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maize是什么意思 maize的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-01-18 05:52:07
  • 162

maize是什么意思 maize的中文翻译、读音、例句

maize的意思是玉米。读音为 /meɪz/。


1. I love to eat fresh grilled maize in the summer. (我喜欢夏天吃新鲜烤玉米。)

2. The maize fields stretched out as far as the eye could see. (玉米田一望无际。)




例句:Study on the Rule of Extrusion Parameter Influence to the Protein Content of Degermed Maize (挤压膨化系统参数对脱胚玉米蛋白质含量影响规律的研究)


例句:The Influence of High Oil Maize Xenia and other Genetic Effects to Common Maize Yield and Quality (高油玉米花粉直感等遗传效应对普通玉米产量及品质的影响)


例句:The effect of AIto maize market requirement, domestic and overseas trade (禽流感疫情对玉米市场需求及国内外贸易影响)


例句:The result indicated that these maize landraces could be conserved selectively and used in maize improvement. (翻译:据此结果,可对这些地方品种进行针对性的保存和改良利用。)


maize一般作为名词使用,如在flint maize(硬质种玉米)、maize belt(玉米带)、maize billbug(玉米象虫)等常见短语中出现较多。

flint maize硬质种玉米
maize belt玉米带
maize billbug玉米象虫
maize binder玉米割捆机
maize borer玉米螟虫
maize cob玉米棒子
maize country穷乡僻壤
maize cribbler玉米脱粒机
maize cutter玉米收割机,玉米收获附加装置
maize drill玉米播种机


1. The effect of AIto maize market requirement, domestic and overseas trade (翻译:禽流感疫情对玉米市场需求及国内外贸易影响)

2. The result indicated that these maize landraces could be conserved selectively and used in maize improvement. (翻译:据此结果,可对这些地方品种进行针对性的保存和改良利用。)

3. Sugarcane needs less land than maize. (翻译:甘蔗比玉米需要更少的土地。)

4. Effects of aquasorb combined with other chemical materials on physiological characteristics of maize (翻译:保水剂与不同化学材料配合对玉米生理特性的影响)

5. Fighting hunger through improved maize: More than one million ha of CIMMYT maize varieties have been planted across China. (翻译:通过改良玉米与饥饿作斗争:整个中国种植国际玉米和小麦改良中心的玉米品种的面积超过了100万公顷。)

6. Preliminary Study on Response of Maize and Rice to Polymer- coated Urea in Burozem (翻译:棕壤地区玉米和水稻施用聚合物包膜尿素效应初报)

7. It was very costly to separate amylose from normal maize so breeders began to select maize hybrid with high amylose. (翻译:从普通玉米籽粒中分离直链淀粉成本很高,因此育种家们开始培育富含直链淀粉的玉米品种。)

8. The cowpea crop growing at the base of the maize plants was infested with pod borers. (翻译:玉米底部周围种植的豇豆到处滋生着扁豆螟。)

9. This is the areas that we will rely on most for rice and maize and corn. (翻译:这些区域是我们赖以生存的 米饭、玉米、谷物的种植区。)

10. Application of Zinc Fertilizer and Its Effects on Yield of Maize in Phaiozem and Chernozem (翻译:黑土、黑钙土锌肥的有效施用及其与玉米产量的关系)

11. Analyses of Feeding Quality of Improved Maize Breed by Implanting Teosinte Genes (翻译:导入大刍草基因改良玉米子粒饲用品质的分析)

12. Maize quickly became one of the cheapest animal feeds worldwide. (翻译:玉米迅速成为全球 最便宜的动物饲料之一, )

13. A total of 19 members of maize ABC1 family were identified with the B73 maize genomic sequence. (翻译:此外,本研究利用基因组序列信息共鉴定出19个玉米ABC1基因。)

14. The Aguaruna mainly grow plantain, maize, and yucca. (翻译:阿瓜鲁纳主要生产大蕉、玉米和丝兰。)

15. Maize was the dominant species with more competitive ability as indicate by competition ratio of maize to konjaku. (翻译:间作系统的氮养分竞争比率表明,玉米为优势种,竞争能力强于魔芋。)






- corn maize: 玉米

- maize bread: 玉米面包

- maize flour: 玉米面粉

- maize oil: 玉米油

- maize starch: 玉米淀粉



1. The farmers harvested the maize in the autumn. 农民在秋天收获了玉米。

2. Maize is widely grown in many parts of the world. 玉米在世界许多地方广泛种植。

3. They use maize to make tortillas in Mexico. 墨西哥人用玉米制作玉米饼。

4. The company produces a range of products including maize flour and maize oil. 该公司生产一系列产品,包括玉米面粉和玉米油。

5. The fields were a sea of maize waving in the breeze. 农田中一片玉米海,在微风中摇曳。

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