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grained是什么意思 grained的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:31:47
  • 148

grained是什么意思 grained的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. The table is made of grained wood.


2. The paper has a finely-grained texture.


3. The fabric is soft and grained.





例句:He had missed his daughter sorely ,很后悔娶了这个恶毒乖戾的王后。)


例句:Upon heating in DSC, there is an obvious exothermic peaks in nano-grained Co and CoNi, which represent the grain growth. (在加热过程中,纳米钴和钴镍在DSC测试中都有一个明显的放热峰出现,这个放热峰可以认为是纳米晶粒长大峰。)


例句:Create module-scoped JDBC data sources that allow fine-grained control over which parts of your application can access the database. (创建模块范围的JDBC数据源,该数据源能够严格控制应用程序的哪些部分可以访问数据库。)


例句:If it were not made from a straight-grained wood, it would have broken at once. (翻译:如果不作出 从直木纹 木材,那就 一次打破。)


grained一般作为形容词使用,如在even grained(均匀晶粒)、fine grained([医]细粒的)、grained board(木纹纸板)等常见短语中出现较多。

even grained均匀晶粒
fine grained[医]细粒的
grained board木纹纸板
grained catalyst状催化剂
grained iron
grained layer颗粒层
grained metal金属粒,粒状金属
grained moth谷蛾
grained rocks粒状岩类


1. Create module-scoped JDBC data sources that allow fine-grained control over which parts of your application can access the database. (翻译:创建模块范围的JDBC数据源,该数据源能够严格控制应用程序的哪些部分可以访问数据库。)

2. If it were not made from a straight-grained wood, it would have broken at once. (翻译:如果不作出 从直木纹 木材,那就 一次打破。)

3. The grained Carbonate rocks of Qianjiang Formation in Qianjiang Sag can be divided into oolitic limestone, sand-clastic limestone, mud-crystal sand-clastic dolomite, alga-gobbet limestone etc. (翻译:潜江凹陷潜江组粒屑碳酸盐岩性主要发育粒石灰岩、砂屑灰岩、泥晶砂屑云岩、藻团块灰岩等。)

4. You see there are some augen-like and ribbon-like minerals parallel to each other. Some fine-grained minerals surround and separate these augens and ribbons. (翻译:你看这块标本中有一些眼球状和条带状矿物颗粒相互平行排列,在这些眼球和条带之间是一些细粒的矿物。)

5. Fine-grained auditing can be implemented in user applications using the DBMS_FGA package or by using database triggers. (翻译:用户可以在应用程序中使用DBMS_FGA包或使用数据库触发器实现精细粒度审计。)

6. It's an incredible means of coordinating, in a very fine-grained way, information flows. (翻译:甚至可以促进合作 以一种非常精细的方式,包括信息流 )

7. The occurrence of submicro grained gold has been confirmed by means of electron diffraction technology of transmission electron microscopy. (翻译:利用透射电镜电子衍射原理证实了黄铁矿中的次显微金; )

8. With this kind of fine-grained data, says George Wishart, the head of Nielsen's in-store division, retailers can adjust store layouts and staffing levels accordingly. (翻译:尼尔森负责人表示:有了这些精准的数据,商店可以调整店面的陈列以及不同水准员工的陈列。)

9. The wood of any of these trees, especially the hard, close-grained wood of the sugar maple , often used for furniture and flooring. (翻译:槭树材这些树木的任一种木材,尤指坚硬、木纹细密的糖槭木材,通常用于做家具和地板。)

10. But our attempts at doing this are crude and blundering compared to the fine-grained specificity of the parasites. (翻译:但是我们对其的尝试 和那些寄生虫天衣无缝的专一性相比 是不成熟的。)

11. The Neogene strata in Longchuan basin consist mainly of the fine grained clastic rocks containing abundant sporopollen fossils. (翻译:陇川盆地新第三纪地层主要由细粒碎屑岩组成,富含孢粉化石。)

12. Ultrafine-grained 2J4 hysteresis alloy processed by equal-channel angular process(ECAP), has the average grain size approximate 0. (翻译:利用等通道弯曲挤压的方法得到的晶粒平均尺寸大约为0。)

13. Scientists have dated sharp-edged flakes of stone found in the fine-grained sediments of a dry riverbed in the Afar region of Ethiopia to between 2.52 and 2.60 million years ago. (翻译:科学家们已经确定,在埃塞俄比亚阿法尔地区干燥河床的细颗粒沉积物中发现的具有锋利边缘的石片存在于252万至260万年前。)

14. Learning new and unusual words for emotions will help attune us to the more finely grained aspects of our inner lives. (翻译:学习新的 不常见的这些 情绪词汇可以帮助我们 调节我们的内在生活 使其更加平顺 )

15. If the board isn't straight-grained, it'll start to bend and that'll be it. (翻译:如果电路板不直度的, 它会开始弯曲,那将是它。)





1. 材质:指物体表面的纹理或纹路。


- The leather has a finely grained texture.

- The wood paneling has a distinctive, vertical grain.

- The fabric has a diagonal grain that adds visual interest.

2. 颜色:指颜色的深浅和均匀性。


- The paint has a heavily grained appearance, giving it a rustic look.

- The stain brings out the natural grain of the wood.

- The marble has a lightly grained texture, creating a sleek, modern look.

3. 食品质地:指肉类或其他食品的质地。


- The steak was perfectly cooked and had a delicious, tender grain.

- The bread has a dense grain that makes it perfect for toasting.

- The rice has a fine grain and a delicate, nutty flavor.

4. 书写:指使用粗糙的笔触或办法书写,使得文字有明显的表面纹理。


- The calligraphy has a bold, heavily grained style.

- The brushstrokes give the painting a textured, grained effect.

- The engraving has a finely grained detail that is both intricate and beautiful.

5. 行为:指某人习惯性的行为或特征,通常是贬义的。


- He's always been grained, refusing to listen to anyone else's opinions.

- She has a grained habit of interrupting others when they speak.

- His grained behavior makes him difficult to work with.


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