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launch manager是什么意思 launch manager的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-02-14 03:10:08
  • 299

launch manager是什么意思 launch manager的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音:lɔːntʃ ˈmænɪdʒə(r)


1. My computer's launch manager allows me to quickly start all my essential programs.


2. The IT department uses a launch manager to ensure all employees have access to the necessary software.


launch manager的意思是"产品投放经理、投产经理",作为名词时有"项目启动经理"的意思,在线读音是[launchmanager],launch manager是一个英语名词,在《实用英语词典》中,共找到47个与launch manager相关的例句。

Launch manager的词典翻译


例句:Can I have the stage manager, please? (Why am I floating? Can I have the stage manager, please?)


例句:I need to talk with your manager, please (I need to talk with your manager, please)


例句:- Access launch codes for nuclear missiles. (- 取得发射核的密码 - 全球经济体系 - Access launch codes for nuclear missiles.)


例句:35 years after its launch, (翻译:在发射后的35年 35 years after its launch,)


launch manager一般作为名词使用,如在launch(发射 )、launch at(向…发起进攻)、launch for(向…出航,乘船前往…)等常见短语中出现较多。

launch at向…发起进攻
launch for向…出航,乘船前往…
launch into开始,着手,投入;大谈特谈,侈谈,大发
launch on开始, 着手
to launch使下水
it manager信息技术经理
directional launch定向发射


1. - Access launch codes for nuclear missiles. (翻译:- 取得发射核的密码 - 全球经济体系 - Access launch codes for nuclear missiles.)

2. 35 years after its launch, (翻译:在发射后的35年 35 years after its launch,)

3. Speak to my business manager. (翻译:和我的业务经理说去 Speak to my business manager.)

4. I know Derek, the manager. (翻译:我认识Derek, 你们经理. I know Derek, the manager.)

5. Mr. Qiu, the manager is ready to see you now. (翻译:the manager is ready to see you now.)

6. The launch sequence has been shut down and the feds (翻译:发射功能已经被关闭 The launch sequence has been shut down)

7. We could launch a revolution... side by side. (翻译:我们可以一起... We could launch a revolution... 发动 side by side.)

8. Spacedock, this is Starfleet. Launch all vessels. Launch all vessels. (翻译:太空站 这里是星舰指挥中心 所有飞船起飞 所有飞船起飞)

9. But the manager, Joe, wants only pretty people. (翻译:但是那个经理 Joe 只看脸 But the manager, Joe, wants only pretty people.)

10. Accurate launch codes had been entered. (翻译:已经输入了正确的发射密码 accurate launch codes had been entered.)

11. Henry chun, manager of the restaurant. (翻译:亨利・秦 这间饭店经理 Henry Chun, manager of the restaurant.)

12. T-minus 30 until ready for launch. (翻译:-minus 30 until ready for launch.)

13. Or in this case, the property manager. (翻译:the property manager.)

14. Do you know the manager here? (翻译:Excuse me. Do you know the manager here?)

15. She just married a factory manager... (翻译:You remember how beautiful she was. She just married a factory manager.)

1. 定义:'launch manager'通常指产品或项目发布的经理。他们负责制定发布计划、协调各方面工作、监督进度等。


- Our launch manager has set a strict timeline for the new product release.

- The launch manager is responsible for ensuring that all departments are aligned and ready for launch day.

2. 职责:除了上述的发布计划和协调工作,还需要负责市场推广、客户培训、竞争分析等。


- Our launch manager has been working closely with the marketing team to ensure a successful product launch.

- The launch manager's responsibilities include yzing compe products and positioning our own product accordingly.

3. 技能:'launch manager'需要具备较高的项目管理和团队协作能力,还需要熟悉市场趋势和产品设计等。


- The ideal launch manager should have experience in project management and strong leadership skills.

- Our launch manager has a background in product design and development, which has been invaluable in this role.

4. 挑战:'launch manager'面临的挑战包括公众关系管理、风险管理、预算控制等。


- The launch manager must be prepared to handle any negative feedback or customer complaints that may arise during the launch.

- Budget overruns are a common challenge for launch managers, so it's important to carefully monitor expenses and adjust plans as needed.

5. 成功:'launch manager'成功的标志是产品/项目在市场上成功推出,并且达到销售和客户满意度的预期。


- Thanks to our launch manager's hard work and dedication, the new product has exceeded our sales targets.

- The launch manager's attention to detail and strategic planning were key factors in the successful launch of the project.

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