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dolly parton是什么意思 dolly parton的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:20:58
  • 261

dolly parton是什么意思 dolly parton的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音:dɑli ˈpɑtn


1. Dolly Parton是一位非常杰出的音乐人和艺人。

2. 我喜欢听Dolly Parton的歌,她的声音很温暖。

3. Dolly Parton的歌曲《Jolene》是经典的乡村音乐之一。

dolly parton在中文中有"桃莉巴顿、多莉·帕顿"的意思,其次还有"桃莉芭顿"的意思,在线发音:[dollyparton],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到12个与dolly parton相关的例句。

Dolly Parton的中文翻译


例句:Eh, dolly, dolly, dolly, dolly. (美女 美女 你下来干什么? Eh, dolly, dolly, dolly, dolly.)


例句:Think of Dolly Parton vs. Laura Bush. Don King vs. Dr. Phil. (想想看,比较一下多莉·帕顿和·布什、唐·金和菲尔博士。)


例句:-Dolly said the Steele brothers were pirates. (- Dolly说Steele兄弟以前是海岛)


例句:And, his wife Dolly..well she was the apple of his eye. (翻译:他妻子多莉 是他眼中的珍宝 And, his wife Dolly.. well she was the apple of his eye.)


dolly parton一般作为名词使用,如在Dolly Parton([网络] 桃莉芭顿;桃莉巴顿;多莉·帕顿)、Parton(n. [核]部分子(一种带电小粒子))、hard parton(硬部分子)等常见短语中出现较多。

Dolly Parton[网络] 桃莉芭顿;桃莉巴顿;多莉·帕顿
Partonn. [核]部分子(一种带电小粒子)
hard parton硬部分子
parton model部分子模型
parton distribution function[网络] 部分子分布函数;成子分布函数;部分子分布函数简述
dolly back(摄像机或摄影机)后移,后退追踪摄影
dolly bag束口的女提包
dolly bar枝架,底座;把手,掣子,夹紧器;调节杆,控制杆,调整杆;铆顶棍
dolly birdn. 穿戴时髦的漂亮姑娘; 依人小鸟
dolly birds[网络] 年轻美貌的女人


1. -Dolly said the Steele brothers were pirates. (翻译:- Dolly说Steele兄弟以前是海岛)

2. And, his wife Dolly..well she was the apple of his eye. (翻译:他妻子多莉 是他眼中的珍宝 And, his wife Dolly.. well she was the apple of his eye.)

3. Originally written and recorded by Dolly Parton, "I Will Always Love You" was momentarily ceded to Linda Ronstadt, but Houston owns it now. (翻译:这首歌起初由多利·帕顿创作并录制,暂时给了琳达·朗斯黛,但休斯敦现在拥有了它。)

4. LT: Well, when you and I and Dolly made "9 to 5" ... (翻译:莉莉.托姆琳:当你跟我以及多丽 一起公司上班的时候, )

5. There is no world tour, and this is not Dolly Parton. (翻译:这里没有环球巡演 这也不是Dolly Parton)

6. One of them was here in Edinburgh, and it must be the only celebrity sheep, Dolly. (翻译:其中一个便是在这儿 爱丁堡出现的 这肯定是唯一的一只出名的绵羊了 多莉 )

7. - I put it on my dolly's face. (翻译:你要是想让妈活命 就告诉我,它在哪儿)

8. I read an incredible article about it (翻译:我看了一篇关于 Dolly Parton很棒的文章)

9. At an aquarium in South Africa was a little baby bottle-nosed dolphin named Dolly. (翻译:在南非的一个水族馆里, 有一只叫Dolly的小宽吻海豚。)

10. Uh... just stack it on the dolly, please. (翻译:呃... 把它们堆在手推车上就好了,谢谢)

11. -l'm backup. lf Dolly tries to flee, I got her. (翻译:- 我是后援, 如果Dolly试图逃跑, 我就抓住她)

12. Pickering Park, and Dolly's not so keen to sell. It's come to him, you see. (翻译:皮克林公园 Dolly不想卖 都是因为他 你看着吧)

13. In the following song, singer Dolly Parton tells her new love that her old flames, her old lovers, cannot compare with him. (翻译:在以下几个歌,歌手多莉·帕顿讲述她的新爱她,她的旧恋人旧情,不能和他相比。)

14. According to AP equation, one parton will split into two partons with smaller momentum continually. (翻译:根据AP方程,部分子不断地从一个演化为两个较小动量的部分子。)

15. To clarify the nuclear effects of deuteron will contribute to a better understanding of parton distributions in bound nucleon. (翻译:澄清氘核结构函数的核效应,有助于我们更好的了解束缚核子的部分子分布函数。)

1. 词源及意义:Dolly Parton是一位著名的美国乡村音乐歌手、演员、作曲家和慈善家。这个词或缩写词通常指代她的名字或代表她的形象、风格和音乐作品等。


- Dolly Parton is one of the most successful and beloved country singers of all time.

- Many people admire Dolly Parton not just for her music, but also for her philanthropy and positive attitude.

- The Dolly Parton Challenge, in which people post four different photos of themselves representing different social media platforms, went viral on the internet.

- The Dolly Parton Imagination Library, an initiative that provides free books to young children, has helped millions of kids around the world.

2. 音乐作品:Dolly Parton的音乐作品涵盖了多种风格,包括乡村、流行、摇滚等,她的歌曲通常富有感情,词曲兼备。


- "Jolene" is one of Dolly Parton's most iconic and popular songs.

- "I Will Always Love You," originally written and performed by Dolly Parton, became a huge hit for Whitney Houston in the 1990s.

- Dolly Parton's al "Coat of Many Colors" was a critical and commercial success.

- "9 to 5" is a classic pop song from Dolly Parton that celebrates the working life.

3. 形象和风格:Dolly Parton的形象和风格非常独特,她通常穿着彩色的服装和亮闪闪的珠宝,喜欢用自己的幽默和乐观来吸引观众。


- Dolly Parton's over-the-top fashion sense has become a signature part of her brand.

- Many people love Dolly Parton's charming and down-to-earth personality.

- Dolly Parton's wit and humor have made her a beloved celebrity around the world.

- Dolly Parton's commitment to helping others and giving back to her community is an important part of her public image.

4. 文化影响:Dolly Parton的音乐、形象和慈善工作对世界文化产生了广泛的影响,她被认为是乡村音乐和美国南方文化的象征。


- Dolly Parton's music has inspired generations of country and pop singers around the world.

- Dolly Parton's philanthropy has made a real difference in the lives of countless people.

- Dolly Parton's Southern charm and hospitality have become part of her cultural legacy.

- Dolly Parton's success as a female musician and businesswoman has broken down many barriers in the entertainment industry.

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