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dent是什么意思 dent的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-01-04 19:42:05
  • 162

dent是什么意思 dent的中文翻译、读音、例句


n. 凹陷,缺口;损伤

vt. 弄凹,使减少


英 [dent] 美 [dɛnt]


1. I accidentally put a dent in my car door.


2. The dent in the can of soup made me question its freshness.


dent的中文解释是"凹痕 、有凹痕的",在日常中也代表"名登特"的意思,发音是[dent],dent是一个英语名词,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到83个与dent相关的例句。



例句:Histochemical study on the adrenal cortex of morphine depen-dent male rats (依赖新生大鼠肾上腺皮质组织化学的变化)


例句:Not to mention, you made a huge dent in my car! ( 把我的车弄得一塌糊涂的 是你吧 谁知道呢)


例句:They can beat out the dent in the car's wing. (他们能把汽车挡泥板上的凹痕敲平。)


例句:And if I go get a warrant for the investigation of Harvey Dent's murder? (翻译:如果我去申请调查丹特案的搜查令...)


dent一般作为名词、动词使用,如在leaf dent(叶齿)、local dent([化] 局部凹陷)、make a dent(引起注意)等常见短语中出现较多。

leaf dent叶齿
local dent[化] 局部凹陷
make a dent引起注意
pebble dent砾印痕
ends per dent每筘齿穿纱根数
oval dent reed椭圆形钢筘
M.S.Dent.abbr. Master of Science in Dentistry 牙科硕士


1. They can beat out the dent in the car's wing. (翻译:他们能把汽车挡泥板上的凹痕敲平。)

2. And if I go get a warrant for the investigation of Harvey Dent's murder? (翻译:如果我去申请调查丹特案的搜查令...)

3. Grandpa pointed to the scratches opposite the dent Kevin had made. (翻译:爷爷指着凯文留下的凹痕对面的划痕。)

4. I have written a speech telling the truth about Harvey Dent. (翻译:我本来... 写了份稿子... 想说说那件事的)

5. Still, Joffe does not believe that the loss of a drone helicopter will make much of a dent militarily. (翻译:不过,乔治·佐夫认为,即便是果真失去了一架无人驾驶的侦察机,那对北约在军事上的能力,损失也不是很大。)

6. Uh, well, that's a tiny, little dent, sir. (翻译:呃, 好, 那是一个细微,小小的凹痕, 先生)

7. I think it's producing an eye-on flow into the dent (翻译:我认为它产生了流向树突的离子 - 但怎么会?)

8. Handle's toast see? And there's the dent.He kept it for gutting' catfish. (翻译:看看这个刀柄 这还有凹痕 他一直用来取鱼内脏)

9. - And there was a football-sized dent... (翻译:还有一个足球大小的坑... 你看到他的头了吗)

10. It is unclear whether the publicity stunt, if that is what it was, will dent Lambo's sales in China. (翻译:目前还不清楚其中是否有宣传的噱头。如果事实真的如同所描述的那样,则会影响兰博基尼在中国的销售。)

11. Cream-wise, nothing we have puts a dent in it. (翻译:{\fnVrinda\fs20\shad1\3cH800000\be1}才色出众 我们没法放下心理阴影)

12. The Great Depression made not a dent in this exponential progression. (翻译:大萧条根本没有影响科技发展的指数增长。)

13. Well, that puts a dent in our theory of an unsub punishing people for their indiscretions. (翻译:и好デ璶胓篮êネ策箧ぃ ぃ琌硂)

14. - I think there's, like, a dent. - Sort of like Quasimodo. Yeah. (翻译:所以,嗯,我得去洗手间, 你需要的东西像牙线,)

15. Don't put a dent on that truck or I'll break your head. (翻译:我一整周都没看到她了, 所以我看见妹就问了)

1. 定义:dent主要指的是一种凹陷,通常是指物体表面的缺陷或损伤。同时,dent也可以是以下缩写词的缩写:Dental(牙科的)、Department(部门的)等。

2. 用法:作为名词,dent常常用于描述物体的表面状况,例如汽车、门、桶等表面上的凹陷或损伤;作为动词,dent则表示造成物体表面的凹陷或损伤。作为缩写词,dent通常用于正式文献或部门网站等地方的简称。

3. 同义词:dent的同义词包括:depression、impression、mark、scratch等。

4. 例句:

- The car has a dent on the side from the accident.(这辆车因为事故在侧面有一个凹陷。)

- The hammer dented the top of the box.(锤子把盒子的顶部砸出了一个凹陷。)

- The dental clinic offers affordable dental care to low-income families.(这家牙科诊所为低收入家庭提供负担得起的牙科护理。)

- She works in the HR department of a large corporation.(她在一家大公司的人力资源部门工作。)

- The delivery box had a dent on the side, but the contents were still intact.(快递盒子一侧有一个凹陷,但里面的物品仍然完好。)

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