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infarction是什么意思 infarction的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-01-27 12:09:29
  • 242

infarction是什么意思 infarction的中文翻译、读音、例句

infarction的中文翻译是梗塞,读音为 /ɪnˈfɑːkʃən/。


1. He had a heart infarction last night and is now in hospital.


2. Stroke and myocardial infarction are common consequences of untreated hypertension.





例句:Results: Myocardial infarction area and endothelin level during rat myocardial infarction were lowered by Buyanghuanwu Decoction remarkably. (结果:补阳还伍汤能显著减少心肌梗死面积,降低血浆内皮素水平。)


例句:Myocardial infarction is the medical term for a heart attack. (心肌梗塞是心脏病发作的医学术语。)


例句:Clinical Significance of Infarction Areaand Heart Rate Variability in Myocar-diac Infarction Patients (心肌梗死病人梗死部位与心率变异的临床意义)


例句:Objective to explore the predicators of cerebral infarction in patients with TIA. (翻译:目的探讨TIA短期内进展至脑梗死的相关因素。)


infarction一般作为名词使用,如在embolic infarction([医] 栓子性梗塞形成)、healedmyocardial infarction(愈合性心肌梗塞)、hemorrhagic infarction([医] 出血性梗塞形成)等常见短语中出现较多。

embolic infarction[医] 栓子性梗塞形成
healedmyocardial infarction愈合性心肌梗塞
hemorrhagic infarction[医] 出血性梗塞形成
hepatic infarction肝梗塞
infarction of kidney肾梗死
infarction of liver肝梗死
infarction of pituitary垂体梗塞
intestinal infarction[医] 肠梗塞形成
lung infarction[医]肺梗塞


1. Clinical Significance of Infarction Areaand Heart Rate Variability in Myocar-diac Infarction Patients (翻译:心肌梗死病人梗死部位与心率变异的临床意义)

2. Objective to explore the predicators of cerebral infarction in patients with TIA. (翻译:目的探讨TIA短期内进展至脑梗死的相关因素。)

3. Objective: To study mechanism of Tongluo injection on curing cerebral infarction. (翻译:目的:研究通络注射液治疗脑梗死的作用机理。)

4. Effect of buflomedil on dysmnesia, cerebral blood flow and electroencephalogram after cerebral infarction (翻译:活脑灵对脑梗死后记忆障碍、脑血流量及脑电图的影响)

5. Objective To investigate effect of batroxobin for progressive cerebral infarction. (翻译:目的观察巴曲酶在进展性脑梗塞中的治疗作用。)

6. Effect of Bayaspirin on plasma platelet factor 4 in patients with cerebral infarction (翻译:拜阿司匹灵对脑梗死患者血浆血小板4因子的影响)

7. Results:The proportion of cerebral thrombo-infarction and lacuna-infarction of MS were higher than that of control group. (翻译:结果:MS各组的血栓性脑梗死和腔隙性脑梗死的患病比例均高于对照组。)

8. What is the response to acute myocardial infarction, a heart attack, today? (翻译:在发生急性心肌梗死,病人会有什么反应呢?)

9. Objective: To observe the effect of Xinnao Xuekang capsule on brain infarction. (翻译:目的:观察心脑血康胶囊对脑梗死的治疗作用。)

10. The myocardial infarction is often caused by the increasing consistency of the blood. (翻译:心肌梗塞等疾病是由于血液的黏稠度高而引起的。)

11. MRI and enhanced MRI were highly sensitive to corpus callosal infarction. (翻译:MRI平扫及增强对胼胝体梗死具有较高的敏感性。)

12. Charles Wynn died of a myocardial infarction caused by 9 milligrams of aconitine. (翻译:十分肯定我知道她的名字 我现在把资料传给你)

13. Results Myocardial infarction area and endothelin level during rat myocardial infarction were lowered by Tong Luo Pill remarkably. (翻译:结果:通络丸能显著减少心肌坏死面积,降低血浆内皮素水平。)

14. Effects of aspirin and trapidil on cardiovascular events after acute myocardial infarction (翻译:阿司匹林和曲匹地尔对急性心肌梗塞后心血管事件的影响)

15. Association between angiotensin converzyme gene Polymorphism and cerebral infarction (翻译:血管紧张素转换酶基因多态性与脑梗死的关系)




1. 医学意义



- My grandfather suffered a myocardial infarction last year and had to undergo surgery.

- The MRI showed a small infarction in the left frontal lobe.

- Renal infarction is a rare but serious condition that requires prompt treatment.

2. 预防和治疗



- The doctor advised me to quit smoking and exercise regularly to reduce my risk of infarction.

- My neighbor had a pulmonary infarction last month and had to stay in the hospital for a week.

- Early treatment is crucial for patients with acute myocardial infarction.

3. 科学研究



- The research team found a new gene that could reduce the risk of cerebral infarction.

- The study showed that stem cell therapy could promote myocardial infarction recovery.

- The mouse model of renal infarction was established to test the effectiveness of new drugs.


1. She was diagnosed with acute myocardial infarction and was hospitalized immediately. (她被诊断为急性心肌梗死并立即住院治疗。)

2. The MRI scan showed a small infarction in the left brain hemisphere. (MRI扫描显示左脑半球有一个小梗死。)

3. Pulmonary infarction can cause severe chest pain and difficulty breathing. (肺梗死可以导致严重的痛和呼吸困难。)

4. The patient's recovery from myocardial infarction was remarkable due to timely treatment. (由于及时治疗,患者从心肌梗死中恢复得很好。)

5. Researchers found a correlation between high blood pressure and the risk of cerebral infarction in elderly people. (研究人员发现高血压与老年人脑梗死的风险之间存在一定关联。)

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