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marvis是什么意思 marvis的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:28:49
  • 231

marvis是什么意思 marvis的中文翻译、读音、例句

marvis可以翻译为玛维斯,读音为[mɑːvɪs]。例句:Marvis喜欢早起晨练。Marvis enjoys exercising in the morning.




例句:Um, Marv, can we look after Sizzles? (马维,可以让我们照顾西索吗? )


例句:Sniper Team - This will create an anti-infantry Sniper Rifle on your MARV. (狙击手——这将在MARV上架设一挺反步兵。)


例句:It doesn't take Marv long to get their attention. (Marvilta用不了多长时间 以引起他们的注意。)


例句:Just like the garrison of a Rifleman Squad into a MARV, this is probably the last upgrade you will want to use. (翻译:效果与把兵进驻到MARV相同,这大概是游戏玩家你最不想用的升级了。)


1. It doesn't take Marv long to get their attention. (翻译:Marvilta用不了多长时间 以引起他们的注意。)

2. Just like the garrison of a Rifleman Squad into a MARV, this is probably the last upgrade you will want to use. (翻译:效果与把兵进驻到MARV相同,这大概是游戏玩家你最不想用的升级了。)

3. It's better this way. Marv and Debra have money. Max is set. (翻译:最好的安排 马文及德博拉他们有钱 会好好照顾Max)

4. Rifleman Squad - This creates an anti-infantry machine gun on one of the hard-points of the MARV. (翻译:兵——这能够在MARV的驻扎点上架设一挺反步兵。)

5. After a series of deadly battles with mercenaries, Snake finally made it to Dr. Marv's confinement facility. (翻译:在经历了一系列的与雇佣兵的殊死战斗后,斯内克最终还是到达了关押马尔夫博士的看守所。)

6. They're celebrating the anniversary of a very close friend, Marv. (翻译:他们正在庆祝一个非常亲密的朋友,马福周年。)

7. Marv and his sister, Dottie... his father and my mother, they're all sisters. (翻译:马文和他的妹妹,蒂... ...... 他的父亲和我的母亲,他们都是姐妹。)

8. And you are really not helpful, Marv. Really not helpful. (翻译:马文 你真的没有帮任何忙 真的没帮任何忙)

9. Make a grab for Nancy and you're up against 300 pounds of iron that goes by the name of Marv. (翻译:但南希是世界上 最安全在安全的地方。请访问我们的能力,让你在你 超过一百斤铁, -)

10. Nine-year-olds rob candy stores, Marv. This is what I had in mind. (翻译:九岁小孩才会抢糖果店 马夫,这是我选中的店)

11. This is big. Settle down, Marv. Take another pill. (翻译:冷静点,马弗,再吃一颗药 我根本无法冷静)

12. Look, Marv see that flower? (翻译:你看,马弗,看到那朵花吗? 它垂在那的样子?)

13. But me being a brave, young, death-defying princess and all, well, Marv and Stank, they didn't put fear in me. (翻译:是个勇敢的、年轻的、不怕死的公主... ... 嗯,Marv和Stank,他们也吓不倒我)

14. Here we are Marv. New York City, the land of opportunity. Smell that? (翻译:我们到了,马福。纽约,充满机遇的城市。闻到了么?)

15. Congratulations to Rockets and Marv Williams. (翻译:恭喜火箭队,以及马文·姆斯。)


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