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gusher是什么意思 gusher的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-02-27 16:40:04
  • 153

gusher是什么意思 gusher的中文翻译、读音、例句

gusher的中文翻译为 "喷油井",读音为 [ˈɡʌʃər]。


1. The newly discovered oil field has a gusher that produces over 10,000 barrels of oil per day. (新发现的油田有一个喷油井,每天产油超过1万桶。)

2. Suddenly, the gusher erupted, spraying oil and gas high into the air. (突然间,喷油井喷发了,油气高喷。)

3. The oil company has sent a team of experts to contain the gusher and prevent any environmental damage. (石油公司已经派遣专家团队制止喷油井,并防止任何环境染。)

gusher通常被翻译为"喷油井 、经"的意思,还有喷出物的意思,在线发音:['^ʌʃәr],gusher常被用作名词,在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到82个与gusher相关的例句。



例句:Robert Gates described America's defence spending over the past decade as a gusher, and one that had to be turned off. (·盖茨说,过去十年美国的国防支出就像一个自喷井,必须及时将其关闭。)


例句:We endeavour to avoid the old, romantic idea of a gusher. (我们力求避免那种陈旧的,富有浪漫色彩的喷油方式。)


例句:A 'Gusher' with wooden derrick typical of the period when precautions to control the flow of oil were not always adequate. (这是一口“自喷井”,配有当时最典型的木制井架,用作防备措施,在控制石油流量时并不总是那么好使。)


例句:GUSHER pump design, process and use material provide the product for optimum performance and lasting trouble-free operation. (翻译:GUSHER泵的设计,工艺以及使用材料,为产品提供了最优化的性能以及持久的无故障的运行。)


gusher一般作为名词使用,如在gusher well([经] 自喷井, 猛喷井)、stapedial gusher(镫井喷)等常见短语中出现较多。

gusher well[经] 自喷井, 猛喷井
stapedial gusher镫井喷


1. A 'Gusher' with wooden derrick typical of the period when precautions to control the flow of oil were not always adequate. (翻译:这是一口“自喷井”,配有当时最典型的木制井架,用作防备措施,在控制石油流量时并不总是那么好使。)

2. GUSHER pump design, process and use material provide the product for optimum performance and lasting trouble-free operation. (翻译:GUSHER泵的设计,工艺以及使用材料,为产品提供了最优化的性能以及持久的无故障的运行。)

3. to avoid the old, romantic idea of a gusher, which wastes oil and GAS. (翻译:我们力图避免那种有关喷油井的陈旧的,不切实际的计划,这种计划浪费油和天然气。)

4. And where did this insane gusher of money come from? (翻译:这些疯狂喷涌的钱是从哪来的? )

5. But BP's gusher is only one example of a bigger problem. (翻译:但英国石油漏油事件,只是一个更大问题的例子之一。)

6. Carlos andres perez, born the very year the gusher erupted, knew all about both sides of oil. (翻译:卡洛斯·安德烈斯·佩雷斯,恰好出生在发生井喷那一年,他知道石油带来的利弊。)

7. We endeavour to avoid the old , romantic idea of a gusher . (翻译:我们力求避免那种陈旧的,富有浪漫色彩的喷油方式。)

8. Even before the fires, the two-month gusher in the Gulf of Mexico was threatening the long-term survival of sea turtles. (翻译:就在燃烧石油之前,墨西哥湾漏油发生两个月以来,就已经对海龟的生存造成了长期的威胁。)

9. Its problems, moreover, have been leaking into the general economy, and the leaks are now turning into a gusher. (翻译:它的问题,而且已渗入一般经济,刚开始时的一点漏水现在已经变成了滔滔洪水。)

10. Objective To explore a procedure useful to predict preoperatively the complication of stapedial gusher potentially occurring during the operation on or involving in the inner ear. (翻译:前言: 目的探讨内耳手术并发症“镫井喷”的术前方法。)



1. 词释:GUSHER的字面意思是“喷油井”,在口语中指的是突然且猛烈的流露或表达情感的人或事物。

2. 用途范围:GUSHER主要用于口语,尤其是美国英语中,不适用于正式场合或正式文体。

3. 发音指导:GUSHER的发音为['ɡʌʃər],重音在第一音节。

4. 词性变化:GUSHER是一个名词,没有其他词性的变化。

5. 常见搭配:GUSHER通常作为名词出现,常与以下词语搭配使用:oil、water、tears、words等。


1. The new oil well turned out to be a gusher, spewing crude at a rate of 10,000 barrels a day.(新油井原来是个喷油井,每天喷出1万桶原油)

2. She was a gusher when it came to compliments, always finding something nice to say.(她总是表扬别人,表现得像喷泉一样)

3. When she heard the news about the accident, she burst into tears and became a real gusher.(当她听到事故的消息时,她流下了眼泪,变成了一个真正的喷泉)

4. His words were like a gusher of emotions, leaving everyone moved and inspired.(他的话有如情感的喷泉,让所有人感动和振奋)

5. The new water fountain was a gusher, throwing water high into the air and creating a stunning display.(新的喷泉喷水量很大,水花飞溅,形成了令人惊叹的景象)

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