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delate是什么意思 delate的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-11-07 21:20:43
  • 273

delate是什么意思 delate的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. He delated his colleague's wrongdoing to the manager.(他向经理举报了同事的错误行为。)

2. The witness delated the culprit to the police.(证人向警方告发了罪犯。)




例句:De Trignonai du Chenfrais de fiddlesticks. (De trigononai du Chenfrais de fiddlesticks)


例句, Willow, but we were too late. (but we were too late.)


例句:A full complement, if you please. (De Groot? if you please.)


例句:Second artillery battalion. (翻译:少尉Antonio Jose de Sucre)


1. A full complement, if you please. (翻译:De Groot? if you please.)

2. Second artillery battalion. (翻译:少尉Antonio Jose de Sucre)

3. Youse are going to be late. (翻译:Youse are going to be late.)

4. I was too late for the play. (翻译:I was too late for the play.)

5. Were relations between you and the late Mrs. De Winter perfectly happy? (翻译:你跟前任德温特太太之间的感情很幸福吗 你跟前任德温特太太之间的感情很幸福吗)

6. My name is Rex Van De Kamp. (翻译:My name is Rex Van De Kamp. 我叫Rex Van De Kamp)

7. ~ Late that night, I awoke from my sleep ~ (翻译:# Late that night, I awoke from my sleep #)

8. Born 40 years too late, or 40 years too early. (翻译:Born 40 years too late, or 40 years too early.)

9. To try to turn back now it might be too late. (翻译:To try to turn back now it might be too late)

10. Directed by Eloy de la Iglesia (翻译:导演Eloy de la Iglesia)

11. Really too late to call so (翻译:#Really too late to call so#)

12. Song for 20 years old Song for always (翻译:20岁的歌 永恒之歌 Chanson de vingt ans chanson de toujours)

13. Unfortunately, our instructions came a little bit late. (翻译:our instructions came a little bit late.)

14. "DoAfÆ'A¢a‚¬a"¢a of smile, smile and say: (翻译:微笑的多纳 微笑着说 La Dona de sourire, de sourire et de dire:)

15. Late of Hemery High in Los Angeles. (翻译:Late of Hemery High in Los Angeles.)


首先,我想提醒您,"delate"不是一个常用单词或缩写词,在英语中并不常见。但是,我们可以理解为 "delete" 是 "delate" 的可能变形或错误拼写形式。因此,我会从“delete”这个单词入手,讨论该单词的五个方面。

1. 词性和定义: "delete" 是一个动词,它的定义是"从记录或文件中删除或擦除"。

2. 词源与衍生: "delete" 是源自拉丁词 "deletus",在英语中还有其他衍生词,如 "deletion"(删除)和 "deleted"(已删除的)。

3. 用法: "delete" 常用在计算机和数字领域,如删除电子邮件、文档、图片等。它也可以用于书写和口语中,如删除不必要的内容或错误。

4. 同义词和反义词: 一些同义词是 "remove","erase" 和 "expunge"。反义词可能是 "add" 或 "insert"。

5. 常用词组和例句:以下是五个中英例句,以帮助理解和记忆 "delete" 的用法。

- I accidentally deleted all of my files, and now I have to start over. (我不小心删除了所有文件,现在我必须重新开始。)

- Please delete my email address from your mailing list. (请从您的邮件列表中删除我的电子邮件地址。)

- Don't delete that paragraph; it's important to the story. (不要删除那段话;它对故事很重要。)

- The company has decided to delete the outdated product from its catalog. (公司决定从目录中删除过时的产品。)

- To delete this app, click on the icon and select "uninstall." (要删除此应用程序,请单击图标并选择“卸载”。)

希望以上内容能够帮助您更好地理解和记忆 "delete" 这个单词。

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