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dlci是什么意思 dlci的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-23 13:23:23
  • 219

dlci是什么意思 dlci的中文翻译、读音、例句

dlci的中文翻译为“数据链路连接标识”,读音为d-l-c-i。例句:使用dlci标识可以帮助网络管理员对各种数据链路进行分析和管理。Translation: The use of dlci identifiers can help network administrators yze and manage various data links.

1.词汇含义:DLCI的全称是Data Link Connection Identifier,是指在数据链路层中,用来标识不同的虚拟电路的标识符。





1. The DLCI identifies the specific PVC that is being used in the connection.(DLCI标识连接中使用的特定PVC。)

2. The DLCI is a local identifier used by the frame relay network to identify virtual circuits.(DLCI是Frame Relay网络用于识别虚拟电路的本地标识符。)

3. The DLCI is embedded within the Frame Relay header of each frame that is transmitted over the network.(DLCI嵌入在网络传输的每个帧的Frame Relay头中。)

4. Each DLCI identifies a specific virtual circuit, and the combination of the DLCI and DTE address identifies the end-to-end connection.(每个DLCI标识一个特定的虚拟电路,DLCI和DTE地址的组合标识端到端的连接。)

5. The router uses the DLCI to determine where to forward the frame to reach its destination.(路由器使用DLCI来确定转发帧的目的地。)

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