。)

14. There was some kind of badge or insignia on the shirt front that he tore off, suggesting the dead man works somewhere recognisable, some kind of institution. (翻译:他衬衫前面有个徽章或者标记之类的东西 被杀手撕走了 说明他是在某个容易辨认的地方工作)

15. Again her eyes scanned the room, pausing on the trunk in the corner, the one with the insignia of the royal army still etched into its wood. (翻译:她的眼神再一次扫视着房间,落在角落里的大箱子上。箱子的木板上依然嵌着皇家徽章。)




insignia 是一个名词,常常指代一种特殊的标识或徽章。它可以用来表示权力或地位的标志性符号,如军衔、勋章等,也可以表示一个组织或团体的标志、徽章或旗帜。


insignia 是一个名词,它的复数形式是 insignias 或 insigniae。


insignia 通常在以下场景中使用:

- 军事领域:军衔、肩章、勋章等;

- 组织标志:公司、团体、学校等的徽章、标志、旗帜等;

- 服装饰品:袖标、领花、杂志等。


- military insignia 标志

- rank insignia 军衔标志

- company insignia 公司标志

- school insignia 学校标志

- badge insignia 徽章标志


- insignia of rank 军衔标志

- insignia of office 职务标志

- insignia of honor 荣誉标志

- wear an insignia 戴徽章

- display an insignia 展示徽章


insignia 读作 /ɪnˈsɪɡniə/,重音在第二个音节。

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