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soundly是什么意思 soundly的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-08-09 15:11:38
  • 314

soundly是什么意思 soundly的中文翻译、读音、例句

soundly 的中文翻译是“彻底地;完全地”。读音为 [ˈsaʊndli]。


1. She slept soundly through the night. (她整晚都睡得很好。)

2. The company's financial statements are soundly structured. (该公司的财务报表结构合理。)

3. The team was soundly defeated in the championship game. (该队在锦标赛中被彻底击败了。)




例句:The defendant's claim of innocence was reviewed by the court and soundly rejected. (法庭重审了被告的无罪辩解 并予以绝对驳回)


例句:The stars lean down to kiss you. And I lie awake and miss you. Pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere, 'cause I'll doze off safe and soundly. (繁星弯下腰来亲吻你,而我碾转反侧着想念你。给我一剂足够的空气,这样我才能安心睡去。)


例句:They're sleeping soundly, but I can't, thinking about tomorrow. (为什么突然这样问? 虽然大家都睡得很香甜)


例句:He was soundly beaten by his mother. (翻译:他让母亲狠揍了一顿。)


soundly一般作为副词、动词使用,如在sleep soundly(酣眠;沉睡;甜睡;睡得正甜)、soundly asleep(酣睡)等常见短语中出现较多。

sleep soundly酣眠;沉睡;甜睡;睡得正甜
soundly asleep酣睡


1. They're sleeping soundly, but I can't, thinking about tomorrow. (翻译:为什么突然这样问? 虽然大家都睡得很香甜)

2. He was soundly beaten by his mother. (翻译:他让母亲狠揍了一顿。)

3. The team was soundly defeated. (翻译:这支队一败涂地。)

4. The man next to me is sleeping soundly. He looks like a broker, with his big paunch and his waxed mustache. (翻译:我旁边的人在呼呼大睡,他像一个客,大肚子,蜡黄的小胡子。)

5. Apart from one of Mrs Hubbard's customary outbursts, I slept very soundly. (翻译:正相反 除了赫伯德太太习惯性的大吵大嚷那会儿)

6. Razor soundly defeated Kid in a lopsided victory that was over in four rounds. (翻译:雷泽以压倒性优势战胜基德 比赛也只进行了4轮)

7. For all that, the big banks are liquid and soundly capitalized. Smaller banks are a different story. (翻译:最后,大银行都流动性充足,资本结构合理,小银行却是另一番光景。)

8. [PAO] Biomedical data recently was monitored, and the C.M.P. Was soundly asleep... while the commander was resting... but perhaps not soundly asleep. (翻译:[公共]我们最近 在监控生物医学数据 指挥舱驾驶员睡得很香 指挥员在休息)

9. They have him where they want him now, the great warrior, the last big man of Europe. He sleeps soundly in his granite bed. (翻译:这是充满诗意的陈尸所,他们现在将这位伟大的武士、欧洲最后一位伟人送到想送的地方去了。)

10. We're still adjusting,and benjamin is sleeping so soundly. (翻译:我们还在适应阶段 而且Benjamin睡得很香)

11. Tanneke can sleep soundly... and Griet can clean the studio before she comes down in the morning. (翻译:堂娜克可以睡好 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}Tanneke can sleep soundly... 葛丽叶也可以每天清晨下来前打扫一下画室 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}and Griet can clean the studio before she comes down in the morning.)

12. The man is soundly defeated, yet treated as victor? (翻译:这个男人已被彻底击败 却被当成胜利者对待?)

13. the strength of financial markets tends to be seen as a signal that the economy is soundly based. (翻译:强健的金融市场倾向于被认为是经济良性发展的信号。)

14. At last, we can all sleep soundly, (翻译:知道国王不会早上 不会对我们强征新税...)

15. Cartwright indicated that since the establishment of diplomatic ties 35 years ago, bilateral relations have been developing soundly. (翻译:卡特赖特表示,新中建交近35年来,两国关系发展良好。)


1. 词性:副词

2. 意思:完全,彻底,健康有力,稳固

3. 用途:

- 形容动词或形容词,表示完全或彻底的程度,如soundly sleep(熟睡)、soundly defeated(彻底击败)

- 形容人或物体的健康状态很好,如soundly body(健康的身体)

- 形容事物的基础或根基很稳固,不易受到,如soundly built(建造牢固)

4. 同义词:thoroughly, completely, deeply, well, firmly

5. 反义词:unsoundly, poorly, weakly


1. He slept soundly through the night. 他整夜熟睡。

2. The team was soundly defeated in the final match. 这支队伍在决赛中遭受了彻底的失败。

3. The baby was soundly asleep in her crib. 宝宝在她的婴儿床上熟睡着。

4. The bridge is soundly built and can withstand strong winds. 这座桥建造得很牢固,能经受得住强风。

5. The doctor said that he is soundly healthy and has no major health problems. 医生说他的健康状况非常好,没有任何重大的健康问题。

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