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provides是什么意思 provides的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-02-17 04:27:26
  • 209

provides是什么意思 provides的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. The company provides excellent customer service.(这家公司提供出色的客户服务。)

2. This book provides a comprehensive guide to cooking.(这本书提供了全面的烹饪指南。)

3. Our school provides free breakfast for students in need.(我们学校为有需要的学生提供免费早餐。)




例句:That provides a backstop against cancer. (这一机制有助于对抗癌症。)


例句:It provides a chance for ordinaries to get rich. (它为普人变富提供机会。)


例句:Provides an algorithmic mechanism for identifying the fault. (提供一种识别故障的算法机制。)


例句:And to do that, it must take advantage of any cover its forest provides. (翻译:And to do that, 为了成功 it must take advantage of any cover its forest provides. 它必须充分利用森林提供的掩护)


provides一般作为介词、带刺、动词使用,如在provides for(v. 为…作准备;替…预备)、provides against(v. 预防)等常见短语中出现较多。

provides forv. 为…作准备;替…预备
provides againstv. 预防


1. Provides an algorithmic mechanism for identifying the fault. (翻译:提供一种识别故障的算法机制。)

2. And to do that, it must take advantage of any cover its forest provides. (翻译:And to do that, 为了成功 it must take advantage of any cover its forest provides. 它必须充分利用森林提供的掩护)

3. We need the souls this place provides. (翻译:我们需要这个地方提供的灵魂 We need the souls this place provides.)

4. Decomposition provides what amounts to alocalized nitrate fuel-injection to the soil. (翻译:腐烂物提供了积累到一定程度就能给 Decomposition provides what amounts to alocalized 局部土壤注入硝酸盐的成分 nitrate fuel -injection to the soil.)

5. Arla provides an entry point. (翻译:Arla提供了一个入口点。)

6. Listing 9 provides the macro definition. (翻译:清单9给出宏定义。)

7. Ext JS provides excellent performance. (翻译:Ext JS提供出色的性能。)

8. That thick black smoke provides the chemical energy that makes life possible here. (翻译:那浓密的黑烟提供了化学能量 That thick black smoke provides the chemical energy 使得生命得以在此生存 that makes life possible here.)

9. The hydrotrope provides increased foam generation. (翻译:水溶物,提供了更强的泡沫产生。)

10. "Cloud whitening" provides a nice example. (翻译:“云增白”技术就是一个很好的例子。)

11. WADI also provides the concept of farming. (翻译:WADI还提供了机群的概念。)

12. SCA provides the ability to "autowire" components. (翻译:SCA 提供了 “自动连接” 组件的能力。)

13. AIX currently provides some PAM service modules, these provides at least one of module type described as above. (翻译:AIX目前提供了一些PAM服务模块,至少提供了上述这些模块类型中的一种。)

14. Revenge only provides a temporary pleasure. (翻译:复仇只能给人暂时的 Revenge only provides a temporary pleasure.)

15. SketchUp provides a number of existing materials. (翻译:SketchUp提供了很多现成的材质。)



1. Provides的基本含义:提供,供给


- The supermarket provides a wide range of fresh produce.(超市提供各种新鲜商品。)

- This website provides free access to educational resources.(这个网站提供免费的教育资源。)

- The company provides excellent customer service.(这家公司提供优秀的客户服务。)

2. Provides的相关词汇:供应、支持、供职


- The supplier is responsible for providing the raw materials.(供应商负责提供原材料。)

- The government provides financial support to small businesses.(向小企业提供资金支持。)

- The nurse provides care for patients in the hospital.(护士在医院提供照顾病人。)

3. Provides的其他用法:提供信息、提供证据、提供解决方案


- The website provides users with up-to-date news and information.(该网站为用户提供最新的新闻和信息。)

- The witness provided important evidence in the court case.(证人在法庭案件中提供重要证据。)

- Our team can provide a practical solution to the problem.(我们的团队可以提供一个实际的解决方案给问题。)


1. The library provides access to a vast collection of books and journals.(图书馆提供大量的书籍和期刊阅读。)

2. The hotel provides a shuttle service to the airport.(酒店提供往返的班车服务。)

3. The charity provides aid to refugees in war-torn countries.(该慈善机构向战争国家的难民提供援助。)

4. The university provides scholarships to high-achieving students.(大学向高分学生提供奖学金支持。)

5. The app provides a user-friendly intece for managing finances.(该应用程序提供友好的界面来管理财务。)

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