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gilmore是什么意思 gilmore的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:24:31
  • 179

gilmore是什么意思 gilmore的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. Tom Gilmore is one of the best football players on the team.


2. Gilmore Girls is a popular television show that aired from 2000 to 2007.





例句:Lorelai Gilmore from Stars Hollow. (我叫Lorelai Gilmore 从Stars Hollow来)


例句:We haven't seen Gilmore play this badly since his first day on tour. (这是吉尔莫打巡回赛以来 第一次打得这么差劲)


例句:But the big surprise is young Happy Gilmore... nipping at his heels, trailing by only one stroke. (不过最大的惊喜是 快乐吉尔莫紧追在后 并且只差一杆)


例句:The serial killer Gary Gilmore basically said the pain of others gratified him and caused him no unhappiness at all. (翻译:连环杀手 Gary Gilmore 基本上就说过别人的痛苦让他很高兴,一点苦恼也没有带给他。)


gilmore一般作为名词使用,如在Gary Gilmore([网络] 吉尔摩;加里吉尔摩;吉摩尔)、Gilmore City([地名] 吉尔摩城 ( 美 ))、Gilmore Corners([地名] 吉尔摩科纳斯 ( 美 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Gary Gilmore[网络] 吉尔摩;加里吉尔摩;吉摩尔
Gilmore City[地名] 吉尔摩城 ( 美 )
Gilmore Corners[地名] 吉尔摩科纳斯 ( 美 )
William Gilmore吉尔摩


1. But the big surprise is young Happy Gilmore... nipping at his heels, trailing by only one stroke. (翻译:不过最大的惊喜是 快乐吉尔莫紧追在后 并且只差一杆)

2. The serial killer Gary Gilmore basically said the pain of others gratified him and caused him no unhappiness at all. (翻译:连环杀手 Gary Gilmore 基本上就说过别人的痛苦让他很高兴,一点苦恼也没有带给他。)

3. I knew Happy Gilmore was tough... but I can't believe he's playing after being hit by a car. (翻译:让他败,快乐 我知道吉尔莫很硬 可是我不相信他被撞之后还想打)

4. And that some of the Gilmores actually own clothing. (翻译:有些Gilmore家的人其实自己有衣服穿的)

5. If you don't want Miss Gilmore's help, then you may have until tomorrow. (翻译:如果你不要Gilmore的帮助也得在明天内交)

6. Miss Gilmore, since you say you wrecked her project... then you may help her fix it. (翻译:Gilmore 你一直在说你把她的设计作业弄坏了... 那或许你该帮她修好)

7. And the third big change is that members of the former audience, as Dan Gilmore calls them, can now also be producers and not consumers. (翻译:第三个变化是 以前观众的成员,就如Dan Gilmore称呼他们, 现在可以成为生产者而不是消费者。)

8. I don't have a Rory Gilmore. I have a Lorelai Gilmore. (翻译:我不知道有个叫Rory Gilmore的 我只有个叫Lorelai Gilmore的学生)

9. "It is a real number, " Mr. Gilmore said. "It is the largest publicly announced DDoS attack in the history of the Internet. " (翻译:“这是个实数,”吉尔摩说,“这是互联网历史上公布出来的最大一宗DDoS攻击。”)

10. Grant Gilmore of Estuarine Coastal and Ocean Science Inc. says that male fish probably use some of these sounds to woo females. (翻译:河口海岸与海洋科学研究所的GrantGlimore说雄性的鱼儿可能用其中一些声音来向雌性求爱。)

11. You are Rory and Lorelai Gilmore? (翻译:你既是Rory Gilmore也是Lorelai Gilmore?)

12. Wilbur Shaw's 1937 Gilmore Special was the first Indianapolis car to sport a fully streamlined body. (翻译:威尔伯·肖在1937年驾驶的GilmoreSpecial是印第安纳波利斯史上第一辆全流线型车身的跑车。)

13. He was awarded a second Pulitzer Prize in 1979 for The Executioner's Song, the true story of self-confessed murder Gary Gilmore. (翻译:在1979年,他因《刽子手之歌》再次获得普利策奖,该小说讲述了凶手盖雷·吉尔摩的真实故事。)

14. This is my daughter, Lorelai Gilmore, because I named her after me. (翻译:这是我女儿Lorelai Gilmore 我让她跟我姓)

15. The group was soon to lose Barrett to a mental breakdown and gain Gilmore's epic guitar leads. (翻译:乐团很快就由于巴雷特的精神崩溃而失去了他,加入了吉尔莫的史诗般的吉他。)


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