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facsimile是什么意思 facsimile的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-07 04:00:07
  • 154

facsimile是什么意思 facsimile的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音:fǎ xì mǐ lè


1. 我们需要一份文件的传真副本。

We need a facsimile copy of the document.

2. 请将这份文件的原件和传真件一同发送给我。

Please send me the original and facsimile copies of this document together.




例句:Fax, abbreviated from facsimile transmission, is a widely used for business communication. (传真,缩写从传真传输,是一广泛二手的为商务沟通。)


例句:It contains the facsimile production of Ecce Homo, Nietzsche's autobiography, including a transcription and commentary. (《看这个人》的复写,尼采的自传,包括,抄写和注释。)


例句:The bison and boomerangs are a facsimile of a painting in Pindal Cave near Colombres, Province of Oviedo, Spain. (野牛和弯镖是西班牙奥维多省哥伦布·里斯附近品达洞的彩画摹本。)


例句:Any notice sent by telex or by facsimile shall be deemed to have been given at the time of transmission. (翻译:任何以电传或传真发出之通知书在传送时应被视为已发出。)


facsimile一般作为名词、形容词、动词使用,如在in facsimile(一模一样,逼真)、facsimile apparatus([计] 传真机)、facsimile band(un. 传真信号频带)等常见短语中出现较多。

in facsimile一模一样,逼真
facsimile apparatus[计] 传真机
facsimile bandun. 传真信号频带
facsimile bandwidth传真频带宽度
facsimile baseband传真基频频带
facsimile broadcast传真广播,电传真迹
facsimile broadcasting【电信学】传真发射
facsimile camera传真摄像机
facsimile chart传真图


1. The bison and boomerangs are a facsimile of a painting in Pindal Cave near Colombres, Province of Oviedo, Spain. (翻译:野牛和弯镖是西班牙奥维多省哥伦布·里斯附近品达洞的彩画摹本。)

2. Any notice sent by telex or by facsimile shall be deemed to have been given at the time of transmission. (翻译:任何以电传或传真发出之通知书在传送时应被视为已发出。)

3. Facsimile and emailed copies of signatures shall be deemed to be originals for purposes of the effectiveness of this Amendment. (翻译:传真和电子邮件发送的签字页复印件为本修正案效力之目的应被视为原件。)

4. Most deaf infants born in the United States now will receive cochlear implants, which are put into the brain and connected to a receiver, and which allow them to acquire a facsimile of hearing and to use oral speech. (翻译:现在美国新生的耳聋婴儿 都会接受人工耳蜗植入手术, 将人工耳蜗植入大脑 并连上接收器 通过接收信号,这让他们具有听说的能力 )

5. The tender must be confirmed promptly by letter or by the despatch of a signed copy of the telex, telegram or facsimile. (翻译:投标必须立即用信件或通过电传、电报或传真的签署副本加以确认。)

6. The bison and boomerangs are a facsimile of a painting in Pindal Cave near Colombres, Province of Oviedo, Spain. (翻译:野牛和弯镖是西班牙奥维多省哥伦布里斯附近品达洞的彩画摹本。)

7. by telecopy or facsimile transmission, with a confirmation of transmission; (翻译:使用电子邮政或传真传送,附传送确认证明;)

8. Seconely, using Japanis facsimile data, and through correlation ana lysis, four predictors are sifted out with clear physical meaing and fairly good effect . (翻译:然后,从日本气象厅发布的数值预告传真图资料中,通过相关普查,筛选出物理意义清楚、效果较好的四个预报因子。)

9. As I moved through, I achieved a very reasonable facsimile of the Maltese Falcon. (翻译:到最后,我终于 做成了一个很不错的马耳他之鹰复制品)

10. It contains the facsimile production of Ecce Homo, Nietzsche's autobiography, including a transcription and commentary. (翻译:《看这个人》的复写,尼采的自传,包括,抄写和注释。)

11. Acer's Iconia dual-screen tablet lacks haptics, but is it a reasonable facsimile of the future of laptops? (翻译:宏碁的iconia双屏幕平板没有触觉,但是这给未来的笔记本一个很好的摹本了吧? 一个拥有全虚拟键盘的笔记本不就是一个对折的电脑么。)

12. B: No problem .I will send you a facsimile with a map and confirmation of reservations. (翻译:没有问题。我会寄上地图及订房确认单。)

13. As I moved through, I achieved a very reasonable facsimile of the Maltese Falcon. (翻译:到最后,我终于 做成了一个很不错的马耳他之鹰复制品 )

14. Equipment used to produce such a graph or tracing in facsimile transmission. (翻译:传真电报机传真通信中用以制作这样的图表或映描图的设备)

15. Gordon's painting was an almost perfect facsimile of the original. (翻译:戈登的绘画简直像是原作的翻版。)





1. facsimile machine:传真机

2. facsimile signature:签名复印件

3. facsimile transmission:传真传输

4. facsimile edition:复制版

5. fax cover sheet:传真封面


1. The museum displayed a facsimile of the original mcript. 这个博物馆展示了原始手稿的复制件。

2. Please send me a facsimile of the contract. 请将合同的复印件寄给我。

3. The document can be sent by facsimile. 这份文件可以通过传真发送。

4. A facsimile of the painting was printed in the catalogue. 画作的复制品被印在目录中。

5. The company uses a facsimile machine to send important documents. 公司使用传真机发送重要文件。

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