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shae是什么意思 shae的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-12-27 10:51:05
  • 304

shae是什么意思 shae的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. Shae is a talented musician who plays multiple instruments.(Shae是一个才华横溢的音乐家,会演奏多种乐器。)

2. Have you met Shae? She's my new roommate.(你见过Shae吗?她是我的新室友。)

3. Shae's artwork is really impressive.(Shae的艺术作品真的很出色。)




例句:No way. We Sunday Sisters top everyone. (不会,我觉得S u n d a y S i s t e r s 比齐豫唱得更好呀)


例句:While Hae-young lived with me, she never said that she loved me. (当慧英和我住在一起的时候 她从没说过她爱我)


例句:If the SSR has it, it's in the right hands. (如果我们战略科研署有的话 我们会保管妥当的 If the S. S. R.)


例句:You hae a most unusual eye. (翻译:你有著极为不寻常的眼光。)


1. If the SSR has it, it's in the right hands. (翻译:如果我们战略科研署有的话 我们会保管妥当的 If the S. S. R.)

2. You hae a most unusual eye. (翻译:你有著极为不寻常的眼光。)

3. But the time I was here with you and Hae-young was the happiest moment for me. (翻译:但是那个时候我和你和慧英在这里 是我最开心的时刻)

4. Historically, metal rings, wire mesh, and other materials hae been used to improve acetabular fixation. (翻译:以往,金属环、钢丝网和其他材料被用于加强髋臼固定。)

5. ..we have officers like ACP S.S. Khan for our protection. (翻译:...有S・S・卡汗警长这样的人保护而倍感骄傲)

6. Magician searched for a white rooster for a very long time, (翻译:魔术师找了很久白色的公鸡 Le magicien, il a cherché le coq blanc très très très longtemps.)

7. Her name is Jung Da-hae, age 52. This time it's for sure. (翻译:她的名字叫仲德惠 今年52岁 肯定错不了)

8. Yeah, will wonders never cease? (翻译:will wonders never cease? s)

9. Tell 'n he shall hae it for a hundred. (翻译:告诉他,我只要他出一百镑。)

10. Also an "I" and an "S", also a "T", an "M", an "A" and another "S". (翻译:还有I 还有S 还有T 和M 和A 和另一个S)

11. He constructs his unique mode S/s by modifying Saussurean diagram. (翻译:通过修改索绪尔的所指与能指图式,拉康建构出S/s模式。)

12. Background: There hae been conflicting descriptions of brachialis muscle anatomy in the literature. (翻译:背景:文献中关于肱肌的解剖存在不少矛盾的描述。)

13. In summary, when evaluating intracranial vascularity, various different parameters hae been used. (翻译:总之,在评价颅内血管时,用了各种不同的参数。)

14. I'll turn them all into Iranoffs, Buljanoffs, and Kopalskis. (翻译:我会把他们变成伊万诺夫s 布杰诺夫s和卡巴斯基s)

15. The raisins. No, no, no. Not swollen, not disintegrated. (翻译:葡萄既没有发胀也没有发皱 Les raisins, non, ni gonflés ni fripés.)



1. 定义和发音:'shae'是一个缩写词,通常用于代表“分享”或者“共享”的意思。它的正确发音是 /ʃeɪ/。

2. 用法和作用:'shae'是一个很常见的互联网词汇,主要用于描述数字时代中的一种行为方式。它通常被用来指代在互联网上将信息、资源、知识、技能等共享给他人的行为。在商业领域,也常常用于描述公司间的合作关系。

3. 相关词汇:'shae'一般与“共享经济”、“共享文化”、“共享社区”等相关。此外,还有一些与共享相关的术语,比如“共享单车”、“共享房屋”、“共享办公”等。

4. 英文例句:

- We should shae our resources to make better use of them.

- Social media platforms such as Facebook encourage people to shae their personal information online.

- The company has adopted a shae-based business model, which allows it to work closely with its partners.

- The growth of the shae economy has disrupted traditional industries, leading to new opportunities and challenges.

- By shaeing ideas and knowledge, we can build a stronger and more resilient community.


- 我们应该共享资源,更好地利用它们。

- Facebook等社交媒体平台鼓励人们在线共享个人信息。

- 公司采用了基于共享的商业模式,使其能够与其合作伙伴紧密合作。

- 共享经济的增长扰乱了传统产业,带来了新机遇和挑战。

- 通过分享想法和知识,我们可以建立一个更强大、更有弹性的社区。

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