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bram是什么意思 bram的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:29:59
  • 169

bram是什么意思 bram的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. Bram Stoker is the author of the famous novel "Dracula".(布兰·斯托克是著名小说《德古拉》的作者。)

2. Bram was born and raised in a small village in the Netherlands.(布兰姆在荷兰的一个小村庄出生和长大。)

3. The road was lined with brambles and thorns.(这条路两旁长满了荆棘和刺。)




例句:The town of whitby was immortalised in Bram Stoker 's famous Dracula story. (惠特比镇因为布拉姆·斯托克著名的吸血鬼故事而名传后世。)


例句:Well, we just think there is a wrong interaction between teacher Fish and Bram. (嗯,我们只是觉得费许老师 和布拉姆的互动出了问题)


例句:Let me start by saying that I think Bram is a special child. Smart. (一开始我想先说 布拉姆是个特别的孩子,很聪明)


例句:Dracula's first victim from Bram Stoker's novel. (翻译:她是Bram Stoker小说里 小说《德古拉》的作者 德古拉的第一个受害者)


bram一般作为名词使用,如在BRAM(广播识别存取法 蓄电池供电的随机存取存储器)等常见短语中出现较多。

BRAM广播识别存取法 蓄电池供电的随机存取存储器


1. Let me start by saying that I think Bram is a special child. Smart. (翻译:一开始我想先说 布拉姆是个特别的孩子,很聪明)

2. Dracula's first victim from Bram Stoker's novel. (翻译:她是Bram Stoker小说里 小说《德古拉》的作者 德古拉的第一个受害者)

3. You must be a happy lady, living in the Bram... (翻译。你一定是一位快乐的淑女的 , 在 Bram 中的 生活。)

4. Bram said, all things need to change form to live. (翻译:布拉姆说,莫,在生活中任何事物都要变换形式。)

5. Bram Stoker's Dracula was actually a woman. (翻译:布莱姆·斯托克 笔下的德古拉 实际上是个女性)

6. The town of whitby was immortalised in Bram Stoker's famous Dracula story. (翻译:惠特比镇因为布拉姆·斯托克著名的吸血鬼故事而名传后世。)

7. Really, of course the famous book "Dracula," written by a fellow Northside Dubliner Bram Stoker, probably is mainly responsible for this. (翻译:真的,当然那本有名的《德库拉》 北都柏林的布莱姆•斯托克所写的书 也许该对此负上主要责任。)

8. Bram, take Grace upstairs. (翻译:take Grace upstairs.)

9. Bram could've quenched his desire to kill me, but Brooks and Moloch's minions stopped him. (翻译:Bram本来真的可能杀了我 但Brooks和魔洛神的奴仆阻止了他)

10. But you stay in, Bram. I asked you three times to pay attention. 3 times! (翻译:你留下来,布拉姆 我已经告诉你三次要专心了,三次!)

11. Most of us know of Transylvania, an historical region in Romania, from Bram Stoker's novel, Dracula. (翻译:我们大部分人都从布拉姆·史托克的小说《德拉库拉伯爵》一书中了解了特兰西瓦尼亚这一罗马尼亚的历史古迹。)

目前未查到 'bram' 是常见的英文单词,因此根据音节来考虑,'bram' 可能是某个人名、地名、品牌名等专有名词,也可能是某个语言的词汇,需要更多上下文才能确定其意义。以下是几个假设的解释及相关例句:

1. 'Bram' 是一个男性名字,源于荷兰语、弗里西亚语等语种,意为'剑'、'利刃'。

- Bram is a Dutch name that means 'sword' or 'sharp edge'.

- Bram Stoker is the author of the famous novel 'Dracula'.

- Bram is a popular name in the Netherlands.

2. 'Bram' 是一个地名,可能指某个村庄、城镇、区域等。

- Brampton is a town in Cumbria, England, also known as 'Bram'.

- Bramcote is a suburb of Nottingham, England.

- Bramley is a village near Leeds, England.

3. 'Bram' 是某个品牌或公司名称。

- Bram Industries is a Canadian manufacturer of industrial equipment.

- Bram Technology is a software development company in Israel.

- Brambly Cottage is a home decor brand in the UK.

4. 'Bram' 可能是某个语言的词汇,如荷兰语中的 'bramen' 意为'黑莓'。

- Bramen in de tuin zijn heerlijk. (Blackberries in the garden are delicious.)

- Ik heb bramen gekocht op de markt. (I bought blackberries at the market.)

- We hebben bramenjam gemaakt van de bramen. (We made blackberry jam from the blackberries.)

由于缺乏上下文,无法确定 'bram' 的具体意义和词性,以上仅供参考。

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