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wildest dreams是什么意思 wildest dreams的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:17:25
  • 235

wildest dreams是什么意思 wildest dreams的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音:wīl-dəst drēmz


1. My wildest dreams came true when I won the lottery.(当我中了彩票时,我的最疯狂的梦想成为了现实。)

2. She never imagined that she would be traveling the world, but now it's like living in her wildest dreams.(她从未想过自己会环游世界,但现在这就像是她最疯狂的梦想成真了。)

wildest dreams在中文中有"做梦也想不到的、网络"的意思,还经常被翻译为最狂野的梦,在线读音是[wildestdreams],wildest dreams是一个英语名词,在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到66个与wildest dreams相关的例句。

Wildest dreams的翻译


例句:Come on. thankyouso much,pharrell. carson: (Every night I have the strangest dreams?)


例句:"Never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd ever accomplish this," said Toni. (“即便在我异想天开的时候,也从来没有想到过我能实现它,”托尼说。)


例句:"AND WHEN WE PEELED ASIDE THE DREAMS, (And when we peeled aside the dreams,)


例句:" So make your dreams Come alive " (翻译:? So make your dreams Come alive ?)


wildest dreams一般作为名词使用,如在your wildest dreams([网络] 你最狂野的梦想)、wildest(狂热的\n荒凉的(wild 的最高级))、dreams(n. 梦想, 美梦(dream的复数形式))等常见短语中出现较多。

your wildest dreams[网络] 你最狂野的梦想
wildest狂热的\n荒凉的(wild 的最高级)
dreamsn. 梦想, 美梦(dream的复数形式)
dreams awayv. 虚度;虚度年华
dreams upna. 凭空想出;凭空捏造出
field of dreams[电影]梦幻成真
in your dreams[网络] 你做梦去吧;你作梦去吧;做梦吧
in your dreams!做梦去吧
interpretation of dreams释梦


1. "AND WHEN WE PEELED ASIDE THE DREAMS, (翻译:And when we peeled aside the dreams,)

2. " So make your dreams Come alive " (翻译:? So make your dreams Come alive ?)

3. It is the city of more is more, where the wildest dreams become reality. (翻译:这是多多益善之城 最嚣张的梦想在这里都能实现)

4. It is a picture that in my wildest dreams I could never have imagined when I was 18 and figuring out that I was and feeling estranged from my country and my dreams because of it. (翻译:我从没想过有一天, 我梦寐以求的梦想可以实现。当时我18岁,发现自己是一个男同性恋, 感觉被自己的国家遗弃, 同时也因此感觉自己 离梦想越来越远。)

5. Chase my dreams through the polluted air (翻译:Chase my dreams through the polluted air Chase my dreams through the polluted air)

6. Susan,I swear, I am ecstatically, beyond my wildest dreams, lip-smackingly happy. (翻译:Susan 我发誓 我很幸福 幸福得如同美梦 合不拢嘴)

7. Well, I guess a lot of things happen that you'd never, in your wildest dreams, would think would happen. (翻译:很多在你疯狂幻想中不会发生的事 就这样真实地发生了)

8. You may find all your dreams (翻译:You may find all your dreams)

9. ♪ Dreams that you dream... ♪ (翻译:Dreams that you dream...)

10. And the bad news is that the gun lobby is rich beyond our wildest dreams? (翻译:那坏消息是 游说议员反对管制买卖的人 And the bad news is that the gun lobby 比我们想象中要有钱得多? is rich beyond our wildest dreams?)

11. If you can watch it all the way through from the beginning to end, you're rewarded beyond your wildest dreams. (翻译:如果你能通过某种方式从头到尾看完? 你就会拥有你最狂野的梦想。)

12. With a million dreams to fulfill (翻译:With a million dreams to fulfill)

13. gentlemen beyond your wildest dreams. (翻译:我有几个计划,各位 是你们从未想过的计划)

14. But becoming powerful and rich beyond your wildest dreams ain't gonna make you feel better. (翻译:可是变得比别人都富有都有权势 并不会让你们感到开心)

15. Here at Animagine, your dreams come true... (翻译:∮ Here at Animagine, your dreams come true ∮)



词组搭配:in one's wildest dreams(在某人最疯狂的梦想中)


发音拼写:[ˈwaɪldɪst driːmz]


1. In my wildest dreams, I never thought I'd be able to travel to so many countries.(在我最疯狂的梦想中,我从未想过能够去那么多国家旅游。)

2. Winning the lottery was beyond his wildest dreams.(中彩票超出了他最疯狂的梦想。)

3. I never thought I'd be able to marry my celebrity crush, but it happened in my wildest dreams.(我从未想过我能和我崇拜的明星结婚,但这发生在我最疯狂的梦想中。)

4. The success of her book exceeded even her wildest dreams.(她的书的成功甚至超出了她最疯狂的梦想。)

5. In your wildest dreams, did you imagine living in a castle like this?(在你最疯狂的梦想中,你想过住在像这样的城堡里吗?)

6. Winning a gold medal at the Olympics was always his wildest dream.(在奥运会上赢得金牌一直是他最疯狂的梦想。)

7. Never in her wildest dreams did she think she would become a famous actress.(在她最疯狂的梦想中,她从未想过自己会成为一名著名的演员。)

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