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retailer是什么意思 retailer的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:15:39
  • 162

retailer是什么意思 retailer的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. The retailer has seen a significant increase in sales this year.(这家零售商今年销售额大幅增长。)

2. As a retailer, it's important to understand your customers' needs and preferences.(作为一家零售商,了解顾客的需求和喜好非常重要。)

3. The retailer offers a wide range of products, from clothing to electronics.(这家零售商提供从服装到电子产品的广泛产品种类。)




例句:Maybe the most spectacular failure was that of Subhiksha, a discount retailer. (最壮观的失败可能是折扣零售商Subhiksha的失败了。)


例句:Danie Ware, from retailer Forbidden Planet, said the manga series was "pitched just right", and an "interesting crossover". (来自零售商“禁忌星球”的丹妮·韦尔说:“该漫画找准了定位,是一次有趣的交叉融合。” )


例句:"Any retailer will say that is crazy, " says Mr Bissell. (他表示:“任何一家零售商都会说这有些疯狂。”)


例句:However, the LCBO is by far the largest wine retailer in the province. (翻译:然而,LCBO是安省最大的零售商。)


retailer一般作为名词使用,如在discount retailer(有折扣的零售商)、electronic retailer([网络] 电子零售商;电子专卖店)、general retailer([网络] 零售业)等常见短语中出现较多。

discount retailer有折扣的零售商
electronic retailer[网络] 电子零售商;电子专卖店
general retailer[网络] 零售业
local retailer[贸易] 地方零售商
marginal retailer边际零售商
noncompeting retailer[贸易] 非竞争零售商
online retailer线上零售商
power retailer电力零售商
retailer cooperative[网络] 零售商合作社;零售商合作组织
retailer services零售服务


1. "Any retailer will say that is crazy, " says Mr Bissell. (翻译:他表示:“任何一家零售商都会说这有些疯狂。”)

2. However, the LCBO is by far the largest wine retailer in the province. (翻译:然而,LCBO是安省最大的零售商。)

3. It's the first time that Dominick's has engineered such an extensive cross-promotion with an apparel retailer. (翻译:这是多米尼克食品店首次与服装零售商联手进行大规模的交叉促销活动。)

4. OIA will present the awards at the Outdoor Retailer Winter Market in Salt Lake City, Utah. (翻译:户外产业协会将在犹他州盐湖城户外零售商冬季展出席颁奖仪式。)

5. Bing Capital's acquisition of Edcon, a large retailer, is testimony to the confidence they are starting to place in the economy. (翻译:获取Edcon公司的股份,Edcon是当地一家很大的零售商 这些事实表明他们开启了它们的商业进程)

6. Another, a national retailer, lost its connections to its point of sale computers and was unable to process any sales. (翻译:另一位客户是全国性零售商,失去了与销售点计算机的连结,无法处理任何销售。)

7. The organisation was founded by Ruslan Kogan, of the Australian budget consumer electronics retailer, Kogan Technologies. (翻译:这一组织由鲁斯兰·高更创立,高更来自于一家澳大利亚廉价消费电子产品零售商-高更科技。)

8. Higher wages are boosting profits at retailers including Suning Appliance Co. , the nation's biggest electronics retailer. (翻译:工资增加正在提高零售业的利润,包括苏宁电器,国内最大的电器连锁商店。)

9. What might be appropriate for a multinational oil company wouldbe inappropriate for a retailer or IT firm. (翻译:适合一家跨国石油公司的报告标准,可能并不适合于一家零售商或IT公司。)

10. The publisher and retailer data is mostly ONIX formatted XML data. (翻译:出版商和零售商的数据主要是ONIX格式的MXL数据。)

11. Marks and Spencer Group (M&S) is a retailer of clothing, foods and Homeware. (翻译:玛莎百货是一家集服装,食品和家庭用品于一身的零售集团。)

12. We know that Riverton is a huge retailer and that you've got your pick of potential data partners. (翻译:我们知道里弗顿是零售巨头 想要挑选潜在的数据合作方)

13. Yamada Denki, Japan's biggest electronics retailer, has hired 100 Mandarin or Cantonese speakers. (翻译:日本最大的电子产品连锁零售商山田电机,已经雇佣了100名讲普通话或广东话的店员。)

14. Jeronimo Martins, the nation's biggest retailer, surged 5.7 percent to 11.39 euros. (翻译:葡萄牙最大的零售商马尔丁斯公司股价上涨5.7%,至11.39欧元。)

15. The retailer already has 282 stores in China and 371 Seiyu stores in Japan, but has no direct online sales. (翻译:沃尔玛在中国开有282家实体店,在日本则开有371家西友百货店,但还没有网上直销业务。)





词组搭配:常见的词组搭配有retailer market(零售市场)、retailer price(零售价)等。




1. A retailer in the city center is offering discounts on electronic products.(市中心的一家零售商正在打折销售电子产品。)

2. It's difficult for small retailers to compete with large supermarket chains.(小零售商很难与大型超市连锁店竞争。)

3. The retailer's online store sells a wide variety of products.(该零售商的在线商店销售各种各样的产品。)

4. The retailer's profits have increased significantly since implementing a new marketing strategy.(自从实施新的营销策略以来,这家零售商的利润显著增加。)

5. The retailer has a strict return policy for damaged or defective products.(这家零售商对于损坏或有缺陷的产品有严格的退货政策。)

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