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modf是什么意思 modf的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-01-18 15:02:57
  • 226

modf是什么意思 modf的中文翻译、读音、例句

modf的中文翻译为“分离整数和小数部分”,读音为[mɑd f]。


1. 在Python中,可以使用modf函数将浮点数分解为整数和小数部分。

2. 这个函数返回值是一个元组,包含整数和小数部分的值。




例句:I ... I justranintosome people from the MoD and... (我只是被一些的人搞的筋疲力尽 还有...)


例句:Mod_perl, which embeds a persistent perl interpreter in apache. (mod_perl,在Apache中嵌入了一个永久的perl解释器。)


例句:Get me someone from the Russian MOD. (给我联系在斯塔夫罗波尔俄国的人 Get me someone from the Russian MOD in Stavropol.)


1. Get me someone from the Russian MOD. (翻译:给我联系在斯塔夫罗波尔俄国的人 Get me someone from the Russian MOD in Stavropol.)

2. All three squadrons were flying the F-84F Thunderstreak. (翻译:三个中队都在驾驶 F-84F 雷击战机。)

3. Under lock and key till MOD get someone over to consult. (翻译:This? till the M. O.)

4. At The House of Laffs, spelled L-A-F-F-S. (翻译:如果你有兴趣 在 Laffs 之家 L - A)

5. Apache 1.3 supports gzip with mod_gzip and Apache 2.0 USES mod_deflate. (翻译:Apache 1.3通过mod_gzip支持gzip, Apache 2.0使用mod_deflate。)

6. - Unless you have faith in MoD confidentiality. (翻译:除非您完全信任的保密工作 Unless you have faith in MOD confidentiality in loyalty.)

7. I have a sieve οf sifted thistles and a sieve οf unsifted thistles. (翻译:我有个筛好蓟草的筛子 还有个没筛好蓟草的筛子)

8. The defence secretary, Philip Hammond, said the MoD had made progress and was now "balancing its books" . (翻译:国防大臣飞利浦·哈蒙德称已经取得了进步,正在“平衡订单”。)

9. I started off on the ground floor, then moved to 2/F, and from 2/F to 8/F. (翻译:我由地铺开始呀,升上二楼 由二楼升升升,升上八楼)

10. The mod takes place in XVII century, in the time, that is known in the history of Poland as The Deluge. (翻译:这个mod是以17世纪为背景的,同时,众所周知的是波兰历史上的大洪水。)

11. F for Fascist and N for Nazi (翻译:F是取自主义者Fascist N是取自党Nazi)

12. CDAS TDP is an important contract placed by the UK MoD to support the aims of the UK strategy for Air Platform Protection. (翻译:CDASTDP项目是英国授权的重要合同,以支持保护空中平台的战略目标。)

13. But things gοt οut οf hand ...but things gοt οut οf hand. (翻译:可是到后来... 我也不知道... 假戏真做)

14. For further information please contact Matthew Willey in the MoD Press Office 020 7218 7924. (翻译:欲了解更多信息,请与新闻办公室MatthewWilley联系:02072187924。)

15. I finally f-f-figured out it's you that I want to be with. (翻译:i 最后 f-f-理解它是 你 i 想要当与。)

1. 词义:modf是一个函数名,代表将一个浮点数分解为整数和小数两部分,它返回两个值,其中第一个是整数部分,第二个是小数部分。

2. 词性:modf是一个函数名,属于动词。

3. 词组搭配:无。

4. 短语:无。

5. 发音拼写:modf的发音为 /mɑdf/,其中m读作音标符号/æ/,d读作音标符号/ð/。


1. The modf function splits a floating-point number into two parts representing the integer and fractional parts, respectively. (modf函数将浮点数分解为整数和小数部分。)

2. In C programming language, the modf function is defined in the math.h header file. (在C编程语言中,modf函数定义在math.h头文件中。)

3. The modf function is often used in scientific and technical computing to manipulate floating-point numbers. (modf函数常用于科学和技术计算中以操作浮点数。)

4. The modf function can help to format floating-point numbers effectively in computer programming. (modf函数可帮助在计算机编程中有效地格式化浮点数。)

5. The modf function is available in many programming languages, including C, C++, and Python. (modf函数可用于许多编程语言中,包括C、C++和Python。)

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