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underdeveloped是什么意思 underdeveloped的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-09-16 13:41:26
  • 747

underdeveloped是什么意思 underdeveloped的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. Many underdeveloped countries are struggling to overcome poverty and improve their standard of living. 许多欠发达国家正在努力摆脱贫困,提高生活水平。

2. The region is underdeveloped, with poor infrastructure and few job opportunities. 这个地区发展不足,基础设施落后,就业机会也比较少。

3. Access to education is limited in many underdeveloped areas, which hinders their ability to develop and prosper. 在许多欠发达地区,教育资源有限,这妨碍了它们的发展和繁荣。




例句:And my intention was to go out to the gyre, raise awareness about this issue and begin to pick up the plastic, chip it into little bits and cold mold it into bricks that could potentially be used as building materials in underdeveloped communities. (我计划是航行到垃圾环流带, 提高对于此染的高度重视, 开始回收塑料, 切割它变成小片,然后冷压变成塑料块, 它可能被用来作为欠发达社区的 建筑材料。)


例句:Hanna was more mature, more of a woman than the underdeveloped girls here. (汉娜比较成熟,是一个比这里那些 发育不良的女孩子们成熟的女人)


例句:A style of work which in the words of Professor Arthur Reis makes the Amazon the most underdeveloped region of the country. (阿图尔·雷斯教授所描述的 某种劳作风格 使亚马孙成为了全国最不发达的地区)


underdeveloped一般作为名词使用,如在underdeveloped area(未开发区)、underdeveloped economy(不发达经济)、underdeveloped region(不发达地区)等常见短语中出现较多。

underdeveloped area未开发区
underdeveloped economy不发达经济
underdeveloped region不发达地区
underdeveloped socialism不发达社会主义


1. A style of work which in the words of Professor Arthur Reis makes the Amazon the most underdeveloped region of the country. (翻译:阿图尔·雷斯教授所描述的 某种劳作风格 使亚马孙成为了全国最不发达的地区)

2. Yet, the report says, at the present time they seem to be survivor severely underdeveloped in American students. (翻译:然而报道称目前在美国学生中,他们看起来严重不达标的。)

3. These skills are needed for algebra. Yet, the report says, at the present time they seem to be severely underdeveloped in American students. (翻译:这些技能都是学习代数所需的。然而,报告说,从现在看来,美国学生的这些技能似乎并没有被完全发展)

4. Puny demand was partly the result of small wage rises, but it was also because Germany's service sector is underdeveloped. (翻译:需求不足一方面是由工资涨幅过小导致的,然而,另一方面是德国服务业不发达。)

5. Xianning is a mountain city in south-eastern province, the economy underdeveloped. (翻译:咸宁是我省东南部的一个山区市,经济不够发达。)

6. On the other hand, if you're visiting an underdeveloped country, and 25 dollars buys you a gourmet meal, it's exorbitant for a Big Mac. (翻译:反过来, 如果你去一个贫穷的国家, 花25美元就可以买一顿丰盛的晚餐, 那么“巨无霸”就显得贵得离谱了。)

7. Now, of course, there are broad expanses of ocean that are still dark, and in many underdeveloped areas there's still darkness. (翻译:当然,现在广阔的海洋 依旧处于黑暗中, 很多不发达的地区 看起来也是漆黑一片, )

8. The reality is that we are a small, underdeveloped country doing our best to survive. (翻译:真实的情况是, 我们是一个低度开发小国, 尽我们所能的维持生存。)

9. His theory was inapplicable to many underdeveloped economies. (翻译:他的理论不适用于许多不发达的经济体。)

10. Soaring car-ownership is leaving the country's underdeveloped roads increasingly gridlocked. (翻译:上升的汽车拥有率使得国家落后的道路日益拥堵。)

11. I always try to live like a European. And Elena makes me feel underdeveloped at every step. (翻译:我一直试图过得像个欧洲人,艾利娜 使我感觉每走一步都是不成熟的)

12. From Beijing's perspective and that of the migrants, they are bringing money and progress to an underdeveloped region. (翻译:北京和这些移民的观点的观点是,他们给这个不发达地区带来资金和发展。)

13. Like a caveman Stan's brain is underdeveloped. (翻译:就像穴居人... ...斯坦的脑子... ...还没进化完全)

14. This kind of thing cannot occur even in the most underdeveloped society or uncultured place! (翻译:这个社会再落后的地方再偏僻的地方都不可能存在这种情况!)

15. It could eventually overcome the disparities between the privileged and the underdeveloped. (翻译:它最终可以克服享有特权者和未发达者之间的差距。)



1. 意义和定义方面


2. 国际关系方面


3. 社会经济方面



1. Poverty is still a serious issue in many underdeveloped countries.


2. This region is still underdeveloped and lacks sufficient infrastructure.


3. The underdeveloped education system is one of the biggest challenges for this country.


4. The underdeveloped lung function in premature babies can lead to respiratory problems.


5. The underdeveloped industry and lack of innovation were major obstacles to the country's economic growth.


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