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mello是什么意思 mello的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:23:12
  • 220

mello是什么意思 mello的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. He had a mello personality and was always easy to get along with.(他性格温和,待人友好)

2. The music was mello and relaxing, creating a calming atmosphere.(音乐轻松舒缓,营造了一种平静的氛围)




例句:Rubens Ometto Silveira Mello fought the other members of his family for ten years in Brazil’s courts before winning control of Cosan. (在赢得Cosan的家长地位之前,鲁本斯.奥米特.希尔弗伊亚.梅隆与其家族成员在巴西的法庭上对峙了10年。)


例句:Roger introduced Mello to an elderly Englishman with a thick moustache and an old, droopy face that reminded Mello of a beagle. (罗杰向老人介绍梅洛与英国人和浓厚的胡子老,梅洛一提醒,面对座格尔。)


例句:The man's large, black eyes flicked in Mello's direction, the rest of his head following. (男方大,挥动黑眼睛在梅洛的方向,其余头部以下。)


例句:But as we learned from Samantha Power, in her story about Sergio Vieira de Mello, you can't just go charging in, saying, "You're wrong, and I'm right." (翻译:但就像我们在 Samantha Power 的故事里学到的 像 Sergio Vieira de Mello﹐你不能直接杀进去 然后说”你错了 我对了“)


mello一般作为名词使用,如在Mello(n. (Mello)人名;(英、意、葡、法)梅洛;(西)梅略\n梅洛)等常见短语中出现较多。

Mellon. (Mello)人名;(英、意、葡、法)梅洛;(西)梅略\n梅洛


1. The man's large, black eyes flicked in Mello's direction, the rest of his head following. (翻译:男方大,挥动黑眼睛在梅洛的方向,其余头部以下。)

2. But as we learned from Samantha Power, in her story about Sergio Vieira de Mello, you can't just go charging in, saying, "You're wrong, and I'm right." (翻译:但就像我们在 Samantha Power 的故事里学到的 像 Sergio Vieira de Mello﹐你不能直接杀进去 然后说”你错了 我对了“)

3. Mello , You have been in . (翻译:梅子。你一直都在。)

4. Eduardo Bandeira de Mello of the Brazilian Development Bank says his bank is trying to fund such efforts. (翻译:巴西发展银行的EduardoBandeiradeMello说他的银行正在试图为这些努力筹集资金。)

5. When Mello arrived in Columbia, she felt completely prepared. (翻译:梅洛来到哥伦比亚时,她觉得自己完全做好了准备。)

6. Mello would probably want to use any means necessary to get the notebook before Near... (翻译:既然如此 为了超越尼亚先取得笔记本 梅洛恐怕会不择手段)

7. He gestured to an open doorway with hands covered in white gloves, and that was all Mello remembered of the man. (翻译:他招手向开放门户手盖白手套也就是所有的人记住梅洛。)

8. By the end of his life, Vieira de Mello had junked the Marxism and anti-Americanism of his youth, as well as the niceties of UN procedure. (翻译:在VieiradeMello生命的尽头,他摒弃了他年轻时代所信奉的主义与反美主义,以及事务处理程序的精密规划。)

9. De Mello lowered her Ruger and stroked the girl's face to comfort her. (翻译:梅洛垂下鲁格,抚摸着女孩的脸,安慰她。)

10. But as we learned from Samantha Power in her story about Sergio Vieira de Mello, you can't just go charging in, saying, "You're wrong, and I'm right," because, as we just heard, everybody thinks they are right. (翻译:但就像我们在 Samantha Power 的故事里学到的 像 Sergio Vieira de Mello﹐你不能直接杀进去 然后说”你错了 我对了“ 因为﹐就像我们刚刚听到的 每个人都以为自己是对的 )

11. Mello watched the man's Adam's apple bob as he swallowed, mutely fascinated by his every gesture. (翻译:梅洛观看男子喉结鲍勃他吞下,他的每一个动作哑着迷。)

12. To his surprise, Roger walked in, smiling pleasantly like he always did when he saw Mello and Near together. (翻译:他万万没有想到,在罗杰走路,就像他总是那样微笑愉快当他看到梅洛附近在一起。)




1. 人名


- I met a girl named Mello at the party last night.

- Mello is a character in the anime series Death Note.

2. 音乐/娱乐品牌


- I bought a Mello headset for better game experience.

- Have you heard of the new Mello al? It's amazing.

3. 缩写词


- MELLO: Maximum Energy Level for Life and Optimism.


1. I met a girl named Mello at the party last night. (人名)

2. I bought a Mello headset for better game experience. (品牌)

3. Have you heard of the new Mello al? It's amazing. (音乐)

4. I feel so mellow after a good night's rest. (形容词,表示舒适、放松)

5. The aroma of the melon made me salivate. (类似于'Mello'的词汇,读音相同,但意义不同)

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