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staffer是什么意思 staffer的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:31:51
  • 169

staffer是什么意思 staffer的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. The company has hired several new staffers to help with the project. (公司已经雇了几名新职员以帮助这个项目。)

2. As a staffer, it's important to be reliable and efficient in your work. (作为一名职员,工作中可靠和高效是非常重要的。)




例句:One staffer recently spent a year and a half in East Timorhelping to set up a fund there. (一位挪威员工在东帝汶呆了一年半来帮助当地建立基金。)


例句:Any brand is fine, but one staffer is selling a new Alfa Romeo. (不管什么车型我们都有相关介绍的 事实上我们希望职员能购买新型的阿尔法·罗密欧)


例句:If I was a McCain a staffer, I would be looking out my resume as there is no chance of a White House job. (如果我是麦凯恩的一名职员,我会着手准备我的简历因为白宫中已没有我工作的机会了。)


例句:Really? When's the last time you hired a 40-year-old staffer? (翻译:你上次聘用40岁的员工 是什么时候的事儿了)


staffer一般作为名词使用,如在Hill staffer(= congressional staffer)等常见短语中出现较多。

Hill staffer= congressional staffer


1. If I was a McCain a staffer, I would be looking out my resume as there is no chance of a White House job. (翻译:如果我是麦凯恩的一名职员,我会着手准备我的简历因为白宫中已没有我工作的机会了。)

2. Really? When's the last time you hired a 40-year-old staffer? (翻译:你上次聘用40岁的员工 是什么时候的事儿了)

3. Congressman Jameson had an extra-marital affair with a 26-year-old campaign staffer, Caitlin Coyne. (翻译:国会议员Jameson 与26岁的竞选雇员Caitlin Coyne 有一段婚外情)

4. After the hearing, a lawmaker and a staffer both approached Soros and asked him to autograph their copies of his book. (翻译:听证会后,一位议员和一名工作人员来到索罗斯跟前,请他在他的书上签名。)

5. A staffer surnamed Wang at Suining City Central Hospital in Sichuan province says the girls were born Thursday. (翻译:四川省遂宁市中心医院一位姓王的职工说女孩是在周四出生的。)

6. If you're the speediest member of a low key team, delegate appropriate tasks, such as research, to the slower staffer . (翻译:如果你是一个慢节奏团队中最快的一个,你就要把如研究工作等的相应工作委派给较为缓慢的人员。)

7. A staffer at the All China Journalists Association said he had heard about the proposed rules but declined to comment. (翻译:中国记者协会的一位工作人员说他听到了这方面的消息,但是拒绝做出评论。)

8. At one point, a congressional staffer said that there was no way that I was going to be confirmed by the United States Senate because of my past, despite the fact that I had been in recovery for over 20 years, and despite the fact that this job takes a little bit of knowledge around addiction. (翻译:一次,一个国会工作人员说, 我的任职不可能会被参议院通过, 因为我的一些过去历史, 尽管我在20年来改过自新, 尽管这份工作 和有关的瘾的知识没有什么关系。)

9. Staffer Tarik Allagany explains the different types of robes and head scarves as students model traditional Saudi dress. (翻译:职员和学生塔里克阿拉加尼解释模型的不同类型的传统长袍头巾沙特的衣服。)

10. "He just doesn't listen to anybody," said a former staffer. (翻译:其曾经的一位幕僚说:“他听不进任何人的意见。” )

11. All of this for you to be a mid level staffer in my administration? (翻译:你所做的一切就是为了在我的里面做一个中等职员?)

12. Her deputy, Auguste Kwame, another terrific bank staffer from Ivory Coast. (翻译:其副手auguste Kwame,来自象牙海岸,是另一位出色的世行工作人员。)

13. And every Congressional staffer watches filing day like a hawk. (翻译:国会的每一位工作人员 And every Congressional staffer)

14. "Dominic Foy, a D.C. Public relations figure with known ties to defense contractor Point-Corp was yesterday linked to the death of a Capitol Hill staffer "Sonia Baker". (翻译:多明尼克佛依 和尖端集团有联系的华府公关 涉及国会助理桑雅贝克命案)

15. There were two patients-- Karen and Len-- and a staffer named Twyla. (翻译:Karen和Len 还有一位员工Twyla)







- campaign staffer:竞选团队成员,特指参与竞选活动的工作人员

- congressional staffer:国会职员,指在国会议员办公室或委员会工作的职员

- White House staffer:白宫职员,指在美国总统府白宫任职的员工


- staff up:增加工作人员,增加职员数量以满足需求

- staff out:安排工作人员,为某项工作或活动安排合适的人员

- staff reduction:员工削减,指组织或公司减少员工数量


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