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clockwork是什么意思 clockwork的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-06-07 16:28:11
  • 167

clockwork是什么意思 clockwork的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音: 英 [ˈklɒkwɜːk],美 [ˈklɑːkˌwɜːrk]


1. The toy train is powered by clockwork.


2. His life seems to be run on clockwork, every hour accounted for.


3. The clockwork mechanism in the antique clock had stopped working.


clockwork的意思是"发条装置 、齿轮发条装置",还有机械的意思,发音是['klɒkwә:k],clockwork是一个英语名词,在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到30个与clockwork相关的例句。



例句:The president's trip is arranged to go like clockwork, everything pre-planned to the minute. (总统的行程安排得极其周密,每一件事情都事先安排到了分钟。)


例句:It would be up to God to wind up the clockwork, and set the universe going, in any way He wanted. (这就要劳烦上帝给时钟重新上发条,让宇宙继续以任何他喜欢的方式发展。)


例句:Store drops 350 bucks at Dahlia's Tea Room every Tuesday and Thursday like clockwork. (Store每周二周四准时 在大丽花茶室消费350块)


例句:Yeah, every 37 years, like clockwork, reports of a vanishing three-mast clipper ship out in the bay. (翻译:每隔37年,像钟表机械一样准时 有关神秘三杆快帆古船在港湾出没)


clockwork一般作为名词使用,如在like clockwork(顺当地, 有规律地, 毫无故障地, 自动地)、program clockwork(程序钟表机构)、recording clockwork(记录用的钟表机构)等常见短语中出现较多。

like clockwork顺当地, 有规律地, 毫无故障地, 自动地
program clockwork程序钟表机构
recording clockwork记录用的钟表机构
regular as clockwork[口语]非常有规律的(地);极有规律地
with clockwork precision极精确地
go like clockwork[网络] 非常顺利
run like clockwork[网络] 精确无误;有规律地运作


1. Store drops 350 bucks at Dahlia's Tea Room every Tuesday and Thursday like clockwork. (翻译:Store每周二周四准时 在大丽花茶室消费350块)

2. Yeah, every 37 years, like clockwork, reports of a vanishing three-mast clipper ship out in the bay. (翻译:每隔37年,像钟表机械一样准时 有关神秘三杆快帆古船在港湾出没)

3. When Cornelius was five, his mother gave him one of them clockwork toys. (翻译:科尼利厄斯5岁时 给了他一个 时钟玩具)

4. And she's as regular as clockwork, so it's easy to determine in advance what day she's gonna take off, right? (翻译:她规律的像钟一样 所以很容易就能提前知道她哪天会请假对吧)

5. For two years you always came through, regular like clockwork. (翻译:两年以来你一直准时地还款 就像钟表一样准时)

6. Everything needs to be clockwork at the Guggenheim. (翻译:好. 在古根海姆博物馆, 一切都要像上了发条一样有条不紊.)

7. At the Clockwork Pharmacy in Hackney, north-east London, you can find it between the baby lotion and the bunion plasters. (翻译:在伦敦东北部哈克尼的 Clockwork 药房,你可以在婴儿润肤露和拇囊炎膏药之间找到它。)

8. The bank-bailout channel will be the only monetary transmission mechanism to function like clockwork. (翻译:银行纾困渠道将是唯一精确运转的货币传导机制。)

9. At 35 km the sound of the devil in his head which everyone told him to ignore started up again like clockwork. (翻译:来到三十五公里时 耳边再度传来一个声音 即使挣札著想忽略)

10. They wither away in the winter months, but like clockwork, once the spring comes, (翻译:他们消亡的冬季, 但像钟表, 一旦春天来临的时候,)

11. And when the great big parachute opened, we knew that if it didn't open there's a second parachute, and it runs on a nice little clockwork mechanism. (翻译:当巨大的降落伞打开时, 我们知道如果它无法打开 有第二个降落伞备用, 并且它的运行水平 犹如一个钟表装置般精密。)

12. That tracks with what I'm seeing here-- buses, subways, trains, all running like clockwork. (翻译:这条轨迹... 公交 地铁 火车运行都准如时钟)

13. You know, the security environment in Somalia at that moment in time -- and nothing has really changed too much -- can best be described as "Mad Max" by way of "A Clockwork Orange." (翻译:那时候索马里的治安环境 到目前为止也没有任何改观 那简直可以用《疯狂的麦克斯》 与《发条橙》的结合体来形容 )

14. They will return like clockwork at different times. (翻译:他们会像闹钟一样准时地在不同时间回来给庄稼浇水。)

15. Then, around 350 years ago, the truth about light was revealed through a combination of one man's genius and the clockwork orbits of the heavens. (翻译:直到350年前 终于被揭开 这源于一个天才对天体的运行周期的研究)

1. 词义:clockwork指的是一种由发条、齿轮和其他机械部件构成的机械装置,用来控制机器或设备的运转。

2. 词性:clockwork是一个名词。

3. 词组搭配:

- like clockwork:按部就班地,非常准时地。

- clockwork precision:非常精确的,像机械一样的精度。

4. 短语:没有常用的短语。

5. 发音拼写:['klɒkwɜːk]


1. The clock on the wall works with clockwork precision. (墙上的时钟非常准确。)

2. The robot's movements were controlled by clockwork mechanisms. (机器人的动作是由机械装置控制的。)

3. The watchmaker spent hours putting the clockwork back together. (钟表师傅花了几个小时把机械部件重新组装起来。)

4. He wakes up every morning at six o'clock like clockwork. (他每天早上六点准时醒来。)

5. The old grandfather clock still keeps time with clockwork precision. (老式的站立大摆钟仍然非常准确地走着。)

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