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bushel是什么意思 bushel的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:25:56
  • 162

bushel是什么意思 bushel的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音:/ˈbʊʃəl/ (英式音标),/ˈbʌʃl/ (美式音标)


1. They harvested 50 bushels of wheat from their farm. (他们从农场收获了50蒲式耳的小麦。)

2. The farmer sold his bushels of apples at the market. (那个农民在市场上卖掉了他的苹果。)

3. They measured the grain with a bushel basket. (他们用一个蒲式耳的篮子来测量谷物。)




例句:My responsibility is to not hide the light under a bushel but to let it shine for the good of others. (我的责任是不把灯藏在斗底下,而照在人前,叫人得益处。)


例句:The price of a bushel of corn -- a ubiquitous ingredient in the U. S. diet -- rose 24% since Sept. (作为美国食品的主要原料,玉米的价格自去年9月1日以来每蒲式耳累计上涨了24%。)


例句:A few years ago, I was in a food market in the town where I grew up in that red zone in northeastern Pennsylvania, and I was standing over a bushel of tomatoes. (几年前的一天,我正在故乡的菜市场 就是宾州东北部的那片红区 我当时正站在一筐西红柿旁边 )


例句:Helen is an excellent pianist but she tends to hide her light under a bushel and won't play in public. (翻译:海伦是一位出色的钢琴家,但她倾向于深藏不露,不愿在公开场合演奏。)


bushel一般作为名词、动词使用,如在imperial bushel(英制蒲式耳)、Winchester bushel([网络] 温切特蒲式耳;温却斯特英斗;温彻斯特英斗)、international corn bushel(国际谷物蒲式耳{等于英制36.37公升;美制35.238公升})等常见短语中出现较多。

imperial bushel英制蒲式耳
Winchester bushel[网络] 温切特蒲式耳;温却斯特英斗;温彻斯特英斗
international corn bushel国际谷物蒲式耳{等于英制36.37公升;美制35.238公升}


1. A few years ago, I was in a food market in the town where I grew up in that red zone in northeastern Pennsylvania, and I was standing over a bushel of tomatoes. (翻译:几年前的一天,我正在故乡的菜市场 就是宾州东北部的那片红区 我当时正站在一筐西红柿旁边 )

2. Helen is an excellent pianist but she tends to hide her light under a bushel and won't play in public. (翻译:海伦是一位出色的钢琴家,但她倾向于深藏不露,不愿在公开场合演奏。)

3. Are there people picketing against farmers every time they cut down a bushel of corn? (翻译:可是每次农民收割小麦的时候都有人在这放哨警戒吗?)

4. They are offering farmers $2.15 a bushel for corn. (翻译:他们给农民们出每蒲式尔$2.15的价购买玉米。)

5. Win or lose, we're getting a bushel of crabs tonight to celebrate. (翻译:赢或输,我们得到 螃蟹每蒲式耳 今晚庆祝。)

6. Grains are sold by the bushel. (翻译:谷物论蒲式耳出售。)

7. you got girlfriends by the bushel. (翻译:你有一车皮的女朋友 you got girlfriends by the bushel.)

8. So it happened that Little Claus received another bushel of money, and the landlord buried his old grandmother as if she had been his own. (翻译:因此小克劳斯又得到了一斗钱。店老板还安葬了他的老祖母,像是安葬自己的亲人一样。)

9. You can pick pecans for 40 cents a bushel at Zelma Landing. (翻译:你可以挑选山核桃 以40美分每蒲式耳 在Zelma着陆。)

10. There's no crime if Bitcoin is a commodity-- just something to be traded like a bushel of fruit. (翻译:如果 Bitcoin 是一种商品的话,就不存在犯罪 -- 就像大家交易水果一样.)

