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tock是什么意思 tock的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:20:15
  • 387

tock是什么意思 tock的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. The clock on the wall is a loud 'tock' sound.


2. The old grandfather clock has a deep and solemn 'tock' that can be heard throughout the house.





例句:Just as a grandfather clock relies on the constant swinging back and forth of a pendulum under gravity, the tick tock of an atomic clock is maintained by the transition between two energy levels of an atom. (就好像老式钟表依靠重力控制的钟摆 会以固定频率的摆动来工作一样, 原子钟的走动 依靠的是一个原子的 两个能级间的跃迁。)


例句:tock car racing is one of the fastest-growing spectator sports in the United States and attracts fans from all different demographics. (通型汽车竞赛是在美国成长最快观众运动之一,而且吸引了来自不同领域的狂热者。)


例句:If there was ever a bookmark that actually reduced your unproductive nature, it is Tick Tock Timer. (如果曾经有那么一个书签,真的减弱了你低产的本性,那么它是定时器。)


例句:Ever since Einstein, physicists have been telling us that time—this steady tick-tock of the universe—is much weirder than we think. (翻译:自从爱因斯坦以来,物理学家们一直告诉我们,时间——这个宇宙稳定的滴答滴答声——远远比我们想象的还要神奇。)





1. If there was ever a bookmark that actually reduced your unproductive nature, it is Tick Tock Timer. (翻译:如果曾经有那么一个书签,真的减弱了你低产的本性,那么它是定时器。)

2. Ever since Einstein, physicists have been telling us that time—this steady tick-tock of the universe—is much weirder than we think. (翻译:自从爱因斯坦以来,物理学家们一直告诉我们,时间——这个宇宙稳定的滴答滴答声——远远比我们想象的还要神奇。)

3. Hydrogen atoms are like tiny natural clocks-- tick... tock. (翻译:氢原子就像是个迷你的天然时钟 Hydrogen atoms are like tiny natural clocks -- 滴...)

4. Someone chases my boy Nate out of the Tick Tock and puts one in his face! (翻译:我的手下 纳特在钟点房外面被人做了 Someone chases my boy Nate out of the tick tock 脸被人打开了花 and puts one in his face!)

5. I know what makes Pootie Tang... tick, tock, tick. (翻译:我知道是什么让 Pootie汤... ,滴嗒,打勾。第310 00:)

6. But this book is largely a tick-tock tale of a battle by technocrats against an ever-changing crisis during 2007 and 2008. (翻译:但本书主要是关于技术统治者迎战2007到2008年间不断变化的危机的短暂传说。)

7. Awake brain, listen a clock to put of tick-tock, count to jump about of reel, fall back time of procedure. (翻译:清醒的大脑,聆听着钟摆的滴答,数着跳动的摇摆,着时间的程序。)

8. Now we have a unit of time in common with the extraterrestrials. (翻译:tock. 这就意味着我们与外星人共同拥有 Now we have a unit of time in common 相同的一个时间单位 with the extraterrestrials.)

9. Tick Tock Timer is that bully for me today. (翻译:那滴答定时器今天妙极了。)

10. Hey, tick-tock, well, this is time away from my kids. (翻译:嘿 看着点时间 唔 这是不在孩子身边的时间)

11. I tock the extra $20000 out myself (翻译:多出来的两万是我自己拿出来的 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}I tock the extra $20000 out myself)



1. 作为缩写词

- Tock作为缩写词可以代表“Time of Check-in”(入住时间),是酒店和航空公司常用的术语。

- Tock还可以代表音乐节奏中的拍子,是音乐术语和乐器学习中经常涉及的内容。

- Tock还可以是一种突然而有力的声音,比如重击物体或者钟表的声音。


- What is your TOCK for the hotel room? (你的酒店房间入住时间是什么时候?)

- The piano teacher emphasized the importance of keeping the TOCK steady while playing.(钢琴老师强调了在演奏过程中保持拍子的重要性。)

- We heard a loud TOCK when the clock struck twelve.(当钟表敲响12点的时候,我们听到了一声响亮的声音。)

2. 作为名词

- Tock作为名词可以代表钟表的嘀嗒声,是一个比较常见的描写形容词“tick-tock”的一部分。

- Tock还可以代表一种时钟机芯的构造方式。这种构造方式通过一系列的齿轮和螺旋弹簧来控制钟表的运转。

- Tock还可以是一种石墨材料的名称,一般用于制造钢笔或者其他书写工具。


- The clock on the wall was a loud tick-tock sound.(墙上的钟表发出了嘀嗒声。)

- The watchmaker explained the intricate tock mechanism in great detail.(钟表师傅详细解释了复杂的机芯构造。)

- The pen was made of a special type of tock material that made it very smooth to write with.(这支笔是用一种特殊的石墨材料制成的,因此书写非常顺畅。)

3. 作为动词

- Tock作为动词可以代表钟表指针的移动,是一个比较具体的描述。

- Tock还可以代表时间流逝的过程,比如时间如流水一般不断地流逝。

- Tock还可以代表某种周期性的动作,比如心跳的跳动或者摇头的动作。


- The second hand on the clock tocked loudly as it moved around the face.(秒针在表盘上转动时发出了响亮的嘀嗒声。)

- The hours tocked by as I sat in the waiting room, feeling increasingly anxious.(当我坐在候诊室里时,时间一分一秒地过去,越来越让我感到焦虑。)

- The little girl tocked her head from side to side, giggling as she did so.(小女孩咯咯笑着摇头晃脑。)

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