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bona是什么意思 bona的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:22:57
  • 237

bona是什么意思 bona的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. Bona fide customers will receive a special discount.(真正的顾客将获得特别优惠)

2. He's a bona fide expert on this topic.(他是这个话题的真正专家。)

3. We need to have bona fide evidence to prove our case.(我们需要有真实的证据来证明我们的案件。)




例句:Derived from the principle of "hand muss hand wahren", bona fide gaining has been incorporated into civil laws of all the countries. (善意取得制度起源于“以手护手”原则,现已纳入各国民法中。)


例句:But, you know, you're a bona fide movie star, and I really... (我觉得你才是真正的电影明星, 而我...)


例句:India is pushing to do away with the regulations, arguing it has proved its nuclear nonproliferation bona fides over the years. (印度促请解除管制,说多年来它已经证明了自己的核不扩散诚意。)


例句:They need some bona fides before I can speak with you. (翻译:他们需要一些善意 之前,我可以跟你说话.)


bona一般作为名词使用,如在nulla bona([经] 当事人无应纳税货物或无可偿资产)、prognosis bona(预后良好)、stigmatocythere bona(勇士戳花介)等常见短语中出现较多。

nulla bona[经] 当事人无应纳税货物或无可偿资产
prognosis bona预后良好
stigmatocythere bona勇士戳花介
summa bona[网络] 圣马力诺
possessor bona fide[法] 善意占有人


1. India is pushing to do away with the regulations, arguing it has proved its nuclear nonproliferation bona fides over the years. (翻译:印度促请解除管制,说多年来它已经证明了自己的核不扩散诚意。)

2. They need some bona fides before I can speak with you. (翻译:他们需要一些善意 之前,我可以跟你说话.)

3. Is it a bona fide, reputable organization? (翻译:这是不是个合法的、值得信赖的机构? )

4. What is the solvent content of Bona Naturale? (翻译:博纳自然漆的溶剂含量是多少? )

5. Immigration officers at point of entry are entitled to deny access and to question students regarding their bona fides. (翻译:入境官员赋予拒绝通行和询问学生是否合法的权力。)

6. As required by Distributive Justice, theory of the obligation of security is gradually developed based on the bona fides principle. (翻译:安全保障义务理论是在诚实信用原则之下因分配正义的需要而逐步发展起来的。)

7. The regulator says Trillium, through nine proprietary traders, sent non-bona fide orders into the markets to create false volume, thereby attracting buying or selling interest. (翻译:该监管机构称,Trillium通过9个所有人账户向市场发出虚假订单,造成虚假交易量,由此激发购买或抛售兴趣。)

8. In order to be valid, it has to be administered by a bona fide justice of the peace. (翻译:有效的婚姻是要法院批准的 这里是这么说的)

9. His bona fides was questioned. (翻译:人家怀疑他的诚意。)

10. This was not to bail out specific institutions, but to lend unlimited amounts to bona fide financial institutions at a penal rate. (翻译:这个责任不是拯救特定的机构,而是按惩罚性利率向真正的金融机构进行无限额贷款。)

11. Dalla Bona is understood to be keen on a switch after failing to really settle in Italian football following his move from Chelsea in 2002. (翻译:达拉博纳在2002年由切尔西回到意大利之后一直没能找到很好的落脚点,因此他也一直和转会联系在一起。)

12. Milan owned midfielder Samuele Dalla Bona is on the verge of joining Serie B giants Napoli, his agent has stated. (翻译:所有权属于米兰的中场球员萨穆埃尔·达拉·博纳的经纪人表示,他将要加盟意乙强队那不勒斯队。)

13. Immigration Officers at point of entry to the State are entitled to deny access and to question a person regarding their bona fides. (翻译:爱尔兰入境口的移民官有权拒绝您的进入,并就其真实性向您提问。)

14. You might know that, so far in just the dawn of this revolution, we know that there are perhaps 40,000 unique mutations affecting more than 10,000 genes, and that there are 500 of these genes that are bona-fide drivers, causes of cancer. (翻译:你们也许已经知道 至此在这科学之黎明 我们知道大约有四万种基因变异 影响大约一万个基因 这一万个基因中大约有五百个基因 是可恶变的 致癌的)

15. We are happy to donate to bona fide charitable causes. (翻译:我们很乐意向真正的慈善事业捐赠。)

1. Bona作为名词的用法:



- I really like the design of Bona's new laptop.

- Bona is a popular name in Italy.

2. Bona作为形容词的用法:



- The school has a bona fide reputation for being one of the best in the city.

- Your bona fide efforts are appreciated.

3. Bona作为缩写词的用法:



- I'm selling my old computer, B.O.N.A. It's still in good condition.

- This jacket has been B.O.N.A'd, so I can't sell it anymore.

4. Bona作为地名的用法:



- Have you ever been to Bona, Arizona?

- I visited Bona, Ghana last year.



- The company's bona fide commitment to environmental protection is impressive. (形容词)

- I found a great deal on Bona floor cleaner online. (名词)

- I'm going to Bona, Arizona to visit my aunt next week. (地名)

- I'm planning to B.O.N.A my old phone so I can buy a new one. (缩写词)

- Bona is a lovely name for a baby girl. (名字)

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