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meso是什么意思 meso的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:16:46
  • 358

meso是什么意思 meso的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音:mé sōu


1. Mesoamerica是指中美洲的古文化。

2. 这家餐厅的招牌菜是Meso拉美式牛肉,味道非常棒。

3. 这个词缀“meso-”在医学上表示中间或介于两个状态或结构之间。




例句:Such a molecule is called a meso compound. (这样的分子称为内消旋化合物。)


例句:Using the difference of the hydrolysis speed in the water between meso-lactide and other lactides, high pure L-lactide was obtained by water washing-four times recrystallization. (利用内消旋丙交酯在水中水解的速度大于其它丙交酯的特点,用水洗和四次重结晶相结合的提纯方法,获得了高纯的L-丙交酯。)


例句:The yield point is based on the evolution crack on CT scale and the meso process of soft rock before the streng... (软岩屈服现象的本质是CT尺度裂纹演化,裂纹演化是软岩在峰值强度前的主要细观过程。)


例句:Pengguan complex formed in Meso-and Neoproterozoic was in tectonic emplacement between the Yinxiu fault and the Maowen fault. (翻译:形成于中——晚元古代的彭灌杂岩体构造侵位于映秀断裂和茂汶断裂之间。)


meso一般作为名词使用,如在intermedius meso(中间)、meso acid(内消旋酸)、meso compound([化] 内消旋化合物)等常见短语中出现较多。

intermedius meso中间
meso acid内消旋酸
meso compound[化] 内消旋化合物
meso form[化] 内消旋型
meso method[化] 半微量法
meso positionn. 中位
meso radicantiy中生着根型
meso rock中带岩
meso sample半微量称样


1. The yield point is based on the evolution crack on CT scale and the meso process of soft rock before the streng... (翻译:软岩屈服现象的本质是CT尺度裂纹演化,裂纹演化是软岩在峰值强度前的主要细观过程。)

2. Pengguan complex formed in Meso-and Neoproterozoic was in tectonic emplacement between the Yinxiu fault and the Maowen fault. (翻译:形成于中——晚元古代的彭灌杂岩体构造侵位于映秀断裂和茂汶断裂之间。)

3. The Meso-Cenozoic basins in Northeast China are major exploration region for in-situ leachable sandstone-type uranium deposits. (翻译:中国北东部中新生代盆地是地浸砂岩型矿的主要勘查区。)

4. Local structural styles became more complicated due to the stacking of extensional structures and strike-slip structures of Meso-Cenozoic. (翻译:局部由于受到中、新生代时期的伸展构造和走滑构造的叠加,构造样式变得更加复杂。)

5. Research on micro-meso-scopic properties of BTS. (翻译:轻质混合土微细观特征的研究。)

6. The prognosis of PMM is bad. The meso life span is about 1. 5 years after combined therapy. (翻译:腹膜恶性间皮瘤预后较差,综合治疗后中位生存期约1.5年。)

7. He worked hard, and he helped meso of course I liked him. (翻译:达维·里奇奥是个好人,他工作努力,还帮助我我当然喜欢他。)

8. Study on the ring opening reaction of meso epoxides with penylacetylenelithium and the separation of the racemic products by HPLC (翻译:苯乙炔基锂对内消旋环氧化合物的开环反应及其产物的色谱分离研究)

9. Meso - Tethys a sea lying between Laurasia and Gondwana during the Middle and Late Mesozoic. (翻译:提斯是中生代中晚期存在于南、北之间的海洋。)

10. The meso carbon atom of the methine linkage of the dye is attached to the nitrogen atom of a group which forms an enamine with the methine linkage of the dye . (翻译:该染料甲川链上的碳原子与氨基的氮原子相连,而该氮原子又与染料的甲川链形成烯胺。)

11. The meso carbon atom of the methine linkage of the dye is attached to the nitrogen atom of an amino group. (翻译:该染料的甲川链上的中位碳原子与氨基的氮原子相连。)

12. The meso carbon atom of the methine linkage of the dye is attached to the nitrogen atom of an amino group. (翻译:该染料的甲川链上的中位碳原子与氨基的氮原子相连。)

13. trending long and narrow depression located in the north of the Tarim Basin and is dominated by Meso-Cenozoic strata. (翻译:库车坳陷是塔里木盆地北部一近东西走向的狭长坳陷,以中新生代地层为主。)

14. Meso - carbon microbeads (MCMBs) were prepared from coal tar pitch by condensation. (翻译:以煤沥青为原料,采用热缩聚法制备中间相炭微球。)

15. Conclusions Meso-appendix block can alleviate the pulling reaction of visus during appendectomy. (翻译:结论阑尾系膜封闭能够改善阑尾术中的内脏牵拉反应。)



1. 词义: 'meso'是一个希腊语的前缀,表示“中间的”,“中等的”,或“适中的”。

2. 词性: 'meso'是一个前缀。

3. 词组搭配:'mesothorium'(中等放射性的化学元素),'mesozoic'(中生代的)等。

4. 短语:'meso-scale'(中尺度的),'meso-thermal'(中温的)等。

5. 发音拼写: /ˈmeɪsəʊ/


1. Meso-level data ysis can significantly improve research outcomes.


2. The mesozoic era lasted for about 185 million years.


3. Meso-thermal water has a temperature ranging between 20 to 45 degrees Celsius.


4. The mesothorium decayed into radium after a long period of time.


5. The meso-scale simulation model was used to predict the weather patterns in the region.


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