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astra是什么意思 astra的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:22:27
  • 285

astra是什么意思 astra的中文翻译、读音、例句

astra的中文翻译是“星星”的意思,读音为 /ˈæstrə/。


1. The astra led brightly in the clear night sky.(那颗星星在晴朗的夜空中闪烁着明亮的光芒。)

2. She made a wish upon a shooting astra.(她朝流星许下了一个愿望。)

3. Astronomy enthusiasts often gather to observe different constellations and astra.(天文爱好者经常聚集在一起观察不同的星座和星星。)




例句:That guy took off in an Astra, came down in a parachute, and landed back at base in a helicopter. (那个人冲出阿斯特拉号战斗机,乘着降落伞落到地面,又坐着直升飞机回到了基地。)


例句:The Opel Astra takes its place in Europe's largest and most competitive segment where no automaker is really giving any ground. (的欧宝雅特考虑其在欧洲最大和最有竞争力的汽车市场如果没有真正给予任何理由。)


例句:Look at the lines, streaming down. (看看我们的Astra,赛道已经湿透了 Look at the techline, streaming down.)


1. Look at the lines, streaming down. (翻译:看看我们的Astra,赛道已经湿透了 Look at the techline, streaming down.)

2. It's named for the company, Astra Zeneca, to mark the 50th anniversary of their major facility Alderley Park where important medicines have been discovered and developed. (翻译:因阿斯特拉·捷利康astra Zeneca公司得名,以旌表他们主要基地阿尔·德利园建园50周年,有不少药品是在阿尔·德利园区发现并开发的。)

3. [Astra Taylor] And you can speak to me, so- Good. (翻译:[Astra Taylor] And you can speak to me, so- Good. Vey good.)

4. I have here that you were due to meet her at about 7:30 at the Astra. (翻译:我这里有,你是因为她见面 大约在7: 30阿斯特拉。)

5. [Astra Taylor] You get electrified. (翻译:因为你如此热烈地活著 你需要放松一下 [Astra Taylor] You get electrified.)

6. I want to do the pitch to them myself and get the contract for Astra, and then they're gonna make me an exec producer. (翻译:我想自己为他们调音,为Astra得到这份合同, 让我成为执行制片人。)

7. You know, the coppers in Newcastle are still searching for the man that murdered Astra. (翻译:你知道吗 纽卡斯尔的 还在寻找杀害阿斯特拉的那个人)

8. The main problem with Astra is not that it's a bad IM client. (翻译:Astra的主要问题并不是它不好。)

9. With the Astras unable to close the gap... (翻译:随着Astra无法拉近和高尔夫的距离 With the Astras unable to close the gap...)

10. We might not go that far, but we can say that Astra is a solid multi-protocol IM client. (翻译:尽管还没有进行深度测试,们可以说Astra是一款不错的多协议即时通讯客户端。)

11. Now, the Trillian blog is announcing that Astra has gone public - no invite code needed. (翻译:如今Trillian博客宣布Astra进入公测阶段——不再需要邀请码了。)

12. The news isn't particularly surprising, especially given General Motors' lack of profitability on the Saturn-branded Astra. (翻译:消息并不特别令人惊讶,尤其是考虑到一般汽车缺乏盈利的土星品牌阿斯特拉。)

13. Maybe you'll never forgive yourself for what happened to Astra, but if you want to give her loss some meaning, then do something about it. (翻译:或许你永远不会原谅自己 给阿斯特拉带来的苦难 但如果你想让她的牺牲有意义)

14. Fred and Heather Conroy drive a 2009 saturn astra, dark red. (翻译:弗雷德和希瑟·康罗伊开的是 Fred and Heather Conroy drive a 深红色2009年的阿斯特拉土星 2009 Saturn Sstra, dark red.)

15. From the moment we first entered the reception area to the last day of our 9 day stay, everything at the Astra was perfect. (翻译:从我们进入到接待区的那一刻起到我们离开的九天期间,在酒店的一切都是完美的。)

1. 词性及词义:

Astra是一个名词,可以指天文学中的星星、行星或卫星,也可以指某些公司或团体的名称。也可作缩写词,如ASTRA(Automotive Safety Technologies Research Association),指汽车安全技术研究协会。

2. 词源和发音:


3. 相关短语:

a. Astra Militarum:英国战锤40K桌游中帝团的一支,意为“星际”。

b. Opel Astra:一款欧洲汽车品牌Opel的车型,为紧凑型车型。

c. ASTRA Linux:一种俄罗斯操作系统,常用于或军方的计算机系统。

d. AstraZeneca:一家跨国制药公司,其总部位于英国。

4. 例句:

1)I looked up at the night sky and saw a bright astra shining.


2)The Opel Astra has been a popular car in Europe for many years.


3)The Astra Militarum is one of the many armies you can choose to play in Warhammer 40K.


4)The Russian military and government use ASTRA Linux to protect their computer systems from cyber attacks.

俄罗斯军方和使用ASTRA Linux来保护他们的计算机系统免受网络攻击。

5)AstraZeneca has developed many important medicines that have saved countless lives around the world.


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