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disrupt是什么意思 disrupt的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-09-29 03:05:13
  • 173

disrupt是什么意思 disrupt的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. The heavy rain disrupted the traffic flow. (大雨使交通流动中断了。)

2. The company is trying to disrupt the market with its new product. (公司正试图用其新产品打破市场。)




例句:Perhaps the adversary would disrupt their own network if they knew they cheating would-be jihadists. (敌人可能会他们的网络 如果他们知道他们作弊是为了。)


例句:Damage to the cerebellum can disrupt motor activity in other ways. (小脑损伤可能连带影响运动机能。)


例句:That makes sense. The less you disrupt Emily's life, - the better. (这是明智的 对Emily生活上的改变越少越好)


例句:Can we permanently disrupt their communications or not? (翻译:我们到底能不能彻底中断他们的通讯 Can we permanently disrupt their communications or not?)


disrupt一般作为形容词、动词使用,如在disrupt the market(扰乱市场)等常见短语中出现较多。

disrupt the market扰乱市场


1. That makes sense. The less you disrupt Emily's life, - the better. (翻译:这是明智的 对Emily生活上的改变越少越好)

2. Can we permanently disrupt their communications or not? (翻译:我们到底能不能彻底中断他们的通讯 Can we permanently disrupt their communications or not?)

3. They can disrupt experiments with the bacteria organisms they carry. (翻译:他们可以通过携带的细菌来扰乱实验。)

4. Every single day, we are all given the opportunity to disrupt patterns of inequality. (翻译:每一天,我们都有机会 去改变不平等的现象。)

5. In the future, the gravitational pull of the planets on each other will gradually disrupt their orbits. (翻译:在未来, 行星彼此间的引力 会逐渐打乱它们的轨道)

6. "to disrupt Monday's Columbus Day Parade in Newark. (翻译:蔚猁郯砦笚珨 婓脏?亲撼域腔貊丰票诽蚔俴...)

7. The old models of financing and distribution are crumbling -- please come in and disrupt it. (翻译:陈旧的金融和分配模式正在崩溃 -- 请进来突破它。)

8. Enteric anastomoses may disrupt and produce a fistula and peritonitis. (翻译:小肠吻合可能破裂并产生瘘管和腹膜炎。)

9. Their purpose was to disrupt society, but they disrupted much more. (翻译:他们的目的是扰乱社会, 但他们扰乱的远不止于此。)

10. Will Japan's Crises Disrupt Global Economic Recov... (翻译:日本的危机会全球经济复苏吗。)

11. Waddell says it did not intend to 'disrupt' the market. (翻译:Waddell公司说,它当时无意“扰乱”市场。)

12. Many people just want them to go away, to disappear, not disrupt our lives. (翻译:许多人只想让他们滚开,消失, 不要打扰我们的生活。)

13. please don't disrupt the court or you'II be expelled. (翻译:所以请你不要阻止审讯的进行 否则本席... 会下驱逐令)

14. These wanton and incomprehensible bombings are designed to disrupt our society and spread total confusion. (翻译:这些荒唐的不可 理解的爆炸案中 旨在我们的社会 散布谣言)

15. I was concerned that you might disrupt my attempts to get close to Arthur. (翻译:我本来担心 你可能会阻止我接近Arther)




1. 词释:'disrupt'一词通常表示、干扰或中断某些事物的正常运转。在商业、科技和社会等领域,'disrupt'也可以表示通过新的方法、技术或思维方式来彻底颠覆原有的行业或市场。

2. 同义词:interrupt, disturb, upset, break, disturb, displace, unsettle, throw off balance

3. 反义词:promote, facilitate, advance, encourage

4. 适用场合:'disrupt'常常出现在商业、科技、社会和等领域的讨论中。例如,某个新技术可能会' disrupt'某个传统产业,某项社会政策可能会' disrupt'某些人的生活方式,某个事件可能会' disrupt'某个国家的经济秩序。

5. 用法提示:'disrupt'通常用作及物动词,其后可以跟着名词或动词不定式作宾语。在商业和科技领域,'disrupt'还可以作为名词出现,表示某种新型的颠覆性创新或商业模式。


1. The storm disrupted power supply and transportation in the region. 暴风雨打乱了该地区的电力供应和交通运输。

2. The construction of the new subway line will disrupt traffic for at least a year. 新地铁线路的建设将至少影响一年的交通状况。

3. The rise of e-commerce has disrupted traditional retail models. 电商的崛起打乱了传统零售模式。

4. The launch of the new smartphone has disrupted the mobile phone market. 新智能手机的推出颠覆了手机市场。

5. The company's disruptive innovations have attracted a lot of attention from investors. 公司的颠覆性创新引起了投资者的广泛关注。

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