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vocation是什么意思 vocation的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:16:41
  • 200

vocation是什么意思 vocation的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. She felt a strong vocation to become a doctor. 她有一种强烈的愿望成为一名医生。

2. Teaching was her vocation and she loved every minute of it. 教书是她的职业,她喜欢其中的每一分钟。

3. Many people feel a vocation to help others in need. 许多人感到自己有义务帮助需要帮助的人。




例句:But if I had done that, if I had given up writing, I would have lost my beloved vocation, so I knew that the task was that I had to find some way to gin up the inspiration to write the next book regardless of its inevitable negative outcome. (但是如果我真的这么做了, 真的放弃了, 我将会失去所热爱的职业生涯, 所以我很清楚应该做什么, 就是要想办法重新激起斗志, 继续写新书, 不去在意会收到怎样的负面评价。)


例句:But well before my imagination was my vocation, my imagination saved my life. (但就在想象力成为我的工作之前 它拯救了我)


例句:I'd never been able to tell them I wanted to be an actress, but because of you I can pursue my vocation. (我想成为一名演员 因为你 我可以追求我的职业)


例句:Nursing is not just a job—it's a vocation. (翻译:护理不仅仅是一项工作,而且还是一种职业。)


vocation一般作为名词使用,如在vocation training class([社科] 职业训练班)等常见短语中出现较多。

vocation training class[社科] 职业训练班


1. I'd never been able to tell them I wanted to be an actress, but because of you I can pursue my vocation. (翻译:我想成为一名演员 因为你 我可以追求我的职业)

2. Nursing is not just a job—it's a vocation. (翻译:护理不仅仅是一项工作,而且还是一种职业。)

3. Saving your time of spending vocation, looking on sea , no waste of every monument ! (翻译:为您的度假时光精打细算看海,看海,一秒钟也不浪费!)

4. It was 2001 when Mr. Davidsson looked for a new vocation. (翻译:戴维森是在2001年开始寻找新职业的。)

5. An outsider like me, he was celebrating abandoning the dioceses due to a lack of vocation. (翻译:他像我一样背井离乡 当时在庆祝自己离开教区 因为缺乏使命感)

6. But another vocation of yours is remembered by many, the one practiced by you then, in the university toilets. (翻译:但你的另一项使命很多人都记得 就你在大学厕所里最爱干的那事儿)

7. But, in his own mind, did he view himself as a child molester vindicated by his vocation, status and talent? (翻译:但是,在他心目中,他才视为其职业,身份和人才一儿童性扰自己?)

8. Simply, if you are talented, if you have the vocation and the will to be here, you get in. You share with us and make music. (翻译:很简单,只要你有才华, 只要你有使命感和来这里的强烈愿望。你参与,你分享,你演奏音乐。)

9. May Iknow your vocation? (翻译:你的职业是啥子? )

10. I'm a potter, which seems like a fairly humble vocation. (翻译:我是一名陶艺家。听起来不是什么了不起的职业。)

11. Afer the" eight day " vocation , let us start learning english! (翻译:十一长假已过,让我们继续学习吧! )

12. Submit her body to the question so that, through pain, it finds its true original vocation. (翻译:让她身体对审问屈服 以便通过痛苦让它发现 它真正的天职)

13. I confirm that Jep and civil vocation never got along, he was lazy and the other hyperactive. (翻译:我确信Jep跟使命感从来就不搭边 其他人活蹦乱跳的 可他很懒)

14. And that has always impressed me, because what we want as kids is that moral intensity, to be totally given ourselves over to something and to find that level of vocation. (翻译:这打动了我, 因为我们所需的正是 孩子所有的强烈道德感, 让我们完全臣服于某物, 找到那种使命感。)

15. It's a rare opportunity for me to talk to someone of your vocation, which leads me to my question: (翻译:当然,弗兰克 跟你这行的人谈话, 对我来说是很珍贵的机会,)



1. 词汇含义: "vocation"是一个名词,常常用来指一个人的职业或者事业,尤其是那些被认为是具有神圣意义或有社会责任感的职业,例如传教士、医生、教育工作者等。

2. 词源渊源: "vocation"这个词源于拉丁语"vocare",意为"召唤"或"呼唤"。

3. 用法搭配: 通常,我们用"vocation"来描述一个人的事业或职业,可以联合其他的词如"religious vocation"表示召唤,"vocation training"表示职业培训等等。

4. 特定语境: "vocation"这个词在特定的语境中可以有不同的含义,例如在教中,"vocation"通常指的是神职人员的召唤,而在商业世界中,"vocation"常常被用来形容一个人在某个特定职业中拥有的天赋、热情和才能。

5. 意义与价值: "vocation"一般被看作是一个具有特殊意义和价值的词汇,它与我们的生活和工作密切相关,可以激励人们去追求自己的梦想和事业。


1. Her vocation is to become a doctor and help people in need.


2. He found his true vocation as a teacher and was passionate about educating children.


3. The nuns in the convent felt a strong vocation to dedicate their lives to serving God.


4. After years of working in the corporate world, she realized her true vocation was in the arts.


5. He received vocational training in welding and now has a successful career as a welder.


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