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god是什么意思 god的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:11:47
  • 312

god是什么意思 god的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. Christians believe in one God who created the universe.(相信一个创造宇宙的上帝。)

2. I pray to God every night before I go to sleep.(我在睡觉前每晚祈求上帝。)

3. Many people turn to religion and seek guidance from God during difficult times.(许多人在困难时寻求和上帝的指引。)

4. Some people believe that everything happens for a reason and that it's all part of God's plan.(有些人相信一切都有原因,而且这都是上帝的计划的一部分。)

5. In Hinduism, there are many gods and goddesses that are worshipped.(在印度教中,有许多崇拜的神和女神。)




例句:God,atheism,culture,politics,religion,science (God,atheism,culture,politics,religion,science)


例句:Oh... Shut it off, for the love of God! (for the love of God!)


例句:You are an angel from God! (You are an angel from God!)


例句:Sync, corrected by elderman @elder_man Oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God. (翻译:我的天 我的天 我的天 Oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God.)


god一般作为名词、动词使用,如在for god([网络] 为了上帝;为神;为了神)、in god([网络] 你应该信上帝;在上帝里;在神里面死)、the god(神)等常见短语中出现较多。

for god[网络] 为了上帝;为神;为了神
in god[网络] 你应该信上帝;在上帝里;在神里面死
the god
to God(用于动词之后, 表示强烈的希望、愿望等)
earth god土地爷
fear of god[医]上帝恐怖
find God[网络] 找到上帝
finger of God神力,神工
for God sakeadv. 看在上帝的份上\n[网络] 为左上帝;天呐;上帝的面子上
forest god[网络] 森林之神


1. You are an angel from God! (翻译:You are an angel from God!)

2. Sync, corrected by elderman @elder_man Oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God. (翻译:我的天 我的天 我的天 Oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God.)

3. Christianity,God,death,faith,religion,technology (翻译:Christianity,God,death,faith,religion,technology)

4. ♪ God in three persons, blessed Trinity! (翻译:God in three persons, blessed Trinity!)

5. # Africans started calling the God Ali, boma ye! (翻译:# Africans started calling the God Ali, boma ye!)

6. Please, for the love of God, listen. (翻译:Please, for the love of God, listen.)

7. - Oh, because God says so? (翻译:because god says so?)

8. God got in me on purpose for my people. (翻译:God got in me on purpose for my people.)

9. - Yeah, good luck, God bless. (翻译:- Yeah, good luck, God bless.)

10. - And you are a man of God. (翻译:Stay back! - And you are a man of God.)

11. So God bless you, dear old Pip, old chap. (翻译:old chap. God bless you!)

12. Damn it. # God rest ye merry gentlemen (翻译:该死 # God rest ye merry gentlemen)

13. Don't you dare bring danny into it! (翻译:我发誓 嘉玛 我发誓 I swear to god, Gemma, I swear to god,)

14. God bless you, and God bless (翻译:愿上帝保佑你们 愿上帝保佑 God bless you, and God bless)

15. [music] If our God [music] Our Father be (翻译:[music] If our God [music] Our Father be)



1. 方面:在教和教中,god指的是至高无上的创造者和掌管者。


- I pray to God every day for guidance and strength. (我每天向上帝祈求指引和力量。)

- Muslims believe in one God, Allah. (信仰一位神,阿拉。)

2. 神话传说:在许多古代神话和传说中,god是超自然的存在,具有神秘的力量和特殊的能力。


- Zeus was the king of the gods in Greek mythology. (宙斯是希腊神话中的众神之王。)

- The ancient Egyptians believed in many gods, such as Ra, Osiris, and Isis. (古埃及人信仰许多神,如拉神、奥西里斯神和伊西丝神。)

3. 表示强烈情感:人们常用god来表达对某事物的极大热爱、崇敬和敬重。


- I love basketball so much, it's like a god to me. (我非常热爱篮球,它就像我的信仰一样。)

- Shakespeare is considered a literary god by many people. (许多人认为莎士比亚是文学界的一位神。)

4. 缩写词:在一些场合,god也被用来缩写其他词语,如governor、good old days等。


- The god of California, Gavin Newsom, has recently proposed a new plan to address climate change. (加利福尼亚州州长加文·纽森是加州的领袖,在应对气候变化方面提出了新的计划。)

- I miss the god old days when life was simpler and less stressful. (我怀念那个过去,那时候生活更简单,更少压力。)

5. 常见用法:在口语和书面语中,god也常被用来表示感叹、惊讶、疑惑等情绪。


- Oh my god, I can't believe I just won the lottery! (天啊,我简直无法相信我中了彩票!)

- God knows why he never showed up for the meeting. (谁知道为什么他从未出现在会议上。)

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