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bound by flame是什么意思 bound by flame的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:28:13
  • 146

bound by flame是什么意思 bound by flame的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音:bɑʊnd baɪ fleɪm


1. In "Bound by Flame," you play as a mercenary possessed by a flame demon.


2. The gameplay of "Bound by Flame" blends RPG elements with dark fantasy.


3. The protagonist in "Bound by Flame" must choose whether to resist the demon's influence or embrace its power.


1. 含释:'Bound by flame'是一个短语,意思是被火焰束缚。在游戏或小说中可能表示角色身上拥有某种火焰力量,或者被某种火焰力量所影响。

2. 游戏和小说:'Bound by flame'是一款受欢迎的角色扮演游戏,也有小说版。在游戏中,玩家可以扮演一名战士,魔法师或游侠,通过战斗和冒险提升角色的能力,同时与火焰力量的影响相互较量。

3. 影响和契约:'Bound by flame'中的'bound'可以理解为“契约”,也就是角色与某种力量或生物之间的联系或约束。这种约束可能是双向的,即角色也会对火焰力量产生影响。

4. 语言和文学:'Bound by flame'这个词组在英语中也可以表达一种朴素或浪漫的语言风格,比如“我们的心已经被火焰所”,或者类似的诗歌和小说片段。


1. The hero was bound by flame, and his eyes glowed like a furnace.(英雄被火焰所束缚,他的眼睛像熔炉一样闪耀。)

2. She felt the power of the flame binding her to the ancient spirit.(她感受到火焰力量将她与古老的灵魂连接在一起。)

3. The sorcerer summoned a bound flame to protect his allies.(巫师召唤了一道束缚的火焰保护他的盟友。)

4. The lovers were bound by flame, and nothing could tear them apart.(恋人们被火焰所,没有什么可以把他们分开。)

5. The dragon was bound by flame, but it still breathed fire with deadly accuracy.(巨龙被火焰所束缚,但它仍然可以准确地喷出致命的火焰。)

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