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capturing是什么意思 capturing的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:15:15
  • 291

capturing是什么意思 capturing的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. The soldiers succeeded in capturing the enemy's stronghold. (士兵们成功占领了敌人的据点。)

2. The photographer is expert in capturing the beauty of nature. (这位摄影师擅长捕捉自然之美。)

3. The police are still searching for the suspect who is wanted for capturing a bank. (警方仍在搜索涉嫌银行的嫌疑人。)

4. She managed to capture the attention of the audience with her powerful speech. (她通过强有力的演讲,成功地吸引了观众的注意力。)




例句:What happened militarily was the lucky accident of capturing the bridge at Remagen intact. (在军事上发生的幸运意外 就是雷玛根大桥没有受损)


例句:Lobster relatives ate other animals, capturing them using their grasping arms. (龙虾的亲戚挥舞捉臂 【注:奇虾】 捕获其它动物吃掉。)


例句:The Amazon is capable of capturing 1.6 billion tons of CO2 each year. (亚马逊地区每年能捕获 16亿吨的二氧化碳。)


1. The Amazon is capable of capturing 1.6 billion tons of CO2 each year. (翻译:亚马逊地区每年能捕获 16亿吨的二氧化碳。)

2. The Germans advanced, capturing hundreds of British prisoners. (翻译:德国人前进了, 俘虏了数以百计的英国俘虏)

3. The GDR gets Abel back for the Russians, winnning their respects and capturing the headlines for their cause. (翻译:东德为俄国人换回阿贝尔 The GDR gets Abel back for the Russians, 同时赢得尊敬 winning their respect... 然后为自己的事业作出贡献 And capturing the headlines for their cause.)

4. So it's more about capturing an idea than about capturing a moment really. (翻译:所以更注重的是捕捉一个灵感 而不是捕捉一个真实存在的瞬间 )

5. "Yesterday, Malaysian police were indiscriminately capturing Filipinos, " she said. (翻译:“昨天,马来西亚警方不分青红皂白地抓捕菲律人。”她说。)

6. In capturing the man - in capturing the man responsible - responsible for the... execution of the Final Solution of the Jewish problem you have done something truly extraordinary. (翻译:在抓捕... 负责... 犹太人最终方案执行者的过程中)

7. Mettler-Toledo: provide various solutions for cargo data capturing (翻译:梅特勒-托利多提供全方位货物数据采集解决方案)

8. Capturing and viewing coverage information for AS3 applications in real time. (翻译:实时获取和查看AS3应用程序的覆盖率信息。)

9. Then after he joined the record company. His first LD was First Love, with the hit Crying For You, capturing so many minds. (翻译:后来加入唱片公司 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Then after he joined the record company. capturing so many minds.)

10. The UCD team started out by capturing the requirements in the form of use cases. (翻译:UCD 小组的第一步是以使用案例的形式找出需求。)

11. SLRs are the best cameras for capturing lightning because of their high resolution and manual exposure Settings. (翻译:单反有较高的分辨率还能手动设置曝光,是捕捉闪电的最佳相机。)

12. He's alive. and its goal seems to be capturing Eren. (翻译:他还活着 目标似乎拥有智力 她的目的是将艾连带走)

13. She's on the verge of capturing a rich young man, dullard that he is. (翻译:她马上就能钓到一个富二代 虽然他是个蠢货)

14. The effectiveness in capturing or retaining pollen varied among different plant species on natural hedgerows. (翻译:捕捉和保留花粉的有效性因天然灌木篱墙上的不同植物种类而有所不同。)

15. General Matsui said Nanking is the capital of China, and our capturing of it will be an international event. (翻译:松井将军说南京是中国的首都 占领了它将会是国际新闻)

1. 词义:捕获,抓住,占领,控制

2. 词性:动词

3. 词组搭配:capturing of attention(吸引注意力),capturing of a moment(捕捉一瞬间),capturing of data(捕获数据),capturing of territory(占领领土)

4. 短语:capturing the essence(抓住本质)

5. 发音拼写:/ˈkæptʃərɪŋ/


1. The wildlife photographer succeeded in capturing the lioness in its natural habitat.(野生动物摄影家成功地在狮子的自然栖息地拍摄到了母狮。)

2. The army was successful in capturing the enemy's stronghold.(成功地占领了敌人的据点。)

3. The software is capable of capturing data from multiple sources.(该软件能够从多个来源捕获数据。)

4. The advertit was effective in capturing the attention of young adults.(广告成功地吸引了年轻人的注意力。)

5. The artist was skilled in capturing the essence of his subjects.(这位艺术家擅长于抓住他的主题的本质。)

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