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sdsds是什么意思 sdsds的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:28:03
  • 195

sdsds是什么意思 sdsds的中文翻译、读音、例句


例句(英文):I typed 'sdsds' by mistake.



翻译:Is this password 'sdsds'?




例句:DS2: connecting the planet. (DS 2:连接整个星球。)


例句:The Patbot 3000 is fully programmed in all SDS procedures and protocols. (Τhe Patbot 3000 全被编入了 SDS和程序和协议.)


sdsds一般作为名词使用,如在SDSDS([网络] 句型)等常见短语中出现较多。

SDSDS[网络] 句型


1. The old DS8300 LUNs can now be reclaimed by the storage team. (翻译:这些旧的 DS8300 LUN 现在就可以由存储团队收回。)

2. And this is DS Wareing, another key member of the team. (翻译:这位是Wareing警官 我们组的另一位重要成员)

3. Step 3: Elute glutathione resin-bound GTPase with SDS buffer. (翻译:第三步:使用SDS缓冲液稀释谷胱甘肽树脂。)

4. Speaking of the DS3, we saw the DS Inside Concept in Geneva this year and it had dark tinted windows all around. (翻译:谈到DS3,我们看到的DS概念内部今年在日内瓦和它黑暗车窗各地。)

5. There will be an Autobot Game and a Decepticon Game for Nintendo DS, supporting 4 way multi-play. (翻译:任天堂DS将分别有汽车人游戏和霸天虎游戏,支持4人对战。)

6. The ds: KeyInfo element in Listing 8 contains a KeyName element. (翻译:清单8中的ds: KeyInfo元素包含一个KeyName元素。)

7. But will the s have an impact beyond gaming? (翻译:然而,新款s游戏机会带来游戏以外的冲击吗? )

8. The type attribute could be "DS" or "ESS." (翻译:类型属性可以是“ DS ”或者“ ESS ”。)

9. SDS will become the biggest, most profitable company in the world! (翻译:SDS 将成为世界上最大的最赚钱的公司!)

10. Sodium dodecyl sulfate is the type representative of the anion sulfate genera SDS. It is useful for comprehensive. (翻译:十二烷基硫酸钠是阴离子硫酸酯类表面活性剂的典型代表,具有广泛的用途。)

11. There was no positive ID, but DS Lennox has been down at the murder scene. (翻译:虽然没有找到身份证件 但是伦诺克斯警官已经勘察过案发现场)

12. DS : That is never gonno happen. (翻译:耽:那是不可能的。)

13. Set up HBA to enable the BIOS and select the boot device from DS8000. (翻译:将HBA设置为支持BIOS,并选择从DS8000启动设备。)

14. The Wii is an attempt to apply the lessons of the DS to a fixed console that plugs into the television. (翻译:Wii试图应用DS的经验,把自己变成接入电视的一个固定组件。)

15. Then cell is cracked by cracking liquid with SDS, the liquid also has PVP that with absorption to PCR restrictor. (翻译:然后采用含SDS的裂解液裂解细胞,此裂解液同时含有对PCR抑制物有吸附作用PVP。)


1. 词源:对于词或者缩写词的起源、背景和含义进行研究,从语言历史和文化角度进行分析。

2. 语法和语义:对于词或者缩写词的语法结构、词义和用法进行分析,特别是在不同语境下的表现效果。

3. 社交文化:对于词或者缩写词的流行程度、使用场合和背后的社交文化因素进行探究,尤其是在数字化、网络化环境下产生的新词或者新缩写词。


1. LOL (laugh out loud): I always write "LOL" when I think something is funny.

2. BYOB (bring your own bottle): The invitation said to BYOB to the party.

3. Brexit (Britain's exit from the European Union): Brexit has caused a lot of uncertainty and anxiety.

4. Algorithm: The computer program uses an algorithm to sort the data.

5. Sustainability: The company is committed to sustainability and reducing its carbon footprint.

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