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musical是什么意思 musical的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:11:43
  • 191

musical是什么意思 musical的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. She has a great musical talent and can play multiple instruments. (她有很强的音乐天赋,能演奏多种乐器。)

2. The Broadway production was a hit musical that ran for months. (百老汇的这部音乐剧非常受欢迎,连演数月。)

3. He loves to listen to classical music and attends many musical concerts. (他喜欢听古典音乐,经常去听音乐会。)




例句:Musical representations of CA evolutions (CA 进化的音乐表示 )


例句:They got like action, romance, comedy, thriller, mystery all in one... and these fantastic musical interludes that just break the reality. (mystery all in one... 里面的插曲也特别好听 and these fantastic musical interludes that just break the reality.)


例句:Is "seance" a musical theater work with operatic elements? (“seance”是不是一部带有歌剧元素的音乐剧作品呢? )


例句:At the second and three chapter, introducing some kinds of early HUQIN musical instruments and the HU WU RI musical instruments kinds. (翻译:第二、三章里介绍了几种早期胡琴类乐器和胡兀日的种类。)


musical一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在jukebox musical([网络] 点唱机音乐剧;点唱机式音乐剧)、musical ability([网络] 音乐能力;音乐才能)、musical accent(乐调重音)等常见短语中出现较多。

jukebox musical[网络] 点唱机音乐剧;点唱机式音乐剧
musical ability[网络] 音乐能力;音乐才能
musical accent乐调重音
musical accentuated[医] 音乐性杂音
musical accompaniment[体]音乐伴奏
musical accompaniments[体]音乐伴奏\n(musical accompaniment 的复数)
musical acoustics音乐声学
musical act音乐行为
musical agraphia[医] 音符书写不能


1. Is "seance" a musical theater work with operatic elements? (翻译:“seance”是不是一部带有歌剧元素的音乐剧作品呢? )

2. At the second and three chapter, introducing some kinds of early HUQIN musical instruments and the HU WU RI musical instruments kinds. (翻译:第二、三章里介绍了几种早期胡琴类乐器和胡兀日的种类。)

3. Musical Studies Centre in Santiago de Compostela (翻译:圣地亚哥·德·孔波斯特拉音乐教学中心简介)

4. Elva was born in a musical family in Taiyuan. (翻译:筱慧,出生于太原市一音乐之家。)

5. In the ranks of great musical stars, there have been singers, dancers musicians, even ice skaters. (翻译:In the ranks of great musical stars, there have been singers, dancers... 著名歌舞片明星之中,有歌手,有舞者, ...musicians, even ice skaters.)

6. The Goldsmiths were a lively, musical bunch. (翻译:戈德史密斯们是一大帮充满活力的音乐爱好者。)

7. I came from a musical family. (翻译:我来自一个音乐家庭。)

8. But what kind of compromise, when for the majority pure musical tonality is simply illusion, and truly pure musical intervals do not exist? (翻译:但是当大多数人都认为 纯净的音调音律 只是种幻想)

9. Might make a cute musical. (翻译:加入一些女孩子 或许做成一个可爱的音乐喜剧)

10. A reed from a musical instrument. (翻译:乐器上的 A reed from a musical instrument.)

11. And the motion-picture musical owes him a great deal. (翻译:And the motion -picture musical owes him a great deal. 而他对电影歌舞片的贡献尤其重大)

12. We now continue with a musical interlude. (翻译:我们回到节目中来 先放一段音乐插曲 自行车上的爸爸妈妈 1937年4月)

13. [ Betty Caldicott ] Meet... the musical... (翻译:[贝蒂考尔迪科特] 满足... 音乐剧...)

14. - You like your musical interludes (翻译:你喜欢那些插曲么 You like musical interludes)

15. ... forTheDancingCavalier, our first musical picture together. (翻译:因为这部歌舞骑士是我们合作的第一部歌舞片)






1. musical instrument:乐器

2. musical score:乐谱

3. musical talent:音乐天赋

4. musical performance:音乐表演

5. musical notation:乐符


1. musical chairs:抢椅子游戏

2. musical talent:音乐才华

3. musical theater:音乐剧场

4. musical notation:乐谱记号

5. musical director:音乐指挥

发音拼写:musical的发音为 ['mjuːzɪkl]。


1. She has a great musical talent and can sing beautifully. 她有很好的音乐天赋,唱歌非常好听。

2. The movie was adapted from a popular musical. 这部电影改编自一部广受欢迎的音乐剧。

3. He played the guitar and other musical instruments. 他会弹吉他和其他乐器。

4. The musical performance was outstanding and was enjoyed by everyone. 音乐表演非常出色,所有人都很喜欢。

5. She is an accomplished musician and has written several musical scores. 她是一位出色的音乐家,已经创作了几部乐谱。

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