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freshness是什么意思 freshness的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-24 00:32:04
  • 202

freshness是什么意思 freshness的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. The restaurant prides itself on the freshness of its ingredients. (这家餐厅引以为傲的是食材的新鲜度。)

2. I love the freshness of the morning air. (我喜欢清晨空气的新鲜度。)

3. This lotion promises to restore the freshness of your skin. (这种乳液承诺恢复你的皮肤新鲜度。)




例句:We guarantee the freshness of all our produce. (我们保证我们的农产品都是新鲜的。)


例句:I like the freshness of his approach to the problem. (我喜欢他对这个问题新颖的处理方法。)


例句:When each can was opened and its contents tasted, "every one had retained its freshness, " according to Appert. (当每个人都可以开了,尝到了它的内容,“每个人仍然保持其新鲜,”根据阿珀特。)


freshness一般作为名词使用,如在dope freshness(新鲜的)、freshness date(质量保证期)、freshness preservation(保鲜)等常见短语中出现较多。

dope freshness新鲜的
freshness date质量保证期
freshness preservation保鲜
freshness test鲜度试验
freshness tester鲜度检验器
grade of freshness新鲜度等级
freshness sing method鲜度检查法
tauchi's freshness tester田内氏鲜度计


1. When each can was opened and its contents tasted, "every one had retained its freshness, " according to Appert. (翻译:当每个人都可以开了,尝到了它的内容,“每个人仍然保持其新鲜,”根据阿珀特。)

2. FROSTY FRESH: Lend an air of alpine freshness with a cool palette of icy blues and greens. (翻译:冰冷风暴:冷色调的蓝色和绿色调和在一起,就像是高山上的一缕清风。)

3. yet for us no less than for Plutarch, ancient Athens and the civilization that were centered there has retained an "eternal freshness. " (翻译:然而我们同普鲁塔克的感觉一样,古代雅典及以此为中心的文明仍然保持着“永恒的清新”。)

4. There still faintly beamed from the woman's features something of the freshness, and even the prettiness, of her youth. (翻译:从那女人的面貌上,仍旧能够隐隐约约地看出来她年轻时候的鲜亮,甚至于标致。)

5. Good afternoon, freshmen, freshwomen and, uh, people of freshness. (翻译:下午好,新生, freshwomen和,呃, 人们新鲜感。)

6. Taste: Great fruity, supple and sweet taste, with well-balanced and freshness. Supple moss and persistence winy. (翻译:口感:果味丰富清新,口感饱满丰腴,结构平衡,回味持久。)

7. Unfading materials give people a feeling of lasting freshness. (翻译:永不褪色的面料,给人以常新的感觉。)

8. Freshness & Safety sealed with printed outer shrinkwrap and printed inner seal. (翻译:新鲜度和安全封闭与印刷及印刷外shrinkwrap内密封。)

9. The attack is pleasing and soft, fruity, savoury and mouth filling. Touches of minerality and a gentle freshness. (翻译:入口合宜,柔顺,果香浓郁,风味极佳,带有一丝矿物味和雅致的清新。)

10. Flavor : Pineapple, nectarine, melon and banana resonate in this elegant Chardonnay with freshness and a bright finish. (翻译:口味:菠萝,油桃,甜瓜和香蕉香气融合在此款新鲜和回味清澈的莎当妮中。)

11. Gascony white wine which brings its freshness, liveliness, crisp flavours. (翻译:加斯·科涅地区白葡萄酒带来的清新,欢快和明快的果香。)

12. Dressed in white for freshness, lipstick for the occasion, eyebrows shaped. (翻译:穿白色看起来比较清爽 大场面该擦点口红,修好眉毛)

13. No bad apples ever went into that cider, and its frothy freshness was the best thing I have tasted, before or since. (翻译:从没有坏苹果混进苹果酒中,那泛着泡沫的新鲜苹果酒是我迄今为止尝过的最好的味道。)

14. despite her not inviolate past , what still abode in such a woman as tess out valued the freshness of her fellows. (翻译:尽管苔丝的过去并非白璧无瑕,但是像她这样一个女人现有的优点,也能胜过她的同伴们的新鲜美丽。)

15. How do we keep you fresher longer -- better freshness, more freshness, three times fresher. (翻译:你如何让身体持久清新--更加清新 三倍清新 )




1. 词释:freshness指的是新鲜、清新、活力等概念,可以作为名词或形容词进行使用。

2. 用途:freshness常见于描述食物、空气、气息等方面,同时也可以用于个人形象、气质、思维等方面的描述。

3. 同义词:freshness的同义词包括:fresh、new、refreshing、invigorating等。

4. 反义词:freshness的反义词包括:stale、old、dull、tired等。

5. 英汉例句:

1)His speech was filled with freshness and enthusiasm. 他的演讲充满了新鲜感和热情。

2)I love the freshness of the morning air. 我喜欢清晨空气的新鲜。

3)The freshness of the vegetables is very important for a healthy diet. 蔬菜的新鲜对于健康饮食非常重要。

4)She has a bright smile and a sense of freshness. 她有着明亮的微笑和一种新鲜感。

5)The freshness of his ideas really impressed us. 他的创意新颖,让我们印象深刻。

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