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islet是什么意思 islet的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-27 14:16:27
  • 341

islet是什么意思 islet的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. The islet was covered in lush vegetation and surrounded by crystal-clear water.


2. The fishermen cast their nets around the islet, hoping for a good catch.





例句:MR was applied to label the microbeads, tried to diagnosis the early immunologic rejection after xeno-islet transplantation. (运用MR对磁珠示踪的方法,试图在分子影像学水平诊断胰岛细胞移植后免疫排斥反应。)


例句:Caofeidian, located 80 km from downtown Tangshan, is an islet that has been turned into a booming economic development zone. (曹妃甸,位于市中心80公里的唐山,是一个小岛已变成一个蓬勃发展的经济开发区。)


例句:Artificial islet will be very convenient and effective to control blood glucose in normal or near normal levels in clinical application. (人工胰岛一经临床应用,将血糖控制在正常或接近正常水平是非常方便有效的。)


例句:Islet transplantation has already been able to maintain long-term euglycemia and non insulin-dependence in patients with Type 1 Diabetes. (翻译:胰岛移植已经可以使1型糖尿病患者长期保持血糖正常和非胰岛素依赖。)


islet一般作为名词使用,如在erythroblastic islet(幼红细胞岛)、islet adenoma([医] 胰岛[腺]瘤)、islet cell(胰岛细胞)等常见短语中出现较多。

erythroblastic islet幼红细胞岛
islet adenoma[医] 胰岛[腺]瘤
islet cell胰岛细胞
islet cells[医] 胰岛细胞
islet culture胰岛培养
islet isolation胰岛分离
islet mantle胰岛外套
islet of langerhan兰氏小岛
islet of pancreas[医] 胰岛


1. Artificial islet will be very convenient and effective to control blood glucose in normal or near normal levels in clinical application. (翻译:人工胰岛一经临床应用,将血糖控制在正常或接近正常水平是非常方便有效的。)

2. Islet transplantation has already been able to maintain long-term euglycemia and non insulin-dependence in patients with Type 1 Diabetes. (翻译:胰岛移植已经可以使1型糖尿病患者长期保持血糖正常和非胰岛素依赖。)

3. On the western end of the islet there is a pavilion named "Lotus Breeze from all Side" named for the lotuses around it. (翻译:在小岛的西端有一个以其周围环绕的荷花而命名的“荷风四面亭”。)

4. "I've learned that the way I fished was destructive to the environment, " Salim Haji, a fisherman in the small islet, told the Monitor. (翻译:该岛渔民色力目对《缄言报》说:“我现在已经意识到我以前的方式对环境有性的影响”。)

5. Each dot corresponds to an islet from a different person -- a lot of variation on which natural selection can act. (翻译:每个点对应着来自不同人的一个样本。自然选择会导致许多的变异。)

6. On a secluded islet, the juniper turns red... (翻译:在一个隐蔽的小岛上 杜松的叶子红了...)

7. Young Confucius: Birds were singing in an islet, a beautiful and virtuous lady is a good bride candidate of a gentleman. (翻译:小孔丘:水鸟在河洲当中欢唱,一位美丽贤德的女子,是君子的好配偶。)

8. When check a gram is throw on a strange islet, be placed in a simply hard imagine of keep off the environment of the material life in. (翻译:当查克被扔在一个偏僻的小岛上,处在一个简直难以想象的远离尘世的环境中。)

9. Xiamen International Conference and Exhibition Center: It is located in the east of Xiamen, facing Jinmen Islet across the sea. (翻译:厦门国际会展中心:位于厦门东部,和金门岛隔海相望。)

10. Objective to study whether the PDX-1 protein has antiapoptosis effects induced by palmitic acid on rat islet of Langerhans. (翻译:目的探讨PD X - 1蛋白对棕榈酸诱导的大鼠胰岛凋亡的保护作用。)

11. Objective To observe the distribution of islet amyloid polypeptide(IAPP) in pancreatic ductal epithelium. (翻译:目的观察人胰腺导管上皮胰岛淀粉样多肽的分布。)

12. Part of Aitutaki lagoon Resort and Spa on motu (lagoon islet) of Akitua, at eastern end of island of Aitutaki. (翻译:位于艾图塔基岛东端的艾图塔基泻湖度假村和阿基·图阿岛的水疗馆。)

13. Effects of blocking the CXC chemokine receptor 3 pathway on acute rejection of islet allograft (翻译:阻断CXC趋化因子受体3途径对同种异体胰岛移植急性排斥反应影响的实验研究)

14. - Grey. It's Walter Reed. They suggest an islet cell autotransplant. (翻译:来自Walter Reed 他们建议做细胞自体移植)

15. There were a great many boats plying to and fro about the lake, and the quays and the little islet were crowded with people. (翻译:大批大批的船只穿梭于湖面,码头和小岛上也密密麻麻地挤满了人。)



1. 词汇含义:Islet 是指一个小的岛屿或者是一个小的细胞团。在医学上,Islet 通常指胰岛素细胞团。

2. 词汇构成:Islet 是一个单词,没有缩写形式。

3. 词汇发音:Islet 发音为 [ˈaɪlət]。

4. 词汇用法:

(1)当 Islet 指的是小的岛屿时,通常用于指低海拔地区的小型岛屿,如太平洋上的珊瑚礁岛。

(2)当 Islet 指的是胰岛素细胞团时,通常用于指胰腺中的一组单独的细胞,它们能产生和分泌胰岛素。

5. 词汇例句:

(1)The island is surrounded by a beautiful islet that looks like a small paradise.


(2)The islet is rich in coral reefs and attracts many divers to explore its underwater world.


(3)The islet of Langerhans is responsible for the production and secretion of insulin.

Langerhans 岛细胞负责合成和分泌胰岛素。

(4)The islet transplantation could be a promising treatment for patients with type 1 diabetes.


(5)We discovered a tiny islet in the middle of the lake during our hiking trip.


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