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wichita是什么意思 wichita的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:16:04
  • 195

wichita是什么意思 wichita的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. Wichita是堪萨斯州最大的城市之一。

2. 威奇托市是美国的一个城市,拥有丰富的历史和文化。

3. 她的家乡是威奇托,一个充满活力和机会的城市。




例句:As soon as she joined Koch, the company flew her to Wichita to attend an internal compliance conference, she says. (她说,一加入科赫,公司就派她飞往维奇多总部参加公司的内部合规会议。)


例句:Teachers from Beijing have been sent to Wichita, Kansas, for training; and teachers like Connie Coulter have come to Stars and Rain. (教师被从北京派往堪萨斯州的Wichita市去接受培训,像ConnieCoulter这样的老师则被派来星星雨工作。)


例句:And so I'll take you to Wichita, Kansas, where I was asked some years ago to do a science museum on a site, right downtown by the river. (我向你们介绍位于堪萨斯州的Whichita, 在几年前我被要求建造一座自然博物馆 在靠近商业区的河边。)


例句:I'm a duly sworn warrant officer of the circuit court in Wichita, Kansas. (翻译:我在堪萨斯州威奇托巡回法院的正式宣誓就职准尉。)


wichita一般作为名词使用,如在moscow' wichita([医] 维契塔沙门氏菌)、Wichita County([地名] 威奇托县 ( 美 ))、Wichita Mountains([地名] 威奇托山 ( 美 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

moscow' wichita[医] 维契塔沙门氏菌
Wichita County[地名] 威奇托县 ( 美 )
Wichita Mountains[地名] 威奇托山 ( 美 )
Wichita orogeny[网络] 威奇塔造山运动
wichita fa.威契托瀑布
wichita mts.威契托山脉
Wichita State University卫奇塔州立大学


1. And so I'll take you to Wichita, Kansas, where I was asked some years ago to do a science museum on a site, right downtown by the river. (翻译:我向你们介绍位于堪萨斯州的Whichita, 在几年前我被要求建造一座自然博物馆 在靠近商业区的河边。)

2. I'm a duly sworn warrant officer of the circuit court in Wichita, Kansas. (翻译:我在堪萨斯州威奇托巡回法院的正式宣誓就职准尉。)

3. I came to Wichita to find myself, only to leave feeling just as lost as I had before. (翻译:我来了卫奇塔 要找我自己 不料竟会留下感觉 正如如我所遗失以前有。)

4. This castle had five-cent hamburgers instead of princesses, and rather than being in an enchanted forest, it was in Wichita, Kansas. (翻译:这座城堡位于堪萨斯州的卫奇塔而不是阴森的森林里,里面只有五分钱的汉堡包,没有公主。)

5. Six point seven million on deposit from the FBI Wichita field office. Linked to Salerno. Laundering money through that bank. (翻译:属于美国联邦调查局威奇托分局的 670万美元存款)

6. She was the only child of a couple originally from Wichita, Kansas. (翻译:她是最初来自堪萨斯州威奇托镇的一对夫妇的唯一孩子。)

7. Yeah, the only trouble is, she thinks she knew me back in Wichita and I just plain can't remember. (翻译:是啊 问题是她说在威奇托见过我... ...我却想不起来)

8. No, wait, it had to be a clown, and it had to be Wichita for me to finally understand that some rules are made to be broken. (翻译:不,等下,必须是小丑和维奇塔结合起来 才能让我终于明白 有些法则是要被打破的)

9. Charles remained in Wichita, with his wife and two children, guarding his privacy while supporting community charities. (翻译:查理斯和他的妻子和两个孩子留在威奇托,除了经营社区慈善事业,他一向深居简出。)

10. - I could find you a place in Wichita. (翻译:我可以为你在Wichita找一个住处 不行)

11. We have delivered our machines as far away as Wichita Falls Texas. (翻译:我们把机器送到了德克萨斯州遥远的威奇托福尔斯。)

12. No, I'm gonna visit my brother James over in Wichita. (翻译:不改,我要去拜访我的兄弟James 过了Wichita就到了.)

13. Cattle towns such as Abilene, Wichita, Ellsworth, Caldwell, and Dodge City enjoyed a brief heyday of prosperity and violence. (翻译:以养牛为主的城镇开始了繁荣和暴力的全盛时期。)

14. In four cities across the United States -- Philadelphia, Miami, Akron, Ohio, and Wichita, Kansas -- we've gathered together artists and activists, educators, political folks, neighbors, everyday citizens to come together and create projects that can foster this culture of voting in a local way. (翻译:在美国四个城市—— 费城,迈阿密, 俄亥俄的阿克伦,和堪萨斯的威奇托, 我们召集了艺术家,活动家, 教育家,人物,邻居和普通市民, 相聚一起,创造了一个项目 来培育地域选举文化。)

15. We couldn't leave till morning, so we wound up spending our wedding night at the Wichita Airport Motel. (翻译:一直到早上才能飞 所以我们只好在威奇塔旅馆 度过新婚之夜了)



1. 发音:'wichita'发音为[ˈwɪtʃɪtə]。需要注意的是,该单词的第一个音节弱读(即不重读)。


- Wichita is ounced "WICH-i-ta", not "wi-CHI-ta".


2. 意义:'wichita'是指美国堪萨斯州的第一大城市,也是该州的文化、商业和中心。


- Wichita is home to several major museums and parks.


3. 缩写:'Wichita'常用的缩写包括:'ICT'和'WIC'。'ICT'通常用于代码和邮政编码,而'WIC'则是该城市的一个持续性食品援助计划的缩写。


- My flight is departing from ICT airport in Wichita.


- The WIC program provides nutritious food to low-income families in Wichita.


4. 历史:威奇塔最初是美国印第安部落的聚居地,后来成为交易中心和牛马集散地。在20世纪初,该城市开始发展航空工业,成为波音、科斯摩斯和塞斯纳等知名公司的所在地。


- Wichita's history as a manufacturing hub dates back over 100 years.


5. 文化:威奇塔有丰富多彩的文艺活动和音乐场馆,例如威奇塔音乐剧公司和威奇塔歌剧院。


- The Wichita Symphony Orchestra hosts regular performances throughout the year.


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