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fissure是什么意思 fissure的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:24:49
  • 171

fissure是什么意思 fissure的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音: ['fɪʃər]


1. The earthquake caused a fissure in the earth's crust. (那场地震在地壳上造成了一道裂缝。)

2. The dentist found a fissure in my tooth. (牙医发现我的牙齿出现了一道裂纹。)

3. The rock was split open by a deep fissure. (这块石头被一条深深的裂缝撕裂开了。)




例句:Fauchau was a prostitute... with a tight and downy fissure... between her thighs and- (芳肖是个女... 有一条紧密和布满绒毛的裂缝... 在她的,还有...)


例句:Upon working with the plastic, after about the first eight years, some of my work started to fissure and break down into smaller little bits of plastic. (在与塑料打交道的八年之后, 我的一些作品开始开裂 碎成许多小塑料块。)


例句:Recently this has included methane odors in San Diego, a huge fissure in Arizona, and yet another Mississippi bridge needing repair. (最近这包括圣地亚哥的甲烷气味,亚利桑那的巨大裂缝,还有密西西比河上另一座桥需要修理。)


例句:Fissure water occurrence in base rock of Guandi silver-gold deposit in Inner mongolia and its water pumping experiment (翻译:内蒙古官地银金矿床基岩裂隙水赋存特征及混合抽水试验分析)


fissure一般作为名词、动词使用,如在dilatation fissure(膨胀裂隙)、dilation fissure(膨胀裂隙)、earthquake fissure(地震裂缝)等常见短语中出现较多。

dilatation fissure膨胀裂隙
dilation fissure膨胀裂隙
earthquake fissure地震裂缝
ectolateral fissure外侧裂, 外侧沟
ectomarginal fissure外缘沟
ectorhinal fissure[医] 外嗅裂(分隔嗅脑与大脑他部的沟)
ectosylvian fissure滑液外裂, 外 Sylvii 沟
dorsal fissure背裂
dorsolateral fissure背外侧裂
eruption fissure喷发裂缝


1. Recently this has included methane odors in San Diego, a huge fissure in Arizona, and yet another Mississippi bridge needing repair. (翻译:最近这包括圣地亚哥的甲烷气味,亚利桑那的巨大裂缝,还有密西西比河上另一座桥需要修理。)

2. Fissure water occurrence in base rock of Guandi silver-gold deposit in Inner mongolia and its water pumping experiment (翻译:内蒙古官地银金矿床基岩裂隙水赋存特征及混合抽水试验分析)

3. But air picks up speed as it approaches a fissure, said Geoffrey Landis, a physicist at NASA's Glenn Research Center in Cleveland. (翻译:但空气在接近裂缝的时候速度会越来越快,杰弗里·兰迪斯说,他是美国宇航局在克利夫兰格伦研究中心的一位物理学家。)

4. Conjunctival injury: contusion to the eye, mainly in the palpebral fissure Department of subconjunctival hemorrhage, edema. (翻译:结膜损伤:眼球挫伤使多发于睑裂部的结膜下出血,水肿。)

5. One of the largest known historical lava flows occurred from the Laki Fissure, where rifting is tearing Iceland apart. (翻译:历史上最大的岩浆流从拉基裂缝喷发出来,裂缝将冰岛撕裂成两部分。)

6. But down below, the magma intrusion was broadening and the pressure was increasing quite dramatically until, all of a sudden, a fissure opened up with the chamber and created a type of thermal drain all the way to the ocean. (翻译:但是,地下的岩浆 重叠起来,压力增高。所有突然爆裂纹 进行的熔岩海。)

7. It's about a harlot... named Fauchau with a downy fissure. (翻译:是说一个女... 名叫芳肖有着一条多毛的裂缝)

8. These were mainly in basal cistern, cerebral longitudinal fissure and Sylvian fissure. (翻译:积血主要在基底池、纵裂前上方和侧裂内。)

9. A 25-kilometre-long fissure erupted 12 km3 of lava over the course of seven months. (翻译:25 k m长的裂缝在7个月内喷发了12 km3的熔岩。)

10. Teal tugged on his arm. "Don't-" Then she looked down and noticed a fissure in the wall that hadn't been there before the tremor. (翻译:缇尔拉住他的手臂。“别——”她低头往下看,发觉洞壁上出现了地震前没有的一条裂缝。)

11. considered that the Cambro-Ordovician karstic fissure aquifer is the major aquifer in the area. (翻译:认为寒武—奥陶系岩溶裂隙含水层是矿区的主要含水层。)

12. Aqueous solution existed in the rock fissure, providing routeways to the directional flowage of electriferous ion. (翻译:水溶液在岩石裂隙中的存在,为带电离子定向流动提供了通道。)

13. Combined with the surrounding volcanic rocks, intrusive rocks and strata, the Taima rock body is considered as a dome of the central part of the central fissure type volcanic structure. (翻译:结合台马碎斑熔岩与周边火山岩、侵入岩、地层的关系,认为它是早—中三叠世中心裂隙式火山构造中央部位侵出的穹状岩脊。)

14. Upon working with the plastic, after about the first eight years, some of my work started to fissure and break down into smaller little bits of plastic. (翻译:在与塑料打交道的八年之后, 我的一些作品开始开裂 碎成许多小塑料块。)

15. As you are running towards the exit, you catch a glimpse of the ground swallowing up Azriel into a fissure. (翻译:正当你往出口奔跑时,你瞥见地面的裂缝吞噬了阿兹莉儿。)






1. deep fissure 深裂缝

2. geological fissure 地质裂缝

3. brain fissure 大脑裂缝

4. volcanic fissure 火山裂缝

5. fissure sealant 裂缝密封剂




1. The ancient city was split in two by a huge fissure caused by an earthquake. 古城因地震形成的一条巨大的裂缝被分成两半。

2. The scientists found a fissure in the rocks that they thought might lead to a new cave. 科学家们发现了一条岩石裂缝,他们认为这可能会通往一个新山洞。

3. The farmer fixed the fissure in the fence to prevent the animals from escaping. 农夫修补了篱笆上的裂缝,防止动物逃跑。

4. The dentist used a fissure sealant to prevent cavities from forming in the patient's teeth. 牙医使用裂缝密封剂,防止病人的牙齿产生龋坏。

5. The fissure in the ground was so deep, you could see the layers of rock underneath. 地面上的裂缝很深,可以看到的岩层。

6. The volcanic fissure erupted with a violent force, spewing lava and ash into the air. 火山裂缝爆发了猛烈的力量,喷出了熔岩和灰烬。

7. The brain surgeon carefully cut along the fissure to access the area of the brain that needed surgery. 大脑外科医生小心地沿着裂缝切开,以进入需要手术的大脑区域。

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