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springtime是什么意思 springtime的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-09-22 14:24:46
  • 226

springtime是什么意思 springtime的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. I love the colors and smells of springtime.(我喜欢春天的颜色和气味。)

2. Springtime is a great time to plant a garden.(春天是种植花园的好时机。)

3. I always feel more energized and optimistic in springtime.(我总是在春天感到更有活力和乐观。)




例句:The trees and bushes and flowers which had been covered by ice grew green leaves once more, and springtime bloomed anew. (曾经被冰雪覆盖的树,灌木和花朵都重新长出了绿叶,一派春意盎然。)


例句:Then one of his aides pulled him aside and explained that it was just springtime. (然后他的一名助手把他算了一边,并解释说,现在是春天。)


例句:And that water that you see there is the open lead, and through that lead, bowhead whales migrate north each springtime. (前面,能看到水流的是一条水道, 春天的时候,露脊鲸会通过这样的水道向北方迁徙。)


例句:This has been the springtime this year -- a huge collapse. That happened in about a month, the loss of all that ice. (翻译:这是今年的春季-- 一场大崩塌。那是在一个月之内发生的, 所有的冰量流失。)


1. And that water that you see there is the open lead, and through that lead, bowhead whales migrate north each springtime. (翻译:前面,能看到水流的是一条水道, 春天的时候,露脊鲸会通过这样的水道向北方迁徙。)

2. This has been the springtime this year -- a huge collapse. That happened in about a month, the loss of all that ice. (翻译:这是今年的春季-- 一场大崩塌。那是在一个月之内发生的, 所有的冰量流失。)

3. Old trees that don't grow in the tropics grow seasonally, and they grow faster early in the year in the springtime than they do later in the year. (翻译:所有不生长在热带地区的老树都是季节性生长的,它们在每年初的春天时节长得较快,之后几年长得较慢。)

4. So at least when the melt happens in the springtime and you have this high-salinity runoff, the rivers are at least in a better position to defend themselves against that. (翻译:这样至少在春季融冰之时, 出现高盐度的径流时, 我们的河流状况会更好, 可以有强的抵抗能力。)

5. In any case, he certainly looks like he is having a squeal of a time as he basks in the Italian countryside, bathed in the springtime sun. (翻译:不管是哪种情况,在意大利郊外沐浴在春日的阳光里,这只小睡鼠看起来像是要发出一声尖叫的样子。)

6. At springtime this river always overruns. (翻译:每到春天这条河总会泛滥。)

7. Springtime on Mars is quite a bit balmier than the planet's winter season, but it's still plenty icy near the Red planet's poles. (翻译:火星上的春季相较该星球的冬季要温和的多,不过靠近这个红色星球的极点仍旧十分冰冷。)

8. Do drop in again in the springtime. The oleander will be in bloom. (翻译:到春天来临时一定要再过来啊, 那时夹竹桃都盛开了。)

9. Her lips and chin had a gentle firmness, and in her green suit she was like springtime come. (翻译:像春天来,她的唇和下巴有了一个温和的坚固,而且穿戴她的绿色套装她是。)

10. This has been the springtime this year -- a huge collapse. That happened in about a month, the loss of all that ice. (翻译:这是今年的春季-- 一场大崩塌。那是在一个月之内发生的, 所有的冰量流失。)

11. Anall-out tribute to India'sBollywood musical — a kind of "Springtime for Hindu" — has enough eyecandy to give the viewer diabetes. (翻译:一段类似“印度的春天”的歌舞,向印度宝莱坞音乐剧表示了充分的致意,眼花缭乱得令人晕眩。)

12. "It's part o' th' springtime, this nest-buildin' is," Dickon said. (翻译:“筑巢是春天的一部分。”狄肯说。)

13. Current medical practices blame pollen for the runny eyes or drippy noses that springtime flowers and flowering trees give off. (翻译:现行医疗作法将泪眼或鼻炎的致因归咎于春季花朵和开花树木发散出来的花粉。)

14. In the glad springtime when leaves were green, O merrily the throstle sings! (翻译:在欢乐的春天,叶子青绿,哦,画眉在愉快地歌唱!)

15. Many people catch a cold in the springtime or fall. (翻译:许多人在春天或秋天感冒。)



1. 词义:Springtime是指春天的时期,通常指从3月初到5月初。

2. 词性:Springtime是一个名词。

3. 词组搭配:常见的词组搭配有"springtime flowers"(春季花卉)、"springtime weather"(春季天气)、"springtime breeze"(春风)等。

4. 短语:springtime做主语一般单数形式,例如"The springtime is my favorite season."(春天是我最喜欢的季节。)。

5. 发音拼写:Springtime的发音为/sprɪŋtaɪm/,重音在第一个音节上。


1. Springtime is the perfect season to plant new flowers in your garden.(春季是在花园里种植新花卉的绝佳时期。)

2. The warm springtime weather is ideal for outdoor activities like hiking and biking.(温暖的春季天气非常适合户外活动,比如远足和骑行。)

3. The springtime breeze filled the air with the sweet scent of blooming flowers.(春风吹拂,弥漫着盛开花朵的香气。)

4. Many migratory birds return during springtime to breed and raise their young.(许多候鸟在春季回返,繁衍后代。)

5. Springtime represents renewal and growth, both in nature and in our personal lives.(春季代表着自然界和个人生活的更新和成长。)

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