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parts是什么意思 parts的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-04 16:18:02
  • 214

parts是什么意思 parts的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. The car parts were tered all over the garage.(汽车零件散落在整个车库里。)

2. She handed me the different parts of the machine to assemble.(她把机器的不同部分递给我来组装。)

3. The human body is made up of many different parts.(人体由许多不同的组成部分构成。)




例句:I came here to get some parts, but I heard you've got this area now. (我来拿零件却听说你抢我的地盘 I came for some spare parts, but I learned that this is your area.)


例句:Carlyle recommends cleaving all body parts with a sharp blade. (Carlyle建议用锋利的刀片 切开身体的所有部分 Carlyle recommends cleaving all body parts with a sharp blade.)


例句:The Hangman in these parts. (这片地区的绞刑官 The Hangman in these parts.)


例句:Just like in my dreams, there were amazing parts and tough parts. (翻译:正如我想象中的那样, 精彩与艰难并存。)


parts一般作为名词、动词使用,如在in parts(在一些地方, 某些方面)、in these parts(在这一带,在这些地方)、parts with(na. 跟…分别;辞退;卖掉(东西))等常见短语中出现较多。

in parts在一些地方, 某些方面
in these parts在这一带,在这些地方
parts withna. 跟…分别;辞退;卖掉(东西)
these parts这一带
double the parts在同一出戏里扮演两个角色
drawn parts抽制件
drive parts[化] 驱动部分; 驱动部件
duplex parts成对部件
duplicate parts复制件\n备件


1. The Hangman in these parts. (翻译:这片地区的绞刑官 The Hangman in these parts.)

2. Just like in my dreams, there were amazing parts and tough parts. (翻译:正如我想象中的那样, 精彩与艰难并存。)

3. It feels like it smoothes out the other parts of my life... (翻译:感觉这样能让我的业余生活好过些... It feels like it smoothes out the other parts of my life...)

4. Parts of it sticking to other parts. (翻译:一部分黏着另外一部分 Parts of it sticking to other parts. 好的 你仔细观察之后 Okay.)

5. Forget the steps and just, like, let the music take control of your body parts. (翻译:忘掉那些步子, 然后, Forget the steps and just, like, 让音乐带着你的身体前进. let the music take control of your body parts.)

6. They knew these pads, put us in touch with some names, people to talk to. (翻译:他们对这边了解 They knew these parts, 帮我们联系到几个可以问的人 put us in touch with some names, people to talk to.)

7. Both team will provide to Wistron Metal parts not plastic parts. (翻译:两个团队将提供给纬创的金属部件没有塑料部件。)

8. Injection on the dorsal parts of OMN did not affect the ventral parts of OMN. (翻译:注射部位在动眼神经核的背侧,没有影响动眼神经核的腹侧。)

9. But it was more than enough to buy my parts, (翻译:但是我赚得钱已经足够我买材料了 But it was more than enough to buy my parts,)

10. He may even come back with a few parts missing! (翻译:他可能丢几个零件再回来呢 He may even come back with a few parts missing!)

11. Another example I'd like to mention is Hannah Perner-Wilson's Kit-of-No-Parts. (翻译:我想分享的另外一个例子 是Hannah Perner-Wilson的Kit-of-No-Parts. )

12. The parts interlock. (翻译:这些部分连结着。)

13. On condition you move on out of these parts. (翻译:只要你赶紧离开这里 On condition you move on out of these parts.)

14. Just because you dirtied other parts of your anatomy. (翻译:因为你浑身上下就没干净的地方 Just because you dirtied other parts of your anatomy.)

15. There are parts of this car all over the garage. (翻译:零件散落在这个修车厂里 There are parts of this car all over the garage.)






1. spare parts:备用零件

2. take parts in:参加

3. parts of speech:词性

4. body parts:身体部位

5. moving parts:移动部件


1. in parts:分别

2. pick apart:拆开

3. take apart:拆开

4. play a part in:参与

5. fall apart:破烂



1. I need to replace some parts of my car before I can sell it.(我需要在出售汽车之前更换一些零件。)

2. The book is divided into three parts, each covering a different topic.(这本书分为三部分,每部分涵盖不同的主题。)

3. He played the part of Romeo in the school play.(他在校园剧中扮演了罗密欧的角色。)

4. I need to take some time off work to take part in my sister's wedding.(我需要从工作中抽出一些时间参加我姐姐的婚礼。)

5. The old boat fell apart after years of neglect.(这艘船破烂不堪,因为多年来一直被忽视。)

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