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require是什么意思 require的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:28:16
  • 186

require是什么意思 require的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. This job requires a lot of experience. (这份工作需要很多经验。)

2. You are required to submit your report by Friday. (你必须在周五之前提交报告。)

3. The new law requires companies to disclose their financial information. (新法律要求公司披露其财务信息。)

require在英语中代表"需要 、请求"的意思,其次还有"要求"的意思,单词读音音标为[ri'kwaiә],require来源于英语,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到67个与require相关的例句。



例句:I will require no payment... (我将不收取任何费用... 直到我们赢了为止)


例句:All roses require annual pruning. (玫瑰都要年年修剪。)


例句:And this will require observations of many more GRBs. (这就需要观测更多的伽马射线爆发目标。)


例句:All decisions would require unanimity. (翻译:所有决定都需要全体一致同意。)


require一般作为动词使用,如在require of(对…的要求)、to require([网络] 要求;追求)、if need require(需要的话,有必要的话)等常见短语中出现较多。

require of对…的要求
to require[网络] 要求;追求
if need require需要的话,有必要的话
physiological require[生理] 生理需要
require from需要从(某人)处得到某物
require performance[网络] 要求另一方履行;要求履行
require variable declaration[计] 要求做变量声明
rqr. require[网络] 要求


1. And this will require observations of many more GRBs. (翻译:这就需要观测更多的伽马射线爆发目标。)

2. All decisions would require unanimity. (翻译:所有决定都需要全体一致同意。)

3. I imagine it would require outside investment. (翻译:我猜外来的投资很有必要 I imagine it would require outside investment.)

4. We need a new steward, and there are several other appointments that require (翻译:我们需要一名新的总管, We need a new steward, 还有其他一些职务需要 and there are several other appointments that require)

5. Dylan, I require a commentary. (翻译:狄伦 我要的是评论 Dylan, I require a commentary.)

6. Many people require psychiatric treatment. (翻译:它剥夺你的睡眠使你心悸 扼住你的喉咙 很多人都需要精神病治疗)

7. Well, I am to be presented to Lady Catherine and if I am to stay the night at Mr. Collins' rectory, I will require a chaperone. (翻译:I am to be presented to lady Catherine 我要有个女伴 I will require a chaperone.)

8. We shall require 3,000 helms and shields, plus swords, pikes, gorgets, maces... (翻译:我们需要三千个头盔和盾牌, We shall require 3,000 helms and shields, 还有刀剑, 长枪, plus swords, pikes, 护甲, 钉锤...)

9. The quantity of blood they require drains the brain. (翻译:部需要大量血液 无法供给脑部,这是生理分析)

10. New Zealand 101, what is your emergency? (翻译:货仓起火,请求紧急着陆 Cargo fire indication. Require immediate approach.)

11. Does Your Ladyship require anything? (翻译:夫人你需要点什么? )

12. I have been accused of insider trading and require legal representation. (翻译:我被指控内幕交易 I have been accused of insider trading 我需要法律代表 and require legal representation.)

13. I no longer require your services. (翻译:我不需要你的法律服务了 I no longer require your services.)

14. My name is Mike Ikerson and I require immediate treatment for many destructive urges. (翻译:My name is Mike Ikerson 我因为有强烈的欲 and I require immediate treatment 需要立即接受治疗 请问Gilroy医生现在有空吗?)

15. You understand what this employment will require of you? (翻译:You understand what this employment will require of you? 你清楚这份工作对你的要求吗?)



1. 词释

'Require' 通常意为“需要”或“要求”,表示必要、必须或必需的意思。它可以被用作及物动词,后面跟着宾语,表示需要什么;也可以作为名词,表示规定或要求的东西。


- I require your help with this project. (我需要你的帮助来完成这个项目。)

- This job requires specific qualifications. (这份工作需要具备特定的资格条件。)

- The dress code for the event has certain requirements. (这个活动的着装规定有一些要求。)

2. 用法

'Require' 既可以用于个人生活中的日常用语,也可以用于商务、学术或法律等正式场合。在学术论文或正式文件中,通常会使用较正式的用法,例如“it is required that…” 或 “requirements include…”;而在日常口语中,则可以使用更为简洁的表达方式。


- The job posting requires a Bachelor's degree in computer science. (此工作职位需要计算机科学本科学历。)

- The company policy requires all employees to clock in and out at the beginning and end of each shift. (公司政策要求所有员工在每个班次开始和结束时打卡。)

- This exercise routine requires 30 minutes of cardio each day. (这个锻炼计划每天需要进行30分钟的心肺运动。)

3. 缩写词

'Require' 的缩写词为 'req' 或 'reqd',通常在商业或邮件通讯中使用。这些缩写词可以用于表达某些文件或项目对付方的要求。它们也可以用于代替“必须要”或“需要”的短语,以表示某个动作或事项是必需的或强制执行的。


- Please complete the req'd forms and return them to our office by Friday. (请填写所需的表格,并于星期五之前将其送回我们的办公室。)

- The job reqs for this position include a minimum of five years' experience in a related field. (此职位的工作要求包括在相关领域拥有至少5年的工作经验。)

4. 同义词搭配

'Require' 这个单词可以与其他动词和短语搭配使用,以表示类似的意思,例如 'need'、'demand'、'call for' 等。这些同义词可以根据上下文来选择使用,以便更好地表达想要传达的信息。


- The job requires a lot of overtime. (这份工作需要经常加班。)

- The project demands a high level of attention to detail. (这个项目需要高度重视细节。)

- The global community is calling for greater action to address climate change. (全球社区呼吁采取更大的行动来应对气候变化。)


1. The law requires all drivers to wear a seat belt while driving.


2. The job posting requires applicants to have a minimum of three years' experience in the field.


3. The college requires students to complete 120 credits to earn a bachelor's degree.


4. The airline requires all passengers to have a valid photo ID before boarding the plane.


5. The company's dress code requires employees to wear business attire during work hours.


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