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multiverse是什么意思 multiverse的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-05 05:37:58
  • 235

multiverse是什么意思 multiverse的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. The concept of the multiverse suggests that there may be an infinite number of parallel universes.(多元宇宙的概念表明可能存在无限数量的平行宇宙。)

2. Many scientists believe that the existence of a multiverse could help explain some of the mysteries of the universe.(许多科学家认为多元宇宙的存在可以帮助解释宇宙中的一些奥秘。)

3. The idea of a multiverse challenges the traditional notion of a single, unique universe.(多元宇宙的概念挑战了传统的单一、独特宇宙的观念。)




例句:Are there other creatures in the multiverse, wondering about us and wondering about their own origins? (多元宇宙中是否还有其他生命, 他们会不会也在猜测我们的存在, 思考着他们自己的起源?)


例句:The leading version of string theory predicts a multiverse made up of 10 to the 500 universes. (领先的弦理论一个多元宇宙 可以组成10的500次方个不同的宇宙。)


例句:Even worse, we can't test the idea of the multiverse. (更糟的是,我们甚至不能 测试多元宇宙这个想法。)


例句:We will all believe that our little universe is just a small part of a much larger multiverse. (翻译:我们将全都相信 我们的小宇宙 不过是更大的多元宇宙中的一部分 )


multiverse一般作为名词使用,如在the multiverse([网络] 复合宇宙;多元宇宙)等常见短语中出现较多。

the multiverse[网络] 复合宇宙;多元宇宙


1. Even worse, we can't test the idea of the multiverse. (翻译:更糟的是,我们甚至不能 测试多元宇宙这个想法。)

2. We will all believe that our little universe is just a small part of a much larger multiverse. (翻译:我们将全都相信 我们的小宇宙 不过是更大的多元宇宙中的一部分 )

3. In most of the multiverse, there is nothing, and we live in one of the few places where the laws of physics allow there to be something. (翻译:在多元宇宙中的大多数宇宙里, 那儿什么也没有, 而且我们生活在少数的 存在物理定律, 并且不是一片空旷的宇宙中。)

4. So Boltzmann says, we will only live in the part of the multiverse, in the part of this infinitely big set of fluctuating particles, where life is possible. (翻译:所以玻尔兹曼说 我们只可能生活在多元宇宙里 这无限大的涨落中的粒子群里 允许生命的那部分)

5. And this missing gap between the first powers of the Multiverse and first powers of the humanoids are where my Ancient Planes actually fit. (翻译:而我的“古代位面”理论正好填补了多元宇宙的最初神力与类人种族的最初神力之间关系的缺口。)

6. It doesn't prefer symmetries, and it doesn't prefer multiverse, but it's right in the middle. (翻译:它不喜欢的对称性, 并且它不喜欢 多元宇宙, 但它是正确的在中间。)

7. You must have the multiverse repository enabled. (翻译:您必须使多元存储器可用。)

8. An entire set of parallel universes is called a multiverse. (翻译:这样一整个平行宇宙体系被称为多重宇宙。)

9. It's based on an approach called string theory, and that's where the idea of the multiverse will come into the story. (翻译:它基于一种叫“弦理论”的方法, 通过它我们把多元宇宙 引入了这个故事。)

10. the multiverse on the one side, and some beautiful symmetry on the other side. (翻译:在一个方向或另一个方向: 多元宇宙的一面, 和一些美丽的对称 在另一侧。)

11. The problem with the multiverse is that it says the Higgs might be the last particle we ever see. (翻译:- 问题 与多元宇宙 就是它说的希格斯 这可能是最后的颗粒 我们曾经看到的。)

12. But nonetheless, combined, they make up a vast multiverse of possible universes in up to 11 dimensions, featuring wonders beyond our wildest imagination. (翻译:但是,无论如何,它们组成了巨大的多元宇宙, 可能一共有11维, 在我们的想象力之外创造着奇迹。)

13. So we have to wonder, if there is a multiverse, in some other patch of that multiverse, are there creatures? (翻译:因此,我们忍不住会猜测,如果存在一个多元宇宙, 在这个多元宇宙中的其他分支中, 存在生命吗? )

14. Well if that's true, Boltzmann then goes onto invent two very modern-sounding ideas -- the multiverse and the anthropic principle. (翻译:就这样 玻尔兹曼接着发明了 两个听上去很现代化的概念 多元宇宙与人择原理)

15. We tell you that everything in and on the Omni-Earth and indeed the Multiverse exists at once, simultaneously. (翻译:我们告诉你,一切在【全地球】之上和之内的事物以及事实上的多重宇宙同时同步存在。)




1. 定义:Multiverse是一个科学概念,指的是存在多个平行宇宙的可能性。

2. 词源:由multi-(多个)和universe(宇宙)两个词组成。

3. 相关术语:Parallel universe(平行宇宙)、Alternate universe(替代宇宙)、Parallel reality(平行现实)等。

4. 应用领域:Multiverse的概念广泛应用于科幻小说、电影、电视剧等文艺作品,也被用于解释量子力学、宇宙学等科学领域。

5. 发展历程:Multiverse的概念自20世纪60年代就被提出,并在近年来得到了越来越多的关注和研究。


1. The multiverse theory suggests that our universe is just one of many within a larger-scale multiverse.(多元宇宙理论认为我们的宇宙只是更大规模的多元宇宙中的一个。)

2. Some scientists believe that the concept of a multiverse could help solve certain problems in physics that currently have no explanation.(一些科学家认为多元宇宙的概念有助于解决当前在物理学上无法解释的某些问题。)

3. The Marvel Cinematic Universe contains multiple multiverses, allowing for countless crossover possibilities between different characters and storylines.(漫威电影宇宙包含多个多元宇宙,允许不同人物和故事情节之间无限制地交叉。)

4. In the popular TV show "Stranger Things", the characters travel to an alternate universe known as the Upside Down.(在热门电视剧《怪奇物语》中,角色们前往了一个被称为“反转世界”的替代宇宙。)

5. Some philosophers argue that the idea of a multiverse undermines the traditional concept of objective reality, as there may be an infinite number of parallel realities coexisting alongside our own.(一些哲学家认为,多元宇宙的概念了传统的客观现实概念,因为可能有无限数量的平行现实与我们的现实同时存在。)

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