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cgtv是什么意思 cgtv的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-19 06:49:14
  • 299

cgtv是什么意思 cgtv的中文翻译、读音、例句

CGTV的中文翻译为“中国环球电视网”,读音为“zhōng guó huán qiú diàn shì wǎng”,意为中国的全球电视网络。例句:CGTV是中国国际通讯社下属的国际电视新闻频道。




例句:Locking pin, prevents from accidental disconnection and can only be unlocked with a tool. 6 mechanically codings C1 - C6. (锁紧插针,为防止意外断开,只有用工具才能解锁。6个机械编码C1 - C6。标准编码为C1。)


例句:Loving each other, fighting each other, ({\1cH04C9DF}∮ 彼此相爱 ∮ {\1cH04C9DF}∮ 有时争吵 ∮)


例句:~ Ooh, ooh, A, B, C, baby ~ (# Ooh, ooh, A, B, C, baby #)


1. ~ Ooh, ooh, A, B, C, baby ~ (翻译:# Ooh, ooh, A, B, C, baby #)

2. Many infections are nowadays caused by other species than C. albicans, notably C. tropicalis, C. kruse i and C. glabrata. (翻译:如今,许多感染是引起其他物种比白色念珠菌,特别是为热带,长克柔和C。光滑。)

3. - It's H.C. It's Hellen Cutter. (翻译:C. 缩写 是Hellen Cutter)

4. C major. Sopranos and altos in thirds. Altos on C, sopranos above. (翻译:C大调,中音与高音 中音是C调,高音更高)

5. A single C instead of a G. (翻译:把G错输成了C A single C instead of a G.)

6. GTV's offer for the JLTV maximizes survivability and optimizes power and payload. (翻译:GTV关于JLTV的建议使存活能力最大化,并使动力和有效载荷最优化。)

7. It was Tony C and their guys. (翻译:Tony C和他手下 It was Tony C and their guys.)

8. If A equals B, and B equals C plus ten, then C is to A... (翻译:A=B B=C+10 C相对于A是多少?)

9. To minimize occurrences, turn off C'Thun Warner if not raiding C'Thun and stay in range of Eye of C'Thun when it dies. (翻译:减少发生已关掉克苏恩监视器,但在距离内克苏恩和克苏恩之眼死亡后仍不正常运作。)

10. They're telling him I'm a C1 and C2 complete. (翻译:他们在告诉他 我是C1和C2颈椎完全损伤)

11. For example, take the MD5 hash of "foobar" : 3858f62230ac3c915f300c664312c63f. (翻译:举例来说,利用“foobar”的MD 5散列:3858f 62230ac3c 915f 300c 664312c63f。)

12. That's John C. Reilly. (翻译:那是约翰•c .雷利。)

13. If a = b and b = c it follows that a = c. (翻译:设a = b,b = c,则a = c。)

14. ~ A, B, C, one, two, three ~ (翻译:# A, B, C, one, two, three #)

15. Hey, this is A.C. I have O.J. in the car. (翻译:嗨 我是A·C O·J在我车里 Hey, this is A. C. I have O.)

1. 意义和用途:'cgtv'是指中国Global电视网,是中国的国际电视台,其宣传口号是“让世界了解中国,让中国走向世界”。'cgtv'在海外播出,旨在向世界介绍中国最新的社会、文化和经济发展。同时,'cgtv'也为海外华人提供了一个了解中国的新途径。


- CGTV is a bilingual international television channel, broadcasting news and cultural content to audiences all over the world.

- CGTV is committed to being the most credible and compelling source of information and insights on China and the world.

- CGTV always provides viewers with the latest news and insights from China, the world, and the Chinese diaspora.

2. 发展历程和特点:'cgtv'成立于1992年,是中国唯一的国际电视台。多年来,'cgtv'致力于成为全球中文媒体的标杆,不断推出新的栏目,提高其影响力和知名度。'cgtv'的特点是涵盖面广,覆盖内容包括时政、经济、文化、娱乐等多个领域。


- CGTV has come a long way since its inception in 1992, and now offers a wide range of programmes to viewers around the world.

- CGTV's innovative programming and commitment to quality journalism have helped it become one of the most respected Chinese-language television channels in the world.

- CGTV has always been at the forefront of reporting on the key issues affecting China and the rest of the world.

3. 影响和前景:'cgtv'在中国的媒体行业中具有很高的知名度和影响力,能够向世界宣传中国的文化、科技、经济和。未来,'cgtv'有望进一步扩大其海外覆盖面,提供更高质量的节目和新闻报道。


- CGTV has played a vital role in promoting China's image abroad, and is seen as a key player in the country's soft power strategy.

- CGTV's reach and influence continue to grow, and the channel is fast becoming a major player in global media.

- CGTV's future looks bright, as it continues to innovate and expand its reach across the world.

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