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auditorium是什么意思 auditorium的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-23 05:10:57
  • 276

auditorium是什么意思 auditorium的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. The concert was held in the school auditorium.


2. The lecture will be delivered in the university auditorium.


3. The audience was entranced by the play's performance in the auditorium.


auditorium在中文中有"听众席 、大礼堂"的意思,还有会堂的意思,发音音标为[.ɒ:di'tɒ:riәm],auditorium是一个英语名词,在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到21个与auditorium相关的句子。



例句:It features ornate stonework, a turret and an auditorium with an openable rolling roof. (具有华丽的石雕,一个角楼和屋顶可开启的礼堂。)


例句:Qinghua by the United States returned to the auditorium is part of the Boxer Indemnity completed. (清华大礼堂是由美退还部分庚子赔款建成的。)


例句:And that was that it freed up the perimeter of the auditorium in a most unusual way. (这种做法以最独特的方式将观众区的周长释放开了。)


例句:In a huge 2 auditorium, Professor Mantz is 3 miked, lecturing to an audience of a couple hundred students. (翻译:在一间巨大的礼堂里,曼茨教授用麦克风为两百多名学生讲课。)


auditorium一般作为名词使用,如在multiuse auditorium(多用途观众厅)等常见短语中出现较多。

multiuse auditorium多用途观众厅


1. And that was that it freed up the perimeter of the auditorium in a most unusual way. (翻译:这种做法以最独特的方式将观众区的周长释放开了。)

2. In a huge 2 auditorium, Professor Mantz is 3 miked, lecturing to an audience of a couple hundred students. (翻译:在一间巨大的礼堂里,曼茨教授用麦克风为两百多名学生讲课。)

3. Okay, we wanna use the auditorium this weekend to watch Mr. C in Sparta. (翻译:我们周末想用礼堂 来看康老师的比赛)

4. So I proposed to the mayor, I'd like to rebuild the temporary auditorium. (翻译:所以我就向市长提出, 我希望能重建这个临时音乐厅。)

5. At the doors of the auditorium, chaos reigns. (翻译:在礼堂的门前,一片混乱。)

6. Dr. Maximillian Aziz, Jordanian, was actually in the auditorium the time the bomb went off. (翻译:马克西米利安·阿齐兹博士 约旦人 爆炸发生时曾在会场)

7. You would be able to expose the auditorium to Dallas or vice versa, Dallas to the auditorium. (翻译:你可以将观众区展现给达拉斯, 反之亦然。)

8. Schreiber addressed an auditorium overflowing with journalists. (翻译:施赖伯向挤满了新闻记者的观众席致辞。)

9. Okay, did I put your picture up on the big screen in the auditorium? (翻译:是我把你的照片 OK, did I put your picture 放上礼堂的大屏幕了吗 没错 up on the big screen in the auditorium?)

10. The band fundraiser will be held next Thursday in the auditorium. (翻译:乐队fundrais器 将于下周四 在礼堂。)

11. It was a concert he recorded in the Shrine Auditorium in 1949. (翻译:这是1949年他在Shrine音乐厅录制的音乐会.)

12. She found herself plodding across the back of the auditorium, praying for guidance, to an empty seat. (翻译:她发现自己缓慢的穿过了礼堂的后面,她祈祷有人指引她找到空位子。)

13. We made a new recording of him playing in the Shrine Auditorium in September. (翻译:我们为他做了一张新唱片 是九月份在Shrine音乐厅演奏的.)

14. When, all of a sudden, a girl way in the back of the auditorium, she stood up and she said, "Miss! (翻译:然后突然, 礼堂最后面的一个女生 她站了起来 然后说:“老师!” )

15. As the speaker made a funny joke , peals of the laughter rang through the auditorium . (翻译:当演说者说了一个有趣的笑话时,响亮的笑声传遍了礼堂。)

词义:auditorium 是指一种宽敞的大厅,通常用于表演、讲演、等活动。



1. school auditorium 学校礼堂

2. concert auditorium 音乐会厅

3. lecture auditorium 演讲厅

4. theater auditorium 剧院厅

5. university auditorium 大学礼堂




1. The concert was held in the university auditorium. 音乐会在大学礼堂举行。

2. The school auditorium was filled with excited students. 学校礼堂里挤满了兴奋的学生。

3. The lecture auditorium was equipped with state-of-the-art technology. 演讲厅配备了最先进的技术设备。

4. The theater auditorium had luxurious seating and impressive sound system. 剧院厅带有豪华的座位和令人印象深刻的音响系统。

5. The concert hall has the largest auditorium in the city. 音乐厅拥有市内最大的礼堂。

6. The company held its annual meeting in the conference auditorium. 公司在会议厅举行了年度会议。

7. The city built a new auditorium for cultural events. 市建了一座新的礼堂用于文化活动。

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