11. Seems our gifted child has been hiding her light under a bushel. (翻译:好象我们天才的孩子 把她的天赋才华都收藏起来了)

12. USDA says, in Iowa, that for every bushel of corn we produce, we're losing 44 pounds of topsoil on average. (翻译:在爱荷华州, USDA 说, 哪一为每蒲式尔 玉黍蜀,我们生产, 我们正在损失 44 磅 上层土一般说来。)

13. And he said unto them, Is a candle brought to be put under a bushel, or under a bed? And not to be set on a candlestick? (翻译:又对他们说,人拿灯来,岂是放在斗底下,床底下,不放在灯台上吗。)

14. But I've had a bushel of walnuts... and nothin' could be more trouble to eat than them. (翻译:不过我有过很多胡桃 再也没有什么比吃胡桃更麻烦的了)

15. If you could make an extra 10 cents more for a gallon of whiskey than you could for a bushel of corn, then why not? (翻译:要是酿一加仑威士忌比卖一堆玉米还能多赚个10美分,为什么不干呢?)

As an English teacher, I will explain the term 'bushel' from at least five aspects and provide five example sentences in both English and Chinese.

Aspect 1: Definition and usage

'Bushel' is a unit of measure used in the US customary system, equivalent to 4 pecks or 32 quarts. It is commonly used to measure dry goods such as grains, fruits, and vegetables. The term is also used metaphorically to represent a large quantity or amount.

Example sentence:

1. I need to buy a bushel of apples for a pie.

2. The farmer harvested a bushel of corn from his field.

3. She has a bushel of clothes to wash.


1. 我需要买一个蒸馏桶的苹果来做一个派。

2. 农民从他的田地里收获了一蒸馏桶的玉米。

3. 她有一蒸馏桶的衣服要洗。

Aspect 2: Origin and history

The term 'bushel' has its roots in medieval England and was used to measure grains. It was later adopted by the American colonies and became part of the US customary system. The term is still in use today and is recognized by the International System of Units.

Example sentence:

1. The word 'bushel' comes from the Old English word 'bysig', which means 'a container for measuring'.

2. The colonial farmers used bushels to measure their crops.

3. The US Congress defined the bushel as a legal unit of measure in 1836.


1. 单词“bushel”来自古英语单词“bysig”,意思是“用于测量的容器”。

2. 殖民时期的农民使用蒸馏桶来测量他们的农作物。

3. 美国国会在1836年将蒸馏桶定义为法定计量单位。

Aspect 3: Symbols and abbreviations

The symbol used to represent bushels is 'bu'. It is commonly used in conjunction with the weight of the goods being measured, such as 'bushels per acre' or 'bushels per pound'. The abbreviation 'bsh' is also used in some countries.

Example sentence:

1. The farmer expects to harvest 50 bu of wheat per acre.

2. The price of corn is $5.00 per bushel.

3. He sold his entire crop for $10,000, which was 2,000 bsh.


1. 农民预计每英亩收获50蒸馏桶的小麦。

2. 玉米的价格是每蒸馏桶5美元。

3. 他卖掉了他的整个收成,价值1万美元,为2000蒸馏桶。

Aspect 4: Conversions and equivalents

One bushel is equivalent to 35.2391 liters or 1.2444 cubic feet. It is also equal to 9.3105 gallons in the US or 8 gallons in the UK. To convert bushels to other units, multiplication or division factors are used based on the specific conversion factor.

Example sentence:

1. A bushel of apples weighs approximately 42 pounds.

2. The farmer's truck can hold 500 bushels of potatoes.

3. If the corn yield is 120 bushels per acre, the total yield would be 7,500 bushels from 62.5 acres.


1. 一个蒸馏桶的苹果重约42磅。

2. 农民的卡车可以装下500蒸馏桶的土豆。

3. 如果每英亩的玉米收成是120蒸馏桶,则总收成为7500蒸馏桶,面积为62.5英亩。

Aspect 5: Variations and regional differences

Different regions use bushels to measure different kinds of goods. In the United States, bushels are commonly used to measure grain, fruits, and vegetables, while in the United Kingdom, they are used for fruits and nuts. Some countries, such as Canada and Australia, use the term 'bushel' but have slightly different equivalents.

Example sentence:

1. The farmer in Nebraska grows a bushel of corn in less than 100 days.

2. A bushel of oranges in Florida weighs 48 pounds.

3. The UK uses bushels to measure walnuts and apples.


1. 农民在不到100天的时间里在内布拉斯加种植了1蒸馏桶的玉米。

2. 佛罗里达州一蒸馏桶的橙子重达48磅。

3. 英国使用蒸馏桶来测量核桃和苹果。

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