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vmc是什么意思 vmc的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-10-25 15:41:55
  • 1294

vmc是什么意思 vmc的中文翻译、读音、例句

vmc的中文翻译是虚拟机管理器,读音为vēi èm sī,常用于管理和虚拟化计算机的软件系统。例如:我正在学习如何使用vmc来管理我公司的服务器。




例句:The mortality of VMC in acute stage is about 11.2 %. (病毒性心肌炎重症急性期病死率可达11.2%。)


例句:Thunderstorm on the northwest side of the airport, advise you to maintain VMC avoiding them. (雷雨在西北方向,通知你,保持能见避开它们。)


例句:Conclusions VMC can be caused in mice after CVB3 inoculation, abnormal cardiomyocyte apoptosis can be found in VMC. (结论实验组小鼠在接种CV B3后可引起VMC, VMC中存在异常的心肌细胞凋亡现象。)



vmc一般作为名词使用,如在VMC([计] 虚存计算机)等常见短语中出现较多。

VMC[计] 虚存计算机


1. Conclusions VMC can be caused in mice after CVB3 inoculation, abnormal cardiomyocyte apoptosis can be found in VMC. (翻译:结论实验组小鼠在接种CV B3后可引起VMC, VMC中存在异常的心肌细胞凋亡现象。)

Vmc 可以解释为 virtual machine monitor (虚拟机监视器) 或者 vector meson dominance (矢量介子占主)。


1. Virtual Machine Monitor (虚拟机监视器)

虚拟机监视器是一种在虚拟化环境中使用的管理软件。它监视和控制不同的虚拟机,确保它们在物理计算机和其他虚拟机之间共享系统资源。Vmc 通常是在服务器上运行的软件,它可以帮助企业节省资金和资源成本,提高效率和安全性。


- Our new server is equipped with a powerful VMC that allows us to run multiple virtual machines at once.

- The VMC ensures that each virtual machine has access to just the right amount of resources.

- The IT team is responsible for managing the VMC and ensuring that all virtual machines are operating effectively.

- If the VMC crashes, it could potentially affect all of the virtual machines running on that server.

- With the help of VMC technology, we can run legacy applications on new hardware without having to worry about compatibility issues.

2. Vector Meson Dominance (矢量介子占主)

矢量介子占主是一种物理学理论,它描述了介子之间的相互作用。简而言之,它认为矢量介子(如 ω、ρ 和 φ)是强相互作用的主要载体,贡献了大部分的散射截面。 这个理论在粒子物理学和核物理学中被广泛应用。


- Vector meson dominance is an important concept in understanding the behavior of subatomic particles.

- The VMC theory has been successful in explaining a wide range of experimental results.

- The role of the ω meson in vector meson dominance has been the subject of much research.

- The VMC model predicts that the ρ meson dominates in pion-pion tering at low energies.

- Vector meson dominance is one of many theories used to explain the strong nuclear force.

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